Reviews for All Will Be In Order
noraborealis chapter 6 . 9/15
This was such a great read. The three main characters- Remus, Molly, and Sirius- all are so dynamic, true to their canon selves, distinct from each other, compelling and lovable. I particularly enjoyed how Molly and Remus' relationship evolved over time.
Athena2019 chapter 6 . 8/26
So after realizing that this story exists and I had somehow missed it, I went back and read it, and I just want to say that it is absolutely excellent! And it functions as a perfect prequel to the Kaleidescope series, helping to explain a lot of Remus' trauma and shame. You do such a great job of showing how much hardship he's faced, how hard he tries to put on a polite and impassive face for the world, and how much that costs him. And the growing friendship between him and Molly was lovely and touching-it makes perfect sense that Molly would have some prejudices (she does have concerns about Arthur being in that hospital room with a werewolf that one time, and Ron's "Get away from me, werewolf!" didn't come out of nowhere), but that her kind heart would win out once she got to know Remus (and plus, who could fail to love Remus-he's so lovable). Anyway, I just wanted to say how lovely this was!
AshenMoon42 chapter 6 . 6/6
Aww! I adore all the relationships going on here, and how Molly changes her mind about Remus. Your writing is great! :)
ROSIEB chapter 5 . 5/25
I haven't read any fanfictions in the last 7 years and I feel like your writing just warms my soul. This story is great the characters are so faithful to the books. I can't wait to read more from you!
Bluestocking chapter 5 . 4/20
Hot damn. Are you secretly JK Rowling, but with far more empathy and insight into her characters? This is 125% the best fic I've ever read. Everyone is spot-on. I always struggled reading OotP because of how OOC certain characters felt from their previous appearances (Sirius) but you actually paint a realistic portrait here of a slow descent into gloom. There are so many beautiful character details-Sirius & Remus at the window, Molly seeing Lupin's bedroom, Sirius's concern for Remus, questions of trust, the BOOK RACE, that feel like deleted scenes that should've been in the books the whole time. My god, you are a true talent. I was surprised and delighted at your attention to character detail. I hope you are still writing and will always be.
HooflePoof chapter 2 . 1/19
This is FANTASTIC writing. I've read this fanfic (and the Remus x Tonks ones that follow) about a million times, and I'm always amazed at how well you're able to capture the voice of the characters. Molly is truly one of my favorite characters and this chapter did her justice (probably more-so than J.K. ever did... except MAYBE for that one bit about Bellatrix hurting Ginny, that was wild).
Alternatively chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
So I was supposed to be doing a whole lot of things yesterday, and instead I spent the day curled up in the sun reading your entire back catalogue. Beautiful writing, compelling, and I'm more in love with the whole lot of them now than I was before, which is quite a feat. This read like breathing; I mostly didn't notice I was reading at all I was just THERE. Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/2/2019
This is so excellent! Hope you write a sequel.
Gaby Black chapter 6 . 10/23/2018
I loved this! I loved the scene between Remus and Sirius where Remus says he does not want to lose Sirius again. And how Molly came around. Well done! Adding this to favourites.
Gaby Black chapter 3 . 10/22/2018
I like the twins' admiration of the Marauders! And Molly's first reaction to Remus makes sense and seems in character to me. After all, it's not like 100 per cent of Harry's friends and Order members were going to be perfectly fine with being around a werewolf. Great job!
VampirateLycan chapter 6 . 7/25/2018
I loved this.
MoonytheMarauder1 chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
This was fantastic! I really enjoy your stories, and look forward to reading more!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/28/2017
The ending was simply amazing, the way they all bombarded him with questions...Uour Remus Lupin is so much in character that I'm amazed, I have given up hope of finding the story that doesn't ruin his character. well done.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/28/2017
He's just been through a transformation and he's sorry he could not be of much use...That's so Remus like but so heart breaking at the same time. I love it that you show how reluctant remus is to accept help, he doesn't even walkup stairs if someone is watching and that's a real sign of how he's unwilling to show his vulnerability.I understand him so well, I bet we would have been good friends.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/28/2017
"Just ask the Goblins" is my favourite phrase along with "Kreacher hates all of us equally". That part where Remus teaches the children that spell was brilliant. I loved how suprised Remus was that people actually found what he did for the order last time so useful that it's even become a case study. He really desrves some more appreciation as he's so used to being avoided and even chapter.
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