Reviews for A Drop of Poison
Joy is overrated chapter 34 . 19h
I dislike how easy everyone keeps figuring things out, they take one massive leap of logic and somehow stay on it and find the truth. if he can copy walk talk etc, why not fighting style? because you couldnt write it. How is it that everyone can make logical plans and guesses but with everything he has studied and observe is still the same idiot from ch1? you are sandbaggin the hell out of this guy and you continue to dwngrade him every chapter. how stupid do you need him to be so you can write him?
Joy is overrated chapter 21 . 7/18
plz no, bringing that bum in on the prank makes no sense to me, why bring this loser in? he already had a network and still sucked at his job, he sucks at everything he touches. I guess you're gona build a lie around him and make him sound better than the trash he is, thats the only way this makes sense to me.
Katt31257 chapter 1 . 7/16
Lmao but this was surprisingly good
Katt31257 chapter 7 . 7/14
Bunny summons. REALLY?
KTaboo chapter 34 . 7/12
I am so happy that you are continuing this story! It is one of the most original stories I have ever read. Plus, the writing is phenomenal.
everHermione chapter 34 . 7/9
I love this story, and just finished reading for the 4th time. I don't mind how long it takes, just get better and come back when you can. I can't wait to see how Ebisu reacts to the prank!
Ravenclawninja chapter 33 . 7/8
I love this story!
It’s absolutely thrilling!
Can’t wait to see what happens next :)
TheReapedOne chapter 34 . 7/3
Hi, I was wondering are you planning to continue this story? I have greatly loved reading this story and I have read this so many times and it is still interesting to read. I am just curious if you are planning to continue this story or not and no pressure. Thanks
griffin blackwood chapter 34 . 7/2
This was fun to read in one go
JustaLonelyGuy chapter 1 . 6/27
Great story! I love absolutely everything about this! One of the best explored Kage Bushin stories for sure. f !Please don't abandon it
d1n0s chapter 34 . 6/25
Great story, looking forward to what you come up with next.
Lordkabooshki42 chapter 34 . 6/23
Bro, this story is great! It's kind of feels like you took a crack fic idea and turned it into a serious story. It's really cool how you balance the seriousness and the lightheartedness so well. And if life is hard on you, take as much time as you need! Your priorities come first! We'll be waiting for you when you return! And many thanks for writing this wonderful story!
codegreen3333 chapter 18 . 6/23
It's the clone troopers
stclairliam71 chapter 34 . 6/20
I honestly love this story to death. I do hope you continue on with writing this story!
StefAnnie chapter 13 . 6/20
Every time I read this story, I get the urge to laugh evilly. Naruto could practically rule the world at this point. I love this story so much. Well done, its a masterpiece.
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