Reviews for Thanksgiving Turkey Surprise
JoeMerl chapter 2 . 6/23/2011
I'm sorry, but this story just doesn't make much sense. Things just sort of happen randomly. They see the spaceship on TV, and then instantly it's at their front door. How? Even if the parade's in the same city that seems random and fast. Why were Will's hands covered in moisturizer? Then the Plutonians are just randomly afraid of Zim and Amethyst, allowing them to save the day in a story that's not about them, and the Plutonians have a time-reversal machine-it's just one deus ex machina after another.

Even the declared moral of the story doesn't make much sense to me. Why exactly did Paige assume the day would be boring, just because Amethyst wouldn't be there? And we're supposed to read this as her being "punished" for wanting the day to be excited? It just doesn't fit. And overall the story just came off as too quick, rushing through the plot without taking the time to develop it well.
Bloody-Black-Soul chapter 2 . 1/19/2011
this chapter was really hilarious. I loved the Plunger of Doom part. I laughed at that part and my mother looked at me like I was insane, lol.

Well, I shall now review your drawings *bows and exits*
Chocoholic-Wallflower chapter 2 . 1/18/2011
Aww, I love happy endings! And YAY, your comic is finished! I'm gonna go look at it right now! :D

And Allee really reminds of Mindy from "Animaniacs". Seriously, it's true. :P
Chocoholic-Wallflower chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
Judging by the cover for the story, and how Invader Zim is a cartoon, I'll say; YES, it will be exciting! :D

And poor Thistle, he's under the weather. :(
Bloody-Black-Soul chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
well well well Paige, you really should be careful for what you wish for, lol.

And poor Thistle, he has a cold.