Reviews for Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
omg theres like a million and 200k words here
i'll read all of them and tell u what i think about it at the end
James T. Warren chapter 20 . 7/5
chopper... please don't translate. it's breaking my heart.
devildogg237 chapter 10 . 6/30
Damn I just realized how old this story was..
hopefulheart108 chapter 22 . 6/13
"Man, interior design by Old Man Winter himself," Franky said.

"With help from Jack Frost," Usopp added as they looked.

...Was that a 4Kids reference? Because I swear Sanji said something like that in the 4Kids dub.
Star Crystals chapter 60 . 6/11
I rewatched the Alabasta arc and I just realized that episode 95 is the source of your story title.

I must say that I enjoyed reading this overall. This is by far the longest fic I jave ever read. 1.5 M words. How did you do that? I am so impress 3
BlackOrchid20 chapter 1 . 6/10
I love this story
Thank you
joy boy 800 chapter 1 . 6/7
comeback here for my annual re reading!
ThelittleKing chapter 1 . 5/25
I kind of made it a habit to reread this fic once a year, so here I go!
Melashnaw chapter 64 . 5/7
this story broke my soul, i love you.
chibi oniyuri chapter 25 . 4/18
When the glob turned into Crocodile, it took on his personality?! I hate to say it, but if that's the case, I almost hope that they wind up facing Akainu. Then, they won't have to do anything but run back to the hole. Akainu certainly won't let trash of the sea escape.

I was starting to think they forgot about luring the blob to the hole. Typical Strawhats. See enemy, smash enemy!
chibi oniyuri chapter 24 . 4/18
Mwahahahahahaha, I knew it would become Crocodile!

And they... completely forgot about the explanation to lure it away instead of smashing it to pieces, didn't they? Ha, that sounds like them.
chibi oniyuri chapter 23 . 4/18
I wanted to stop and tell you how much I'm enjoying your story! I just found the Strawhats watch Luff'y memories trope a few days ago, and I'm really enjoying your take on it!

I was really, really hoping that when the blob showed up and took Arlong's form, it would fail. And it did! Though I don't know if maybe Arlong didn't make a strong enough impression, or if he was so early in the journey that the blob didn't have enough time to learn about Arlong. So now I'm guessing that it's going to show up a few times, as it tries and fails repeatedly to assume a form that can beat the Strawhats. I'm going to guess... Crocodile, Lucci, Kuma, and wither Ace or Akainu by the end.

(As a funny postscript, when I was originally looking for a story to read and read the details of your story, I thought the word count was 156k words. I didn't figure out until chapter 15 that I misread it. I was wondering how the chapters could be so long, with over 60 chapters, and still only clock in at 156k. That's when I realized I missed a number and it was over a million XD

I didn't and don't care though, since I love long stories!)
Guest chapter 36 . 2/13
Keep going I like what you ere writing... Beacuse its my favuorite
MikuNakano chapter 1 . 1/12
the amont of filler is the same as the fricken anime
Schilf chapter 54 . 1/7
Damn you, onions. Be damned!
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