Reviews for Do as the Middle-Earthlings Do
FireInLife chapter 15 . 7/19
Hope you are doing okay.

Anyways, just wanted to throw my theory out there on Sakura's condition. I'm guessing that what happened is that Sakura's inability to control her chakra is mostly the result of her own mind. As in, through killing the Nazgul, its ring claimed Sakura as its new master. And as a result, it's blocking her ability to access her chakra. Like Gandalf theorized, the ring gives one an illusion of power when worn, but makes its master feel weak when not worn. So basically, Sakura has come to believe she can't use her chakra, and thus she can't.

The reason she became able to use it through her legs was because she did it on instinct, unconsciously. And once she realized she COULD access her chakra in that way, she was able to do it again.

I imagine in the future, Sakura would regain her ability to use her full chakra if she wears the ring.

(Course, I could just be on the wrong track, and it is just that both of Sakura's arms have been too badly damaged - even the elves admit that they can't fully heal Frodo's injury, and that Frodo will have that scar for the rest of his life, so makes sense that they couldn't heal her chakra system there).
luke.lindenfelser1 chapter 15 . 7/8
Please update this story is very interesting i would like to see how the story continues especially with the ring.
Neurotell chapter 15 . 6/24
i loved this. what a treat! wonder what's going to happen with the ring...
SevenChaoticNinjas chapter 15 . 6/23
Hehe ummmmmm May we have an update soon if your still using this account and writing... pleaaaaaase!
rawberry chapter 15 . 5/13

Thank you for the story. Sakura LOTR is just about the perfect combination for me. I think you did a good job improving on the previous attempt, especially adding the material from the book. I'm not as big a fan of the suffering/losing power aspect, I like BAMF Sakura more, but that's just my two cents. I hope you return some day to finish it. Thank you for sharing your story :)
Lochagos chapter 15 . 4/10
Just wanted to add my own comment to the others who have written similarly. This whole story was written brilliantly with such well thought out characters and world-building and had me gripped from beginning to end. While I do not know what caused you to take such a long break from writing this story do know that (most of us at least) hold no ill will towards you for it. We all await the next chapter of this story with bated breath, no matter when it arrives.
Calliope56 chapter 15 . 2/23
Just popped in here to say that you story is awesome (not only in plot but also in writing) and that if you ever decide to return, you’ve got a bunch of people here who will still read whatever you write.
ppubl chapter 15 . 1/1
This story is great, it is a shame it seems abandoned. All characters are nicely fleshed out and interact in complex ways. Well done!
If you decide to continue, I will definitely read it.
KaKashi's Okami chapter 15 . 8/10/2019
This is pretty good
Soupercan chapter 15 . 5/30/2019
While I'm not holding a lot of hope, I've seen fics update after a longer hiatus and this is the sort of fic worth waiting for.

Whatever happens, it was good while it lasted and I hope the realities of life aren't the reason you stopped writing!
Soupercan chapter 13 . 5/30/2019
Honestly, at this point I'm surprised Sakura hasn't swapped to 'name, rank, serial number' for all her responses.

She's been stripped, had all her weapons taken away from her, nobody is telling her ANYTHING, and now she's been placed under guard, imprisoned and bound. She also hasn't seen this 'Gandalf' guy who she had previously been promised to both be there and be her most likely ride home.
Soupercan chapter 12 . 5/30/2019
It's hard for me to decide whether Sakura's training should maker her more or less susceptible to the influence of Middle Earth's magical jewellery. On the one hand, you'd think she'd be well acquainted with the idea of 'mind influence bad!' considering all the mental affecting techniques there are. On the other hand she's still brought up in a society that holds physical prowess above all else, and having something trying to magically convince her it can make her stronger after she's lost so much would definitely be an issue.
Soupercan chapter 11 . 5/30/2019
Best use of the 'stone throw distraction' idea I've EVER seen! Had me chuckling for a good few minutes over something so simple. I LOVED the guards' reactions to it, only for you to turn it into something else entirely with Pippin.

"Don't worry my little readers; I will answer all in time."

Hmm, last update is from 4 years ago...

Well, I suppose you never said how MUCH time.
Soupercan chapter 7 . 5/30/2019
The whole 'speed' aspect of the Naruto setting's ninjas is, in some ways, a HUGE game changer for practically ANY sort of 1v1 encounter.

Either you're quick enough to keep up, or your vitals are having a bad day.
Soupercan chapter 6 . 5/30/2019
Sakura. The teenage, pink haired, somewhat small and thin girl...

Playing the bad cop to Aragorn's tired, wild, tough, dangerous, world weary, armed old man's good cop.

To buy a pony.

This isn't something I ever thought I'd read, but I'm damn glad I did!
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