Reviews for Aoi's Love Challenges
Guest chapter 24 . 7/28
I can relate to Ikaruga hahahaha
Guest chapter 29 . 5/19/2019
Hello can you make a chapter where oga Tatsumi smiled for the first time because of aoi kunieda. and I want to see that oga Kiss aoi And say 'I truly love you kunieda' pleaseeeeee
Guest chapter 29 . 1/20/2019
So, about the next chapter...
melmel chapter 29 . 11/22/2018
OMG! This story was amazing in grasping Beelzebub and each character's personality! Oga did not sound OOC and Aoi was very amusing to read with her interactions. I just wish you could go back and continue this work, despite it being a couple years since you last updated. I would love to read more of what you develop on the plot and future interactions between this newly found couple.
Goku 124 chapter 2 . 6/29/2018
Nice story. As in the original series nothing serious happened between aoi and oga i expected to read a good fanfic but could not find any. But this is really awesome. Thank you
girrr chapter 1 . 5/28/2018
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 29 . 5/7/2018
No way... That's it..? Did you seriously leave the story on such a cliffhanger?!
Well... it's been ~4,5 years since the last update and you didn't leave any notes to go on, so I can assume the story is dead.
I honestly can't put the disappointment I'm feeling into words. This had way too much potential to be left like that...
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 28 . 5/5/2018
I can't believe I'm already at the last chapter! T_T
This is by far the best Oga/Aoi story on this platform and I'm as good as done with it! I almost don't wanna read the last chapter... :(
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 24 . 5/4/2018
Could the coming chapters be the part where "the rating may go up"? (smiles slyly)
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 21 . 5/4/2018
The moment where Ogas dad revealed the thousand copies I half expected Oga to instantly "Zebul-Blast" them all to hell. xD
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 18 . 5/4/2018
Man, this is really keeping me on the edge of my seat! Really great story so far! However, with all that commotion going on, the title "Operation: Kiss" has become somewhat inaccurate.
As usual, just a minor detail that only a know-it-all smartass such as myself would notice.
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 12 . 5/3/2018
Well, honestly...
IF Oga ever were to be getting into a relationship with someone I just can't imagine him to struggle any differently from how he did in this chapter. He simply is that incredibly dense guy, but he's also honest and he always faces his problems head-on. So taking all that into consideration I think you really did fit his character into this kind of situation perfectly. Great job on that part! I only have some minor issues with the grammar. But, as always, if the story itself is as captivating as this, I could hardly care less about the grammar.
Fredrickson the 96th chapter 2 . 5/3/2018
This looks promising. Can't wait to rifle through the next chapters!
Guest chapter 29 . 4/10/2018
Please continue, I wanna read about them beating ass as a couple and making babies
Aoimi chapter 29 . 3/20/2018
This chapter and the whole story is made in a delicate sense. It had a great plot, it was very imaginative, it was relatable, it was truly Oga and Kunieda as a ship. I really enjoyed reading it and I'm not the type to be pleased that easily. All the scenes had this vulnerable yet humorous approach which is something not a lot of fanfics or even books have. Even if they did, sometimes it wasn't this pleasing. It was truly a delight to read and I can't help but to emphasise such. I'm looking forward to more of this and perhaps we can get a follow up like say they were married or so. This is one provocative and adamant story. Repiece, you're a brilliant genius!
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