Reviews for The Price is Right
mynameisnotactuallyJeff chapter 9 . 7/22
wholesome ending, love it
Caliberious chapter 9 . 6/26
Good ending
Caliberious chapter 3 . 6/26
Funny hope the rest is good too
Caliberious chapter 2 . 6/26
I like this hardworking and edgy harry
Retse chapter 10 . 6/5
Always love a good alternate Harry story and this one was absolutely fantastic! Thanks for brightening my day :)
RHJunior chapter 3 . 5/31
as if actually being able to answer Snape's unfair questions would do anything but piss him off further...
GF chapter 9 . 5/30
I still don't get it, what, some fifteen years of reading fanfiction, and twenty or so since we bought the books for my son... for me to read out loud to him (originally, bfore I read them each about ten times)- WHY they have to stay at school for a whole week, with no classes, waiting on grades. Doesn't the whole rest of the world go home and wait for their grades in the mail?!
Especially the older years, there can be no end to the mischief going on with one week of 'nothing' to do. (except get a whole lot of girls pregnant) Right?
GF chapter 6 . 5/29
'every once IN a while', not 'once and a while'

Harry has fifty eight MILLION G in one of his three vaults, and fifty thousand a year to spend for the next five years. He GAVE BACK eighty thousand G to the bank! WHY is he doing homework for cash?!
G Fawkes chapter 5 . 5/29
Sorry. Canon foul! A question arises.
Why... is it necessary to change the number of first years from the usual forty, to fifty eight. I know you added six deadweights to Gryffindor, but there still isn't a good reason. (Those are the names of your high school bff's?) And why these others, too?
Harry's class is supposed to be the smallest class EVER in Hogwarts, due to the war, muggle hunting, and families NOT sending their kids for bigotry and other dangers.
Shadow Eclipse chapter 10 . 5/29
Love love love!
GF chapter 4 . 5/29
Per a/n at the top
Book one Hermione is eleven... almost twelve. NO ONE can stand eleven year old girls.
However, you grow up to be as hot as Emma Watson AND have brains, baby, you goin' places!
'spare underpants' ( lol ) good one, Goyle.
GF chapter 3 . 5/29
Your 'bought' should be 'bout'.
'Bought' is like- "I just bought a new car." (bawt)

No offense. I like the fic!
Nanchih chapter 9 . 5/25
And I have read the first two chapters of the sequel. I have now read this in full, and it ticked my memory enough that I think I read at least one or two chapters, long, long ago, but not the whole story. Erised looks to become a very interesting character. I wonder if he still has Moldyshorts as part of his makeup, perhaps inhabiting his own scar?
ngingumbali chapter 8 . 5/22
Applause for the author's note, loved it!. I'm enjoying the story as well. especially the exploration of Hogwarts parts and the fact that Harry questions things more.
Boi chapter 9 . 4/30
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