Reviews for The Havoc side of the Force
misteryman526 chapter 23 . 23h
It occurs to me that since Harry now knows that Tyrannus was easily recognized by a Jedi, he could just have a droid compare his face with all known Jedi or their close associates and come up with Dooku's real name that way.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/17
went shit hate this chapther
Inconclusive chapter 24 . 7/17
This is great.
FireDragon484 chapter 24 . 7/16
Ah man, I loved the confrontation between Axl and Harry. With Harry's tendency to excessively escalate... everything to a ridiculous point, it was only a matter of time before his cockiness got the better of him. Looking forwards to what he and the Mandalorians will get up to!
FireDragon484 chapter 23 . 7/16
"Good Cop, Bad Cop, Psychotic Cop"

Niiiiiice, haven't heard that one before but it certainly suits Obi Wan, Harry, and HK
FireDragon484 chapter 22 . 7/16
Duuuude, being pinned via spike in leg, battling a Sith Lord, cutting off then replacing then reattaching a leg? Harry is a fricken badass
FireDragon484 chapter 15 . 7/16
We stan Sinube for being the first Jedi master to treat Harry w/ respect
FireDragon484 chapter 13 . 7/16
Huh, the explanation that Harry is actually in the far past makes sense, given that a time turner was involved. I wonder what that means for the Star Wars movies back in Harry's original time though. Would they be sheer coincidence, non-existent, or the brainchild of an alien who knows about the Jedi & everything in the canon Star Wars universe?
FireDragon484 chapter 11 . 7/16
"Pride and dignity were priceless to those who had never possessed them."

Dang bro, that's def a quoteable line
FireDragon484 chapter 8 . 7/16
Ayyyy Anakin! Maybe this time Harry can raise him properly b/c the Jedi did a *wonderful* job of screwing him up in canon Star Wars
FireDragon484 chapter 5 . 7/16
Really appreciate the formatting, btw. Having certain words italicized helps me understand which words Harry is unfamiliar with or which words are English, not to mention reading HK-47's 'translations' are hilarious.
FireDragon484 chapter 4 . 7/16
Ahhhh I love HK-47 already!
FireDragon484 chapter 2 . 7/16
Geez, with disrupted magic ritual time turner portkey, I'm not surprised things went sideways. I wonder what happened to Bellatrix?
FireDragon484 chapter 1 . 7/16
Robbing Death Eaters & similar corrupt people blind? That's genius, I wholeheartedly approve. The question is, does Hermione? I know she got the money for her campaign from somewhere, but she's always been portrayed as a stickler for rules and this def breaks the law.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/16
love it
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