Reviews for Harry Potter and the Three Rules
TheInfiniteweeaboo chapter 11 . 7/27
Snape is such an Asshole, I hope Harry learns some occlumency.

I hope things start looking up for Harry, love the writing, keep up the good work
Steavatron chapter 11 . 7/4
I'm incredibly bothered that I've caught up already. I was getting so hyped for the return to Hogwarts and all that was sure to go down. Now I have to wait like a garden variety pleb.

Oh, wait. This hasn't been updated for five years.
Steavatron chapter 4 . 7/4
I thought the encounter with Ron was pretty funny. Harry's dry wit was amusing.

And, No, he does not have the patience to be popular.

With this different of an introduction to the world, though, I can only hope he doesn't get sorted into the house of lions again.
Steavatron chapter 3 . 7/4
I was so happy to see that he doesn't meet Draco at the robe shop. Too many fics make changes early on and then completely forget about any consequences the character's actions should have on the story. It's frustrating, but refreshing to see it absent here.

Also, I wasn't sure Harry'd like Hermione. At this stage he just didn't strike me as the type to find her personality endearing/likable. I thought he'd find her naive/insufferable/lacking street smarts and he wouldn't wanna bother with her. I guess I just had it in my head that him being isolated and her being bullied would 'mellow' their more extreme tendencies and circumstance would draw them closer together.

I'm happy to be wrong in this case, tho. More Harmony time is never a bad thing, IMO.
Samwise Pevensie chapter 11 . 6/16
Really enjoyed the story; well written.
Last Harper chapter 11 . 5/20
I hope that you will at least complete first year.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/19
Wow, McGonagall‘s a cunt. Hope she eats someone’s ass soon and Harry can get his knives back.

Snape’s a cunt, too. But everyone expects that from canon.
AndreiSRL chapter 11 . 5/10
Oh look, yet another excellent story with a genuinely new plot and a new perspective, and not about gushy romance, and which has been abandoned just when it was settling in.
I think i start to see a pattern here.
EndlessHax chapter 11 . 4/22
this story has a nice dynamic that I haven't really seen before, it doesn't seem like they're too op at all and im actually interested in where this will go. so far ive seen characters being used that aren't usually and people with actual personalities.
Priest chapter 11 . 1/29
This is an interesting story and I hope you continue it someday.
Mecharic chapter 11 . 1/26
Really wish this one hadn't gone dormant, it's an excellent pretense really. And a more realistic take on Harry "I was raised as a slave but still have magic" Potter that doesn't make him outright evil or unstable.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/7
please update soon!
Kagega chapter 11 . 11/8/2019
Damn I only just found your story, and I’m quite sad it’s been abandoned long ago, was really looking forward to Harry’s return to hogwarts with his knives.
G chapter 11 . 10/28/2019
Yeet chapter 5 . 10/12/2019
“Holding something sharp, pointy, and inside you”- harry

If only he knew
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