Reviews for Harry Mewter
Uraharaisgod chapter 13 . 7/19
Just for laughs, would like to add that in the popular fan game Pokemon Reborn, there was a ditto who could transform into Arceus, so could use that as a basis for mew being able to (although again fan game, even if its a top quality one).
teruin42 chapter 20 . 7/17
For the omake: would it be better or worse if he turned into Hello Cthulhu?
Stormshadow13 chapter 24 . 6/16
This story was a very fun read. Loved it. And the way that you wrote all the characters.
00watataa chapter 3 . 5/25
Ron really should of been a Snorlax.
OrangeBloxxing chapter 1 . 4/29
I just wanted to point out that, rereading this after I found out multiple times exactly how the animadus potion is ACTUALLY brewed, I actually think this opening makes MORE sense, as opposed to another fic i read that did almost the exact same thing. In this i find it fitting that they didn't actually brew the correct potion, and the one they did just had similar effects to animagus potion.
animecutylover chapter 25 . 4/29
Oh wow. That is interesting.
animecutylover chapter 24 . 4/29
This was an interesting chapter and epilogue.
animecutylover chapter 21 . 4/28
I wonder what happened to Harry when he ran off in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

And Voldy sure isn’t taking chances and acting fast.

Lol. Poor Twilight.
animecutylover chapter 20 . 4/28
I really wonder if Voldy can transform too. That would be bad.
animecutylover chapter 19 . 4/28
Where did the original Mew hair/fur even come from? If it was from the Pokemon world, how did it get to the HP world, and how did the trio get it?
animecutylover chapter 17 . 4/28
Harry can dance? When did he learn it?
animecutylover chapter 16 . 4/28
That chamber was creepy.
animecutylover chapter 14 . 4/28
People think Harry might swing both ways? Lol. I’m not even sure about that. This Mew-Harry could be asexual. Since Mew apparently don’t have gender.

Did Harry look into the future a little with the prediction of being the champion of Hogwarts?
animecutylover chapter 13 . 4/28
Huh. I wonder why they’re all glowing.
animecutylover chapter 12 . 4/28
Poor Harry.

And there’s more trouble to come even though he’s not feeling all that well or Mew-like.
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