Reviews for Like Me
sayantan2201 chapter 2 . 6/30
God damn can mind game better than Ibiki on his best days. That was scarily good and delicious. Thanks a lot
Guest chapter 1 . 5/25
Eh I like this. I never liked comparing Jiraiya to Naruto, and I hate how much Naruto loves Kakashi/Jiraiya. They taught him enough to claim they taught him something and otherwise did absolutely nothing.
That Naruto can come back from his "training trip" still only knowing Rasengan and Shadow Clones shows that. If he can learn Shadow Clones in a few hours, and the Rasengan in a month, he could have learned a dozen random wind jutsu in a week, and yet in three years he knows nothing?
Jiraiya would have to try hard to make Naruto learn so little.
TheShob chapter 1 . 5/17
I love this
Lu Bright chapter 1 . 4/13
I love this so much
Zoommerfish chapter 1 . 1/13
An interesting view but one that shows bias through Orochimaru's continued disdain of his former comrade Jiraiya as well as ignorance of Naruto's many Jiraiya-like behaviors. Note; this isn't a rant directed at you but more of a counter-argument, your fic is still well written and piques my intrigue.

- Orochimaru has always been collected and quiet; the epitome of self-discipline, that he can bend having mastered himself. You're right showing that Sasuke isn't like this, his collected quiet is a facade for his anger issues. He only develops Orochimaru's coolness, later after the entire ordeal of the series. Orochimaru is both selfish/self-obsessed and the loss of his parents led to a personal obsession with immortality and power. He was also very academic even as a mad-scientist, which feeds his goal of learning all jutsu. Naruto was never bookish or good at academics, and while Orochimaru learned technique swiftly through study, Naruto takes the hard-work approach, throwing himself into a task until he figures out his issues and pushes through. For all the given similarities here, Orochimaru as a character is far sleeker than the rambunctious Naruto and never hid behind a kind facade.

- Naruto and Jiraiya were clanless nobodies who were boastful and loud yet could prove their mettle when the time came. Jiraiya may not have had nearly as varied a set of Jutsu as Orochimaru but he used them well. Naruto was even less varied with his shadow-clones and rasengan being his main abilities (although fanfictions have shown interesting ideas of Naruto using more jutsu of Jiraiya's). Jiraiya, like Naruto, was also better at in-battle tactics over complex planned strategy, and unlike Naruto he was very street smart (his brothel walking and goofiness giving him a cover to subtly gather information and to present a facade for enemies to underestimate). Naruto was unfortunately not written with the last idea in mind though he has shown such wiliness before. Also Jiraiya was shown to have gained his rank as a Sannin before Sage Mode because his training with the toads led to results prior to getting sage mode. Naruto's progress with the Rasengan came from the Jiraiya-created system of steps to learning the jutsu as well as a personal motivation to learn it quickly (the jutsu of his hero the 4th and challenged by Tsunade to achieve over his ideals). Besides until mid shippuden Naruto 'cheated' by using shadow-clones to make the rasengan and its variants circumventing the time needed to learn the precise control of the jutsu single-handed.
Naruto may have acted prankish revenge but he was also empathetic and loyal to those he cared for like Jiraiya and his 'revenge' was never to lethal extent. Besides the important lesson he learns from Jiraiya and Nagato is to let go of his hatred and want for revenge which is the key to preventing the Kyuubi from gaining control. Moreover Naruto's smile hiding his inner emotions is something that applies to Jiraiya, whose serious truly shinobi-like moments are notable contrasts to his 'goofy' behavior.

There is probably much more to go over but that's enough. Good fic, thanks for the food for thought!
Moonlight Blue Rose chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
This is so good! I just love it and the dark turn you took with Naruto's pranks!
Jerdan chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
omg I love this so much, it's so interesting, there are so many possibilities with this!
thank you for this fic, I absolutely love it!
maheshvara007 chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
I remember reading this long ago but now that I have read it again do I understand the masterpiece this is.
Bellalovecake chapter 1 . 9/17/2019
Reading this gave me chills. I have often though about the similarities between Naruto and Orochimaru at 3AM
mtnikolle chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
Hmmm. That is food for thought.
Dickchocolate chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
Orochimaru Is naruto if he lost to yaminaruto
TrenchcoatMan chapter 1 . 7/15/2019
That really is a fantastic and quite believable comparison.
nicely done

ImperfectionPerfection chapter 2 . 7/13/2019
I'm so glad that someone noticed their similarities too. People always thought that because Minato was the connection between Jiraiya and Naruto that they were so similar much like Orochimaru and Danzo.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
Whould Orochimaru go to hell and back just to save a friend from his harmful life decision even thougth is not pragmatic in any way? I dont think so. Does he fell outraged every time he see an injustice the same way Naruto does? Not as far as i known. Is Naruto as cynical as Orochimaru? Only in fanfiction. Those to are not the same in any way, shape or form. Although is impresive how Orochimaru make a convicing argument based in some ridicolous coincidences. And is kind of amazing that so many readers are foolish enough to belive this.
animeromance1972 chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
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