Reviews for Mythos Effect
lovedalton chapter 20 . 7/12
I like where this is going, but I wish it would catch up with the canon timeline already
Astrashar chapter 20 . 7/9
For all those who wish for more, I suggest going to , the author updates more frequently on that website. The story name & that of the author remain the same.
WillOfTheDamned chapter 17 . 7/7
I need more. MORE!
BaddieDZ2 chapter 20 . 7/6
This is never going to be finished, is it?
Warden of Eternity chapter 19 . 6/28
You know, I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve realized something horrifying.

During the Aeon War, humanity was fighting an incomprehensible enemy thet attacked them mostly unprovoked. They were facing foes with numerical, technological and magical superiority. The soldiers who fought them either came back broken, or didn’t come back at all.

And now, history is repeating itself. Sure, there was plenty of provocation from the Heirarchy, but that was the Governments fault. The soldiers, the ones who are fighting and dying, never did anything. And yet, through no fault of their own, they are facing an advanced, incomprehensible, and ruthless enemy, who shows no sign of descalating.

This is the Second Aeon War. And this time, Humanity is the Monster.
Hey chapter 19 . 6/21
Hey. Was a fantastic story until you brought adrien into it. Skipped all his chapters hoping I would get to someone else. Anyway, was superb until then. Glad you're still alive btw. Dropping this.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/12
Ya write more
webzayne717 chapter 20 . 6/11
Yeah, there are to many pov's I get what you're doing. But, it's just not working. Adrien took up way to many chapters in the fic, at once, that it destroyed my will to read. Why is that so? The fic deviated from the main pull, these pov's are just chopping up and muddying what made this Fic so appealing. What was the main pull that kept me around? Arcanotech and waiting to see how humans would act and develop in the war, as well as reactions from the citadel, and thoughts in separate interludes by other IMPORTANT characters. At this point, these addendums need another fic all to their own.
webzayne717 chapter 15 . 6/11
... I skipped most of this one... why was it longer? I mean, I get the hiatus, but damn man; such a shame; these 'interludes' totally sucked the momentum out of the fic. I mean, this is quite a big bump, I've dropped fics for less, but it started off good, and carried really well through most of the Shinaxi arc. I can straight up feel the massive hole in the narrative rn, the humans are easily stomping everything, the only thing really giving them pause is their lack of bodies to throw at the enemy. Mind you, you already gave them kinetic-shields earlier, IE, reverse engineering. I can see the gulf in the narrative that has to he crossed, or well, at least why I think you'd drop this fic so many times, only to pick it back up again; besides IRL.
webzayne717 chapter 14 . 6/11
... We have a grand war going on in the background, but for some reason this dispute was worth a chapter. NGL, it would have been more interesting to see what human high command is doing, or anything else really. The Turians are getting too much narrative effort invested in them, IE, chapters like this.
kingxana0 chapter 20 . 5/28
This fix is spectacular, from how well it's written to how invested I am in the characters. The author has done an amazing job.
1529 chapter 20 . 5/26
A very good chair... perhaps too good. Please kill Nator of quickly... he grates on every nerve that I have.
Dr. Serenity chapter 20 . 5/16
I am guessing that he will try to sneak in some shady businesses like smuggling and make the current war turn from bad to worse for everyone :p
Guest chapter 20 . 5/12
One of my faves please update soon keep up the good work.
daggercloak000 chapter 20 . 5/6
Damn I like this fic... Is nice to see human with different tech than the rest galaxy. Please update soon
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