Reviews for Souls Without
kurapikachu chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
I read this a while ago and then I watched the first few episodes of the His Dark Materials show and remembered this story. At first I couldn't find it anywhere, but I have now found it!
Guest chapter 101 . 11/4/2019
I enjoyed seeing the detail you put into their daemons and the effects of having one. It’s so normal to see an animal companion beside you that the Espada felt even more intimidating and chilling. It was easier for me to see that they were irreparably broken souls compared to canon and you somehow managed to make Ulquiorra creepier as well. Congrats on completing this. I enjoyed the ride.
Simply Christian chapter 101 . 10/25/2019
So, after you finished, I decided to go back the beginning and reread the whole thing so I could leave a better review.
This being the only daemon-fic I’ve ever read, I have little experience with the genre, but the concept is interesting. All the daemons looked like they were good fits to represent a person’s soul, and you did well in choosing a wide variety of animals.

A few standouts:
Toshiro’s was good in that he got a good calling out from Tmira on while he was mature for his age, he still had growing up to do, and that was why she had not settled on a form yet.
Also, starting the chapter off with “Toshiro (Hitsugaya-taicho!)” was hilarious!

All the elder captains were well-done, from Kyoraku’s lazy-yet-dangerous bear to the graceful lethality of Unohana’s snow leopard, each one was a perfect fit.
Kurotsuchi’s daemon was well-chosen in that its appearance is visually unnerving to many, and it fits Mayuri’s character that he would experiment with it and find a way to keep it away from him. The lack of daemon further enhances how off-putting the mad scientist is to those around him.
It was a nice touch for the full names of the more duplicitous and cunning shinigami to be concealed. It’s interesting that while Aizen, Gin, and even Kyoraku did this, the shady shopkeeper Urahara didn’t.

It was interesting to see the effect of Hollowfication on shinigami’s daemons; much like their person, they also go through a transformation to increase their strength.
And it was heartbreaking to see their reactions the first time they wake up as Visoreds; it really is horrifying to not recognize the manifestation of your own soul, and to have them not recognize you.

Seeing Kyoraku feel guilty about how he knows he won’t be able to return Starrk’s mercy is perfectly fitting of his character, and seeing Chiaki lack that prick of conscience was rather chilling.

Seeing Amaterasu change along with Aizen was a creepy addition, and a good indicator of what was happening to Aizen’s soul.

It was tragic how Toshiro’s daemon finally settled because of being tricked into stabbing Momo, and it must be a unsettling reminder that Tmira’s form is something associated with being wild and uncontrollable. It’s similar to looking into a mirror and not liking who looks back.

Well done, and congratulations for completing this story!
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 32 . 9/29/2019
Isn't there some way for Orihime to choose a shapeshifter daemon?
FireDragonX23 chapter 101 . 9/13/2019
Sad to see this end but I enjoy it. Good job!
Guest chapter 100 . 8/25/2019
Interesting story.
GodofGreed chapter 101 . 8/24/2019
This is it? This is really the end? Well, thank you for all of them. Loved getting into the character's heads.
NieveDrop chapter 100 . 8/24/2019
Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment. :D
tryal-leaf chapter 100 . 8/24/2019
Wow, what a journey. Congrats on such a solid finish, and thanks for the effort you've put in to this over the years! It was a lot of fun seeing how the existence of daemons created a new layer of depth to each and every character. A really enjoyable read :)
Tuliharja chapter 100 . 8/24/2019
This was such amazing story! It's kind of sad to see this end, since this could be easily continued or filled with extra chapters from here or there. But all in all, this was really good story.
NieveDrop chapter 99 . 8/22/2019
This was so heartbreaking, especially when I love wolves. :( Arctic ones are so beautiful, so I hope they come to appreciate who they are again. 3
NieveDrop chapter 98 . 8/20/2019
Orihime stuffing her mouth full of her creative food choices does kind of remind me of a squirrel. It fits. LOL
Tuliharja chapter 94 . 8/17/2019
This LITERALLY made me cheer for Shuhei! The fact everything got revealed to him and the emotional rollercoaster...Go get Tousen, Shuhei and Adair!
BbK2442 chapter 97 . 8/17/2019
Holy shit. Did Aizen's daemon turn into a dinosaur? Or an Archaeopteryx? An Archaeopteryx covered in demonic petroleum? Definitely sounds like a freaky transformation to go along with Aizen's Butterfly of Demonic Doom form.
Wolcen chapter 96 . 8/15/2019
Noo O knew it was coming but Gin and Maizah are my favorite characters in this.
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