Reviews for Prediction, no thank you!
Baelorfan chapter 16 . 7/12
Thank you so much for writing this. I needed this badly yesterday and today.

A happy Harry at the end, with Sirius alive, some real friends who help him grow, a proper home and family.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/2
This story is absolutely adorable, well written and has a great plot line. I love the fact that you wrote a story about Harry making other freinds and getting the help he needed while addressing the issues with Hermione, Ron and his friendship with out overdoing it and making them villains. It was logical well thought out and a really good read, thank you!
gabzep chapter 16 . 6/4
This was sweet!
Esmereilda chapter 9 . 5/29
and peter is like crud XD
Esmereilda chapter 6 . 5/28
yea she really put her foot in it this time
Corwin1961 chapter 7 . 5/24
You may want to revise some of this. The full moon in December of 1993 was December 28. Otherwise a very enjoyable story.
lily chapter 6 . 5/18
WeisseHex chapter 10 . 5/5
I seriously cannot believe Dumbledore! Why in hell does he still want Harry back to the Dursley's after the concrete proof of the abuse?! WTF?
WeisseHex chapter 9 . 5/5
I just HOPE with this they can get Sirius freed?!
WeisseHex chapter 6 . 5/5
Harry is ABSOLUTELY correct about Hermione! I myself couldn't be her friend. Too self important!
Luna chapter 16 . 5/4
Thanks for the story! It is not the first time that I read it but I did not find anything in the new. Your story is just what I needed! I love this Harry and all his new friends, new family and this ending is superb. I love him very much. Thank you so much.
The Punmaster chapter 16 . 3/31
That2-one3-girl4 chapter 16 . 2/13
One of the best fics with the most realistic explinations about the wizarding wars...
dgpolo chapter 16 . 2/10
Lovely story. I enjoyed it a lot. I always love stories where Harry shows his intelligence.
Corwyn chapter 16 . 12/3/2019
Good story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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