Reviews for A Chance Encounter
NarutoTunisia chapter 12 . 8/2
she's weak af
NarutoTunisia chapter 11 . 8/2
just use a freaking water technique already!
gogo bananas chapter 1 . 6/30
"beautiful young girl" DAWG SHES 12 WHAT THE FUCK
unizgabrielle chapter 1 . 6/22
How stupid of them to state aloud what's supposed to be top secret. Kabuto is more cautious than that
SeleneMoon27 chapter 36 . 11/8/2019
Shame the past few chapters is rushed but at least it was finished unlike others leaving us readers hanging.
good fic writer-san thanks!
Skye1331 chapter 36 . 10/28/2019
This was amazing! I love BAMF Sakura stories with romance with someone unexpected! Pluuusss I thought Bayard was good looking too lol
nerdymom827 chapter 36 . 8/19/2019
I honestly never thought of Hayate and Sakura... and I'm a multiSaku fan! This was so fun to read, fluffy enough for my soft heart, yet exciting scenes that kept my interest easily. Thank you!
NJoliaL chapter 36 . 7/29/2019
I loved reading this. Thank you, Author-chan, for this amazing story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/8/2019
Brilliant, brilliant story. I read this years ago and still liked it but I love the re-write. The characters are believable and so was the romance. So happy you chose this couple. I could go on and on. It was just an easy and fun read with the right amount of character and lot development.

You’ve been so committed to this fic and fandom so thank you! It’s truly appreciated. I’m going to check out your other stories - so happy to see you’ve updated recently.

El-Jay92 (too tired to sign in haha)
Nyxie-pixie chapter 36 . 6/18/2019
A damn good read
Guest chapter 36 . 6/6/2019
mycookiesgaara chapter 36 . 1/30/2019
So this is something I didn't know I wanted. Something I didn't know I needed. And didn't know I would like, but I liked this story. I like how the relationship between Sakura and Hayate started off subtle and then slowly progressed and the story went on. it wasn't just like bam 'this girl saved my life so I love her'. and I like that he offered to train her as thanks for her saving him. so thanks for the story, I kinda want to find more Hayate stories, because we didn't get to know him very long in the anime and I feel as he is underappreciated because of that. I would have liked to get Hayate as more then just the proctor who coughed a lot
ItsMeMarissaaa chapter 36 . 1/24/2019
This is so fudging cute! I loved it!
Bisque-Ware chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
I'm finding what Genma said pretty disturbing. A 20 yr old with a 13 yr old is pedophilia and disgusting. Why would he even jump to that conclusion? I sure hope he meant for the future.
HatakeSaku chapter 36 . 12/29/2018
Are you planning an epilogue?
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