Chapter 1

A/N Thank you to Dragonling 743 for allowing me to continue this story.

I have revised all the chapters.

All mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of SyFy.

After spending a wondrous hour with the caretaker, I made my way to the family estate. As I hitched Tilly to the post, Charles made his way out the door, Christina right on his heels, calling out, "Mummy!"

Scooping up my little girl into my arms, I peppered her face with kisses, "I missed you my darling girl."

Smiling into my hair, her small hands wrapped around my neck, "Mummy? Can I come back with you?"

Charles stepped up, clearing his throat, "Tell me sister dear, how is our Ms Bering doing? Has she survived to see another day?"

How dare he? 'Our' Ms Bering, just the thought of him including himself into Myka's life… I mustered up a soft smile as my little girl curled her arms tighter around my neck. "Mummy, I made a drawing for Ms Myka, may I give it to her?"

"Of course my love, when she is feeling up to it. I know she misses you." I kissed her forehead as I set her down, noticing the disapproving look Charles had on his face. "Darling, be a good girl and go fetch your drawing so I may see it."

I watched with a smile as my little girl ran back into the manor, then turned my attention back to my brother. He was looking at me with some disdain, "Really sister, must you prance around town in those God awful clothes? We are Wells, not rag tag farm hands."

Smoothing down my vest as I put on a familiar grimace, "Oh do shut it Charles, I came by to see my Christina's smiling face, not that sour look on yours. And as for what I choose to sport, it is my own affair, not yours."

Christina came running back out, a wide grin across her face, her little hand clutching the drawing. I knelt down to wrap her up in my arms, the absence of her smiling face these last few days had taken its toll on me. "My little lady, I shall come back for you so we may visit Myka soon, and then you can give this exquisite drawing to her yourself."

I kissed her goodbye, holding back the well of tears pressing behind my eyes as I watched her make her way back inside. Steeling myself to face my brother, I glared up at him, "For the record brother, I did not prance around town in my trousers. I sauntered."

As I pulled up to the cottage, I couldn't help but notice all the movement behind the windows 'please tell me Myka is not scurrying around her home,' I sighed to myself, grabbing the leaves and herbs as I made my way to the door, hearing a shrill voice.

"HG is going to kill me!" the young girl's voiced echoed out into the afternoon air.

I rushed to the door, flinging it open. In front of me, Claudia, Vanessa and Peter all froze; as if they were statues in the Queen's garden.

"HG ...hey..hi um..welcome back, how was your trip to the warehouse?" the girl said, rushing over to Myka's bed, spreading her dress out as if to block out the doctor was on her knees, in front of the bed, Peter was at the hearth stoking the flames and Myka…

"Good lord, what happened?" I said as I rushed past them to kneel next to the doctor. She was just finishing up the last stitch on Myka's forehead.I cupped her face in my hands, her eyes were clenched shut, I assumed from the pain.

"Myka, look at me." she just shook her no, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek. "No, Helena please, I just want to lie down." I brushed away the tear with the pad of my thumb, whispering, "alright, my love."

As soon as those words passed my lips, I shuddered. I chastised myself for the slip of my heart.

Myka's eyes snapped opened, those glorious green orbs searched mine. She parted her lips as if to speak, but only a sigh was heard by my ears. She slid her hand up my arm, giving a slight squeeze to my hand on her face. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, as she lay back on the bed.

Spreading the blanket over her, I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand. Remembering the clutch of statues in the room, I got to my feet, turning to the captive audience in front of me, I nodded towards the front door.

"" Claudia was the first to rush out, Pete slumped his shoulders and followed. "Helena I think you should take a breath and…" I just glared at the doctor as I handed her the bag, my hand at her shoulder as I ushered us out of the cottage. "HG I can exp…" raising my hand, my eyes still locked on Vanessa, the young girl stopped talking, both of them turning toward the orchard.

"Not. one. step. more, I will deal with you two in a moment," I said. "Vanessa, what happened? How is she …" I reined back the tears, trying to focus on the good doctor.

"Myka hit her head when she fell down and I..." I sucked in a gasp. The doctor grasped my forearm, "She will be fine, I've dealt with much worse before the first cup of tea in the morning."

The doctor gave me a slight tug on my arm, "I need to get back to the field to check on the workers. Helena...she will be fine, Myka has a hard head as I am sure you have already found out." I gave the doctor a slight nod.

"You will need to keep the cut clean. She can start a solid diet now. You should make her eat some protein, lots of eggs and meat, but take it slow, still lots of fluids. And when her head stops aching, you should start having her walk around outside to clear her chest, slowly at first."

The doctor smiled back at me, then, looking at the bundle of leaves I had dropped at the door, "Those will help." She nodded her head and, as she walked past those two, she patted Peter's shoulder.

"WHAT the hell happened here?" I started to shout, then drew in a calming breath. The red-headed girl's eyes widened, "HG, I did like you said. I helped...or tried to help Myka, but you know..she...I tried..and she started to get dressed and then she fell and hit her..oh GOD..there was blood and I couldn't lift her up and I..I..." Pete grabbed Claudia around her shoulder, hugging her, then he turned to me and raised his hands in the air.

"Hey..hey..hey...easy..look, Mykes tried to get dressed and then she took a header..and then Claudia here came running over to me in the orchard saying Myka fell and hit her head. So I helped Myka into her bed and went for the doc and then you came bull-rushing into Myka's room…"

I unclenched my fists, looking first at Myka's friend, "Thank you for all your help Peter. Now, if you do not mind, Claudia and I need to attend to a few issues." As I said each word, I took one step closer to the young girl.

" , I do believe we have a standing appointment for tea when you return in two days with Christina." The young girl opened her mouth to speak but closed it promptly as I smiled at her. "I can handle things from here."