Reviews for Princess of the Blacks
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19
this is my favorite fanfiction. i think that this is like my 8th reread.
ArkhCthuul chapter 35 . 6/19
Dumbledore should decide if he has an immensely high or low opinion of Jens abilities, one day.

I Eman at once she's the future dark lady converting Sirius, and then he doesn't see she sees that with Fudge subtlety can achieve more, or realize his incredibly obvious and forced actions re, well, his?

Aside from dumbledork Ann excellent read.

Thank you.
ArkhCthuul chapter 34 . 6/19
With a little less... Cold that omake would have been even more terrible.

Also, honestly, I expected Jen to go for a forced recruitment and come out well... For a time
ArkhCthuul chapter 29 . 6/19
Well, that is surely not going to. Come back to Haut her. Nono... :)
ArkhCthuul chapter 27 . 6/19
While that theoretically does make sense it does NOT in a setting yiu changed to ANY dark magic actively corrupting the user

You can't have both and expect not to lose Sod, sorry.
ArkhCthuul chapter 26 . 6/19
Honestly, given that Dumbledore now at least has. Enough info to assume how horrible her life was AND self fulfilling prophecies are a thing, he should know that all he is doing is reinforcing what already happened.

Neat though showing that Light here does not equal Good in the least.
ArkhCthuul chapter 24 . 6/14
OK, she seemed to show she's the Warden to zabinis white Court vampire, without realizing it.

Are you importing Dresden?
Cause bur ING down the house IS a valid solution to many a problem:)
ArkhCthuul chapter 23 . 6/13
Oh, but you have it wrong, it's h. P. Who belongs to nyarlarthotep... :p

Also, liked the interaction with Luna, but what was the 9legged thing about?
ArkhCthuul chapter 20 . 6/12
Sorry, but simply removing her eyes and regenerating them via overwhelming magic would work too.

Sadly you make the classic mistake of making the background fit the story instead of the other way around. But aside from that, neat.
ArkhCthuul chapter 19 . 6/12
This is how you do it.

Excellent chapter, including the loot claiming.
ArkhCthuul chapter 18 . 6/12
Nope, hell just continue to be Reborn.
Phoenix es cheat.

And dang, that wasn't dark,. That was. Outright malicious. Sigh... And I had thought she had read the overlord list in the future and sent it back :P
ArkhCthuul chapter 17 . 6/12
Hmmmm, not a bad chapter.

I like your interpretation of Lunas abilities a lot, in case I haven't mentioned it.

And fleurs. Effects... Ouch, that will bite her in the... Well.
ArkhCthuul chapter 16 . 6/12
Not the ministry, should have.

Honestly, details. Aside from "Jens life sucks and woe is her" seem to be almost all "make it up as I go along".

Too bad.
ArkhCthuul chapter 14 . 6/12
Hey, and it took her only a few weeks after. Getting into the school that HEALS ALL THINGS. FOR. FREE to get. To. It.

Ugh. Heck,. Even getting lesser magical eyes is easy given the Black's money.
Also I. Don't think this. Way to force her to become a duotriwizard works in world or outside.
ArkhCthuul chapter 13 . 6/12
I don't see it.

What has being easy to anger, hating bullies and throwing lightning to do with vodoo being thought of as black? Or was that her tk move before that?

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