Hey all! Can't post the next chapter for How Did I Lose my Chain? Anyways, I was listening to I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift, so I thought of this one shot and decided to write it down. Here I go!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Kung Fu Panda or I Knew You Were Trouble.

Tigress POV.

Once not too long ago, I fell for a panda named Po. He was the Dragon Warrior and savior of China. Though I did not see it at the time, every day I wasted with him was yet another mistake I had made in all my life. He showed a passion in me that no one had ever expressed for me before. He had a bubbly, carefree personality that made me love him I had never loved anyone before. But when I needed him most after he impregnated me, he cheated. He was always goofing around, never paying attention to anything or to me. I just excused it and said it was Po being Po. I guess a part of me always knew he was trouble, which makes me to blame as well. I felt it from the moment he walked in- he was a troublemaker. I guess I should be ashamed of myself for getting involved with him. I should have known that it was too good to be true. He showed me new emotions I had never felt or known about. It was wonderful until the night he betrayed me in a way I never thought he would. Now, I'm lying on the cold, hard floor of my bedroom crying, looking back upon memories and wondering what went wrong. He'll never apologize to me, and I wouldn't accept it even if he did. He can never understand the pain he's put me through- I've felt as if I'm drowning slowly but surely. He doesn't know it, but a few days before everything came crashing down, he got me pregnant. I've been hiding for three weeks, but the villagers will have to find out soon. And what's worse is how... how... how easily he moved on from me. And with her of all people. Looking back, I realized that he didn't care when we first met. Was it my fault? Was this fate's way of getting me back for the cruel things I've done before? Did he just see me as a prize to be won? Was this all a big joke to him? One thing is for certain- I always got a feeling in the back of my mind that I should stay away from him. It's my fault that I ended up pregnant. When the truth comes out, everyone will be ashamed of me. And why would they not? It was my fault. I should not have allowed him and his personality to change everything about me. I guess I should have known that something heartbreaking would come from a guy like him. I'm not even sure what part breaks my heart more: the fact that he cheated, or who he cheated with. Song. Yes, you read correctly. Song. I walked to the party in the village square to break the news to him about being pregnant only to kind them kissing of all things. And what's worse is that I know he doesn't love her. Just like he never loved me. In fact, has he ever cared for anyone or anything other than himself? Probably not. He was never anything but trouble, and I guess I knew that from the day he walked into the Jade Palace. And he shamed me by impregnating me and then abandoning me. Now what will I do? I gave him everything I had. I haven't spoken to him in weeks. He hasn't even had the guts to confront me and at least apologize to me. I should never have let myself get close to him. The one time I get close to somebody, he betrays me. I will never find love now. Who will want me? Only someone even more toxic than Po would have anything to do with me now.

Wow. I never thought I could write anything so dark. Now before you try to kill me and Po, listen up. This is what Tigress thinks happened. That is not what really happened. If anyone seems to want it, I will make a chapter where EVERYTHING gets explained. However, you can feel free to kill Song! Please review! Thanks guys!