Reviews for For Services Rendered
foureyesfreak27 chapter 3 . 9/1/2019
I'm like rereading your old stories after God knows how long it has been and remembered just how much I enjoyed reading your fanfics even after all these years! Hope you're doing well!
xcandiedoll chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
Ahh. Just dropping by. I finally re-read this fanfic after so many years. This stuck with me for around 8 years now. I'll always remember this, whenever Ryoma and Sakuno comes to my mind.

Very brilliant. I wish you know how happy I was with this fanfic especially during my teenage years hahanow, I 'm old and grey lol. This is sooo perfect. Thank you so much! You are very talented. I wish for you to write more. Regards
MollyMuffinHead chapter 20 . 12/24/2018
I enjoyed this story immensely. It's the first I've read of this pairing. I've only read the guys paired up. I'm glad I read this one first. Felt sorry for Fuji, but it either clicks or it doesn't. Thanks for the story. It was a great ride.
ryosakuaddictioneternal chapter 2 . 10/26/2018
When I missed RyoSaku and had to fill it with Bunny-san's works although i had read these fics years ago..
I have always love Ryoma here.. Banzai!
Hinate chapter 20 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
that kinda give chills em knowing since beginning n always been in love with each other... n waiting subconsciously but! damn need more scenes awww it ended Soooo early... mouuuu rawr! want moaaar! anyways been a while I guess RyoSaku forever... is just love and life...
I love you
Hinate chapter 19 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
needed! more scenes! mouuuu this chapter left me hanging unsatisfied... rawr! I'm frustrated now... damn
Hinate chapter 18 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
I feel ya Ryoma... my heart been racinh this whole chapter... was too much lol and poor Ryoma nab Sakuno lol... my heart still up high...
Hinate chapter 17 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
damn poor old man nanji I feel it man lol and Ryoma it'd be opposite if ya give her commitment she'd be really happy! lol
Hinate chapter 16 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
yay finally Nanjirou here damn I love him... he sure loves is ranked somewhere in top among us RyoSaku ...
Hinate chapter 15 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
though Sakuno what she said on last chapter really is something I think she feels from bottom of her heart... Oki though there sure are times I wanna kill Tomoka though I guess it's coz she never met him b4 mmmm anyways meh I sure get irritated and I don't like kevin as well...
Hinate chapter 14 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
that was awesome Sakuno is op too op that was literally something! man yelling to the whole world like that for him and more, and I get you Ryoma lol she totally got him in... even tennis is not going to be something in front of her... lol
Hinate chapter 13 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
Ryoma sure is kinda dense all he needs to do is tell her he wants her for real... though he doesn't even need to do that b4 she'll give him her everything... but at least that'll help with her insecurity... of unknown future
Hinate chapter 12 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
what is a pimp actually I forgot it maybe or at least what I remember is kinda weird o.o
Hinate chapter 11 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
sigh stupid horio! since the first time I read this I've always hated Horio! for ruining this moment geez! stupid nab Horio! I can complain about it all day...
Hinate chapter 10 . 3/2/2018
RyoSaku forever...
lol he sure misses her... this chapter I was like WTH was all that mess it wasn't in half ummmn kinda made my heart race all that extra I read some mostly skipped though idk how I never saw it before or just didn't pay attention to it b4 this time I tried going there and reading again the review party but lol I can't wait to read next chapter... and im kinda jealous not being mentioned in that review party lol... so going next chap
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