Reviews for Ponies One Half
raw666 chapter 125 . 7/28
Glad to see an update after so long. Keep up the great work.
Final Genesis chapter 125 . 7/27
Geez Kuno, watermelon is good for you! I especially like eating the seedless kind!

This is Final Genesis, signing out!
Aoi Usa chapter 125 . 7/26
Oh wow... I thought this would be just one chapter and not two chapter for this to be completed the Melon arc. But I’m not upset because new chapter to read!
phantom00 chapter 125 . 7/26
It’s alive! It’s alive!
Plumalchemyst chapter 125 . 7/26
Lasse2731 chapter 125 . 7/26
it is alive I have hoped you would make a new chapter
Guest chapter 102 . 7/10
Madame St. Paul: This girl is nuttier then the chef's fruit cake!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2
I know you're doing the manga version but could you do the movie versions as well? Big Trouble in Nekonron China and Nihoao my Concubine!
isis424 chapter 124 . 1/16
xenahort x chapter 124 . 10/24/2019
i hope this storie dont end soon!
Final Genesis chapter 124 . 9/15/2019
Well, training is important! And sooner or later, Shingo, Megumi, Arashi and Hiro will end up joining the group of insane but merry group of wreckers and ponies...

This is Final Genesis, signing out!
jboy44 chapter 124 . 8/8/2019
two chapters and they are less then a month apart new record
Major Simi chapter 124 . 8/7/2019
well more than a bit cliche but still nice but also a bit anticlimactic and there. anyway great chapter
Plumalchemyst chapter 124 . 8/7/2019
lol deadpool
Aoi Usa chapter 124 . 8/6/2019
And it’s just another day for the anime club vs discord… until next time.… sorry I couldn’t help it. I’m happy for another update of Ponies One Half. Can you have Seito and the rival brigade in the next chapter please? Emi and Shou as well? Please and thank you.
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