Reviews for Contact
jayfeather63 chapter 20 . 9/5/2017
I loved this chapter. It was very insightful on everyone's characters. Conyuu will always be one of my favorite ships so I enjoy it when more reasons are given to why they're great together lol. But the main focus of this chapter was Yuuri and it was great. :)
KitElizaKing chapter 20 . 9/5/2017
Thank you for this wonderful take on Yuuri's life struggle to be normal-or what he thinks normal should be. Its so hard to try to conform to societal expectations when you stand outside of them as a part of who you are. I'm so glad that Yuuri is accepting himself finally in your story, and that he has found someone who accepts him as well. I enjoyed your take on this.
unspecifiedaccount chapter 20 . 9/2/2017
This was just wonderful! It's been a while since I've read any new ConYuu content anyway (and a while since I've written any... guess I'm also on 'hiatus'), but I think I would have loved this chapter regardless. Awesome stuff.
bleachTHEsky chapter 20 . 9/2/2017
Pyrrhic! Was so happy to see that you updated! KKM is the fandom I always come back to, despite how much I've grown up and changed since entering the fandom, so I can definitely relate. I believe it may have the ability to chemically alter brains. (So, like, we're doomed forever.)

This was a bit heartbreaking, but simultaneously so fulfilling because Yuuri is exactly where he is meant to be, because it's what he chose. I suppose in an environment where conformity is prized above individuality, it's hard to see what makes you different as a GOOD thing, because instead you just feel singled out. Being a king though... what a way to make a person reach their full potential! I'm sitting here at work typing this rn and getting emotional, because Yuuri is older than ME, now, and he's such a good man, and he's done such good for Shin Makoku, and I'm so proud of him, and sdjahskskaja

Also like I love how you mentioned the others and his perspective on it, because as much as I love everyone it is easy to forget sometimes that they have deeply entrenched flaws that can honestly really damaging to have. But Yuuri acknowledges them, and loves them anyways. (MY BOY ;_;)

GOOD JOB making me feel things when I'm supposed to be getting people drunk. Thanks so much for posting this, because it's really lovely and sweet and made me happy. Also, I am going to be in Japan in November and I'm really hoping to find the KKM game SOMEWHERE god it has haunted me for YEARS being unable to play it GOD
ItStartsWithZ chapter 19 . 3/22/2017
i love it! this was really written wellkudos!
bleachTHEsky chapter 19 . 10/21/2016
Here, have my love- all of it. I miss you, come back to me!

*ahem* That's what I would say to this fic, were it a person. I have just been feeling really nostalgic about KKM recently, and after re-reading Ephemera (seriously, I haven't forgiven you for that) I came here to cheer me up. Boy, was the image of a little baby bird perching on Conrad's chest while Yuuri fusses over them just exactly what I needed. Also, Wolf... we feel your pain. Fandom has been yelling at these two eggs for yEARS.

On that note, just wanted to pop in to throw some general love in your direction. Hope you're doing well, and thanks again for posting all your lovely fics! They're good for my soul.
halfbloodworthy chapter 19 . 7/31/2016
Did you know you're the best writer on this website? You didn't? Well now you do.
halfbloodworthy chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
Wonderfully written! Loved it!
ilko chapter 8 . 9/22/2015
Oh, Wolfram. :( But he's grown up a bit, and better for it, as are Conrad and Yuuri.
ilko chapter 7 . 9/22/2015
Sometimes the loveliest moments are also the simplest ones. This made my heart smile.
Kiki chapter 19 . 10/16/2013
omfg chduvhdufeyuw this update is so CUTE! X'C I love all of these but this one was adorable, Wolfram was really well written and didn't stick out like a sore thumb like he usually does in conyuu writing, and I got such a sad pain in my chest when I realized it wasn't all fluff and that Yuuri was acting this way because Conrad was hurt. vhdufgehufheu I was so worried for a moment that Yuuri was talking to a /grave/ instead of an injured Conrad. :CCC

Amazing as always X'C /hearts Thank you so much for writing! ;u;
loopyhutton chapter 19 . 9/17/2013
Just found! I've read all the chapters & I LOVED IT! Hope you continue the story at some point!
arelando chapter 19 . 9/15/2013
Love it, love it LOVE IT! I'm a huge fan of this pairing (too bad ther're not many fan-fics about them :'( ) anyway awesome writing skills and the interaction between this two handsome gentlemen. Can there be a one shot about conrart being I don't know jealous and possesive please! Its always from other fan-fics yuuri being the one to be a tiny bit jealous.
aida135 chapter 19 . 9/15/2013
You are back! Miss your writing so much! Such cute re-entrance chapter :)
zanganito chapter 19 . 9/14/2013
I liked the part with Wolfram secretly calling the bird Reginald and then taking him at the end. lol
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