Reviews for Ripples
Vigriff chapter 6 . 6/20
Bitch got what she deserved.
Little Buster chapter 8 . 4/28/2019
I reached the end of this story and like it! It was awesome and well written. Vans childhood was funny to read and I think the best moments were there. Such mischief and comic relief. Then came the troubles of the court and tragic death of Queen Weira. It made me so sad. You did a good job making readers care about her.

When chapter 8 came and introduced the witches, you left it at a good cliffhanger. Now I just have to know what happens next and will Van meet Will. I am rooting for Van and Phobos and hope they win. Maybe they would even fall in love. Whatever happens, I hope they will prevail.

There are a few things I would like to inquire about.

When Van was an apprentice, how come people treated her like one of them? They didn't seem fascinated, scared or disgusted by her frog looks. It kind of feels unexplained.

Why is Will a frog at all? I mean from the very beginning. Why did you pick her to be frog? Instead of a human or something else? I have nothing against frogs, but I am only curious why did you make her a frog.

And why did Van choose to be a doctor instead of something else?

This is all so fascinating. I hope to get answers to these questions. And I look forward to the next story "Stirred" .
chaotic9 chapter 8 . 1/1/2018
Happy New Year! It was time for me to greet you back, right? Anyway I did promise to read and review this story so here I am. I already red Stirred but I decided to first do a separate review for this one.

For starters one of the things that I really like was Phobos and Van chemistry. They really work well with each other and seemed to rub on each other. Also while is true that Van seems to alliviate whatever worst aspects that exists in this Phobos that would made him go toward the direction that we know so well (not to mention Weira too to some extent) its no less true than this Phobos also helped to change Will Vandom toward Lady Van.

Also Vans evolution actually coincides with the overall tone of shades of grey of the story. Compared to Will Van became more pragmatic (and admitidly Will was already the most pragmatic of the Guardians) and ruthless in her exploits, mirroring a certain Rogue Guardian that we know so well. And also like Nerissa Van also seems express regret for some of the things she has done but in more honest manner despite some dennial (that scene with the images of the other Guardians is a really eye opener of Will sanity, or is t Vans sanity instead). Still admitedly circunstances are different in this Meridian with suvival a more pressing issue than the original cannon. And to survive we do terriby things, all of us I suppose. Regardless it gives reason for Van to stay with Phobos for now if the other side simply kills her at first glance. And I can imagine that the idea of shaping something good for a whole world does help after all. Evil is a concept that mostly exists on the need of doing the right thing, of what an individual or individuals believe being right and fighting wrong. Rarely people do evil things because they want to be evil, thats just madness in my opinion. Still admittedly there are actions more difficult to justify than others. Van seems to have a huge evil impression in her medical practice and activities. Granted this is a less developed world than Earth and even before medicine was seen unnatural as previous chapters showed us. Still I can understand a little how to the Rebels and later the Guardians Lady Van may look like a Nazi scientist or mad doctor or something like a frog like Orochimaru. Even with restraints that she puts like only using criminals or people that willingly donate themselves to the practice it feels something hugely amoral at best. But admitedly real life scientifical pursuit has similar conumdrums and effectively progress does exist. Problem is the red stains that may never leave in the back of the mind. I suppose that is why Van prefers being Van more than being Will since her former self most likely wouldnt approve of this.

The rest of the cast and Meridian overall also provided huge highlights, from new characters like Alric and Allora to the construction of less known ones like Weira everything is in place in this story. Also the idea that this Meridian is already is different from the get go not only means that things most likely would be different even without Van presence and I imagine that it helps on the creativity sde. In my case on Kage and because it is following close to cannon for the most part there are some things that have to adjust. Fortunately not that muchg of an issue since Merididian story before Phobos is still a huge mystery for the most part. Anyway it is nice to see the differences that dont depend on Van, like the absence of Blunk or Galgheita (at very least assume that you wont put it since her most prominent role in cannon doesnt happen with her, honestly I always wondered if Alborn and Miriadel were aldready on Earth or if they followed Galgheita and Elyon).

The Shaper and overall religious aspect around it is indeed intriguing and almost worth of a crossover label considering who seems to be the shaper (I doubt it s Unicron so it may be some other entity that you created based on him and Primus? I do remember that there where more similar beings than those two on Transformers). Ironically that the most defiled race on Meridian is the most similar to the divine being, but that is part of the problem I presume. It is an interesting idea and how hugely neutral he seems aside some interference using Van, in order to make things more "interesting" (I sometimes wondered if Glossarik wouldnt do something simlar around Star and Marco but then again he doesnt need it I imagine).

The last three chapters were my favourite overall, with the Darkest Winter Night having a taste of a certain Red Wedding even if less tragic despite all (then again what unleashed on Meridian may have worse beyond worlds consequences) and how the last two catch up to the beginning of WIT... sorry, Stirred also helped in the transition and also more worldbuilding, Because we always found ways to expand and create more in worlds that we like, right? I do speak from experience.

And so I end this review and very soon I will review Stirred. Like in a few minutes so stay tuned.
RainEStar3 chapter 8 . 11/24/2017
It's been over a year since I read this story, and I'd decided to reread it. Still a fun and refreshing read, and I can't wait till you find time to continue the sequel!
edboy4926 chapter 8 . 5/18/2017
Good story
Mitt T chapter 6 . 6/26/2016
I know pretty much nothing about Witch (I think I watched like 1 episode when I was young).
I do feel like I am missing out on some references, but I still find this a very good story. Excellent writing.
gordhanx chapter 8 . 5/18/2016
WOW! Fantastic work man! I'm not a big fan, of the hero turning villain thing but god damn did you make it work! The way you portray Will, and her whole ordeal makes it seem not only justified, but also very natural. You feel what she's going through, and her arc her is very well written. I also love, how you've written Phobos and his rise to power. You did a great job, portraying the whole conflict as less black and white, but a lot of grey which I really love. I also love, the world building you've done her. Particularly with the backstory on world and villains. Characters like Cedric, Tracker and especially Miranda, are given a lot more backstory which was really great. The OCs were well developed too, and I enjoyed everyone of them. So yeah fantastic story. And now…to Stirred!
Andoma chapter 8 . 2/8/2016
As ever, you present a character falling to the dark side in such a wonderful and engaging fashion. I can't say that I feel this would be a natural progression of her character but then the circumstances are quite out of the ordinary. Given her belief that most of her time spent as Van was an elaborate illusion.

From start to finish, this story has been amazing. From washing up on a river side to mad scientist. Or Doctor as the case may be. The character progression, Van and Phobos' relationship, and an entire war.

You, Sir, you know how to tell a story.
sarista wow chapter 8 . 12/10/2015
I found this story earlier today and I could scarcely put it down since then, Ripples has been amazing ride, one surprising twist and subversion after another. You've managed to establish all the whys and hows for the world, the politics and most of all the characters so brilliantly that everything just feels natural.

Its been an awesome read and I would love to see more, best of luck in the future!
nightmaster000 chapter 8 . 11/30/2015
This was a awesome story. You continue to impress and remain one of my top favorite authors.

This chapter was a excellent way to end the story.

I love Van and Mimira's bond. Their pretty much mother and daughter. Though it seem's like they haven't admitted to anyone or even themselves.

Sadly it seem's like Van will now have to deal with every parents nightmare. When their child has feelings for someone that just bad news. Will Van find a way to make Miranda realize what Cedric is really like before she makes the worst mistake of her life.

Good to see Tegus again. It seem's to me he has feelings for Van. That's bound to lead to some drama in the sequel. I don't think Phobos will competition for Van after all.

Loved the story the "Mage" told Caleb on Van's origins. Also interesting twist on having "Trill" not the "Mage" be Caleb's mother.

Loved the twist on the Old God having worshippers. Who are now thanks to Van being it's Avatar are now also her worshippers. Eager to see what twists they will bring to W.I.T.C.H in the sequel.

It seem's one thing that hasn't changed over the years for Will/Van is her love of frogs. Now it seem's she's found ways to weaponize her favorite animal. I wonder what abilities and surprises Van frogs have that we haven't seen yet.

I can't help picturing Van and maybe Phobos creating something like Bael and Dagon from Devil May Cry.

Anyway the stage is now set and the events of W.I.T.C.H are about to start. Eager to see how things develop in the sequel.

How will this version of W.I.T.C.H handle a war that's bond to be very different and not as black and white than it's canon version.
jessylane318 chapter 8 . 11/16/2015
This is THE best WITCH fanfiction I have ever read. Hands down. And if not for the few spelling errors, i would set it in the top 15 on this site. Overall, you're work is excellent. I love Will's voice in Van's characterization. I love how fluid you transitioned from the beginning to the end, the metaphoric road to hell, where at the end I found myself breathless, realizing that I was now hopelessly in love with the series "bad guy."

However, even with the characters, I have to say the true masterpiece of this is how seamlessly you brought to life all of this history, the silent characters, the cities, and the war. You took a gruesome backdrop from the TV series and expanded on it to the point that I wonder that it isn't cannon at all?

Overall, marvelous. Inspiring.
ColdGoldLazarus chapter 8 . 11/13/2015
This was good. This was so VERY good. I am frankly speechless, and I am really looking forward to the sequel.
Omodor chapter 8 . 11/13/2015
I look forward to the next story.

I do have to ask one question. While reading this an idea kept coming up as to some thing that may happen, perhaps not straight away but when W.I.T.C.H start to ruin Phobos's plans, Van could play the "i know where your family lives" card in the hopes of getting them to back down. Weaver or not she would go through with it is some thing you would decide but it do think it is something worth bringing up.
Ang chapter 8 . 11/12/2015
I was really drawn by this fiction and I was not disappointed reading it to the end.
I'm a little sad that you do not continue on with the sequel (always the "fear" that the author abandoned and the sequel never goes out) but I'll keep a eye on it.
mavow1 chapter 8 . 11/11/2015
Don't think I've ever reviewed this Fanfic before but i have been reading since chapter 3, its an awesome fic. Love how human the charactes are and that their really is no Good and evil in this story. Everyone has a motive weather it be selfish or selfless. I wonder if Van will look back on the things she has done when she encounters W.I.T.C.H? I hope you keep writting you've done amazingly so far keep up the good work!
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