Reviews for House of Snakes
Nad19 chapter 12 . 8/3
aww I need more! I love the story! now the only mystery is the regulus one. I can't wait to read more, thank you very much!
Nad19 chapter 12 . 8/3
huh, regulus dead or not? how come kreacher didn't know if he survived? then again, maybe that's intentional so they think he's dead. interesting
Nad19 chapter 2 . 8/3
I was expecting Harry to get dark or something because of the tom tag, I guess I was prejudiced
Celticowl chapter 12 . 7/12
wow awesome
Sorako5 chapter 12 . 7/7
I love this story. Seriously, I just come back and reread this every few months, the writing and plot is so good. A different take on the 'Harry goes back in time to raise himself' trope, and I like the lack of random bashing of characters. There's logic in the plot, and the characters are given a nice amount of depth, so nothing seems to come out of the blue. Really hope the author continues this someday
jseika chapter 12 . 6/27
It’s been 4 years, great story though ️
silent blue rose chapter 12 . 6/12
This is so beautiful
I been rereading this always just to remember how beautiful this is R.I .P A very beautiful gem Fic
Thank you for writing this
NaRuKo-InuTaiSHo-XD chapter 12 . 5/26
A really exciting chapter. Keep it up.
curlyfri24 chapter 12 . 5/13
Amazing! I’m so in love with this story and I trust you when you say you haven’t abandoned it yet ;)! You’re a great writer! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! :)
theultimatenerd04 chapter 12 . 5/5
I love this story so much! I like this must be maybe the 3rd time I've read it and it's still just as amazing. I really hope you'll come back to this. I know you said you wouldn't abandon it but it's been 5 years and things can change quickly, especially in times like this. Anyhow, this is an amazing story and I hope you'll continue it. I'd really to find out what will happen with the orphanage and Hadrian and Marvolo's courtship.
- Alix
anissa.abz chapter 12 . 5/3
J’ai adorée et j’ai hâte de voir la suite
North of the North chapter 12 . 4/29
Looking forward to the next update, thank you for writing.
North of the North chapter 8 . 4/29
As the Wizarding world celebrates Yule (the pagan celebration of midwinter that christians latched on to and twisted into their own celebration under the name Christmas), wouldn't it make more sense for them to celebrate Ostara which was what Easter was before Christianity decided to kill and villify pagans but couldn't get rid of the tradition being celebrated still and so renamed and rebranded it?
0rigami chapter 9 . 4/25
This story was interesting in the beginning, but it suffers deeply of the usual problem with pairing stories: everything, everything seems designed to make certain people pair up. It just diluites the rest of the story. I think i'll stop with this chapter. You write well though, you just need to get over these clichés.
Esmeralda Riddle chapter 12 . 3/21
Lovely and unique story... I hope it's not abandoned... Update soon...
P. S: That yaxley incident and Lord black's Passing are buzzing with bumble bees... Or is it? Only u can tell o Almighty author-San plz help this lowly mortal quench it's curiosity...
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