Reviews for re S I N H E A R T
impertinentfool chapter 12 . 4/1
I remember reading this when I was younger, when I was still in the eight grade back in 2014. I liked the concept so much and thought that Ming was interesting, although she gave off Mary Sue vibes (now she reminds me a bit of Giyu Tomioka from Demon Slayer, cold on the outside but actually really awkward when you get to know them better. Also, if you haven't watched Demon Slayer yet, please watch it).

Anyways, it would've been so cool to see the Yao siblings reunite. And the Ed/Ming, I was fascinated back then. It was the first time I've seen a truly SUBTLE romance that tested the waters instead of outright saying or implying that yes, Character A would fall in love with Character B and vice versa. I don't know if that's what you were going for, but there were moments that implied that Ed was infatuated with Ming and wanted to keep her by his side, while Ming was so emotionally-stunted a bit that I thought there'd be no way she could ever entertain the thought of falling in love, especially with Ed.

So yeah, I'm curious about that Ed/Ming ending that you have, although I think you won't update ever again, I hope you see this. Kudos to you for acknowledging that you've matured and grown and therefore, realized that this story isn't really something you want to continue. Thank you, I guess.
eseer chapter 12 . 3/21
now i'm sad.
ZacianZamazenta chapter 12 . 1/28
Awww I really wish that you hadn't just skipped to the end I want to know how she... you know went and what happened between I liked the end and all but I just wish I got to see what was in between
miso-misi chapter 12 . 1/2
i really like the end
thank you for writing it
DarkLordZargon chapter 12 . 10/21/2019
This displeases me. Ming could have gone far as a character, but to make a jump like the final chapter just feels unjustified.
Guest chapter 12 . 2/26/2019
Fuck. * insert meme I don’t know why I’m crying in the club right now*
MiharuTousaka chapter 12 . 11/22/2018
Well, it was great while it lasted, I just wish I could have read all the in between as welln ;
evergreen dryad chapter 12 . 11/21/2018
I really enjoyed your story, thank you for writing and letting us see the epilogue! I only just read this story today, but of all SIOC fics yours came out refreshing! (Maybe it's due to FMAB's nature, but I really did enjoy your writing) I'd love to see the alternate ending, do please post it!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/18/2018

Is tragedy your middle name

Where did the in-between go

Like we go from investigation to dead in a tiny time

Cuz u were lazy
Guest chapter 8 . 10/18/2018
I know a wild envy when I see one

Resembool ming is envy I think
NerdyMcNerderson chapter 12 . 10/18/2018
Boi I wished you’d finish this I was looking forward to Ling and Ming’s reunion you sadden me
Guest chapter 12 . 10/12/2018
Guest chapter 12 . 9/21/2018
Better than nothing i suppose.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
Excellent birth sequence.
Liliah221BS chapter 12 . 9/13/2018
Wtf. I would have been fine with her dying. But you explained nothing about what happened. One chapter she’s visiting greed the next she’s dead like wtf. It makes no sense and it just seems like really lazy writing
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