Hi All…

Okay…I know…I'm really crazy…am starting another story when I already have one and I haven't updated it yet…I have an excuse though! My time and mind has been taken up by Scandal…you know, the one where Olivia Pope is in love with the President and vice versa? Yeah, I'm a little obsessed with this show…like a maniac…So I'm starting my own Olivia and Fitz story…but you my dear readers have a choice…read this chapter and help me decide if I should start this one, and still do both my Hobbit story and this one or just finish my 'An Aussie Adventure' and then start this one…I will give you a chapter to help me decide…I couldn't help it guys...I love this show..

Okay, so this takes off as a 'what if' story. So basically, what if Olivia didn't get off that plane when her arse-hole of a father forced her onto that plane and Cyrus was trying to talk her out of it. Instead she decides to go…and so the story begins…

Enjoy Peeps…

Chapter One – Hell or High Water

"Olivia, you're getting on that plane come hell or high water…and honey, I'm the hell and the high water."

Olivia sighed as she sat down in the chair, the folder of her new life in her hand. She stared at the folder and then looked out the window, staring at the figure of her father as the plane began to move out of the hanger. She sighed again till suddenly the air hostess interrupted her thoughts.

"We'll be taking off in a moment. Can I get you anything to drink?" the air hostess asked.

Olivia shook her head. "No…Can I borrow your phone?"

The air hostess stared at the iPhone before nodding and handing the phone over to Olivia. Olivia nodded her thanks and stared at it, wondering who to call. There was Harrison, but her father said that he would be fine. As much she wanted to call the only person that mattered, she couldn't. He was after all; a busy man but she couldn't call him. Although it pained her not to hear his voice, she knew that she could only call one person. She typed in the number in the phone and waited.

He picked up straight away.

"Liv, where are you?"

She sighed. "I'm sitting in a jet on a runway."

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere…I'm just disappearing."

"That's not an option."

"It is…apparently it's very simple. I should just get on this plane and disappear into thin air."

"Liv, please…don't do this…"

Liv shook her head. "Why, so that you could this and put me under the bus? I know how this goes. I can run this plan in my sleep. You…Burned…Me."

"I burned you? Unless you burned me, we are on the same side."

"Are we? Who leaked my name Cy?"

"When I found out, they will suffer. Now get off the plane!"

"I just wanted to say goodbye."


"Tell him I said goodbye."



"If you disappear…if you disappear, he will think that I had something to do with this and he will never trust me again. He doesn't trust me as it is. I will not be able to help him out…if he thinks you're dead or gone, he will think that I have deceived him. Don't run! I will do my best to fix this…"

"When you aren't a monster…"

"I am a monster…I'm your monster…I will fix this. I will put the rumour of you having an affair with the President to rest. I will put it down…I will bury it…I just need a little time and I just need you not to run…Liv, get off the plane…as my friend, please get off…."

She gulped, tears threatening fall down her face. "I can't Cy…please, you don't know…I'm not running because it's my decision. It's my father's decision. He controls me and he will stop at nothing to protect me so please, just let me go…and please tell Fi-…just let him know…just let him know. I will come back. Don't worry, I will come back. I don't know when, but I will come back."

"Oliva, what do you mean that your father is behind this? Who is your father? What aren't you telling me? Olivia tell me, and I can help. I know that we've had our ups and downs but I can help. Just don't do this….Please, it will break him. He will never recover…just let me help you..you wanna be with him? I will try to make that happen. I don't care anymore…just don't leave. I'm begging you, don't leave…stay."

"You can't help Cy…no one can, at least not with my father in charge. Goodbye Cyrus. I love you…you are truly the greatest friend I could ever ask for. I find a way to let you know that I am safe, wherever I go. Bye…"


She pressed the end call button on the phone and gasped, not noticing the tears falling silently down her face and so, looked at the window. She knew that it was a bad idea, leaving when she knew that she should stay but for some reason, she had to go. She had to leave. The air hostess walked over to her and held out her hand for the phone.

Olivia nodded, and handed it over. "Sorry…uh, do you know where we are going?"

"Ma'am, I…" the hostess hesitated.

"I won't tell anybody…I just need to know." She pleaded.

The hostess nodded. "Australia…a town called Bundaberg. It's not exactly a big town. But it's small and kind of remote. It's a good place to stay for the next out months before we move you to Brussels."

"I see…can I just make one more call? Your phone can make international phone calls?" Olivia asked.

"It can but I-"

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna call anybody here. You see I have a friend who lives in Australia, Brisbane, to be exact. I just want to call her and let her meet me there."

The hostess hesitated. "Everything has already been arranged. I-"

"I'm going to need a friend to help me. Don't worry, she's a good friend. She won't tell or anything."

The hostess nodded and handed back the phone to Olivia. Olivia typed in a number and waited for it to ring. A very tired and womanly voice answered.

"This has better be an emergency or otherwise I will seriously unleash hell to you for waking me up after I only just got into bed! Please tell me why on would you wake me up? Do have you a death wish?!"

Olivia smiled. "Jenny it's me…Liv…"

"Oh….hi Liv…sorry for my outburst but I've a kinda pretty fucked up day today…remind me again why I started working for the defence force? Why couldn't I just stay in Bundy and be a normal doctor?"

"I don't know…but I need your help."

"Sure, anything….tell me what you need."

"I'm coming your way to Bundaberg. I don't have time to explain but I need help."

"I'll be there…I'll let work know that I'm quitting and moving back to Bundaberg."

Olivia sighed. "That's not what I meant. I-"

"I know what you meant but you wouldn't be coming to Australia or even asking for help unless you were in deep shit. Now you've helped me in the past and now it's my turn. And besides, I've wanted to quit this job for ages and you just gave me a reason."

"Thank you…I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Liv. Liv, before we hang up, can I ask, just how deep are you in?"



Cyrus Beene stared at his phone, his heart breaking. Convincing Olivia was not an easy thing and now he failed. He failed her, he failed himself and he failed the one man that was his life's purpose, Fitz. Cyrus sighed and then threw his phone onto the table in anger. He was angry, angry at himself and at Olivia but more at himself. If he had just left well enough alone, Olivia wouldn't have to have to leave and she would've been here, and Fitz would have been happy. Sure, it was a political scandal, letting the President divorce his wife and marry the mistress but now, all was lost. Someone had leaked Olivia's name and now, she was gone, vanished into thin air not on her terms. Her father did this. Cyrus didn't know who her father was, but he was determined to find out, and bring his best girlfriend home. He knew he could tell Fitz just yet, but he had to confide in someone, and he knew just who.


Harrison Wright was not a patient man. He was brilliant yes, but not patient and now, he was in an even more worry state. News had broken out that Olivia, his boss, was the President's mistress, thanks to a legitimate but anonymous source told to a reporter. Harrison was waiting for his boss to call but the only phone calls he got were from the press and although the team had disconnected the landlines, the press still managed to get a hold of the team's mobile phone numbers and it was driving them crazy. They would have turned their phones off, but they were waiting from a call from the one person that matters. And so far, she hadn't called them. The team was in Olivia's office, watching the news and waiting for a phone call. Quinn was sitting on the lounge; Huck was sitting at Olivia's desk, on his computer, typing furiously. Abby was pacing back and forth and Harrison was standing near the window, looking down at the massive group of reporters all gathered up at the front of the office building. They had been there since the early morning.

"Where the hell could she be? I mean, I have tried calling her but no answer…God, this is madness!" Abby frantically paced back forth in the office.

"She could be anywhere. I mean, do you see the press? She should be far away from here. She could be at home or she's with…" Quinn mumbled.

"Don't say it. As of this moment, it's just a rumour. Nothing more, nothing less. A rumour." Harrison said, turning around and facing the team. His phone then vibrated and he groaned, but became hopeful that it could be her. He pulled it out of his pocket. Huck stopped typing and Abby stopped pacing.

"Olivia?" he asked, hoping it was her. The team stared at him with anticipation.

"No…this is Cyrus Beene. Is this Harrison Wright?"

Harrison sighed. "Yes, this is he. What can I do for you, Mr Beene?"

The team sighed in disappointment, but were curious as to why the Chief of Staff to the President was calling. Because if he was calling that could only mean one thing. Either Olivia was with at the house or at a secure location. Abby sat down and Huck nodded, typing into his computer.

"I have some news…about Olivia."

Harrison frowned, walking over to the desk and putting the phone on speaker. "You have news about Olivia? Oh, okay…well is she okay? Is she with you or him? What's happening?"

Abby and Quinn stood up from the couch and walked over to desk, excited that someone had news, even if it was from the White House.

"She's gone, Mr Wright…she disappeared. Got a plane and disappeared into thin air."

"Call me Harrison…what do you mean she's disappeared?" Harrison asked.

"Meaning, she was forced onto a plane and was taken to god knows where and I don't if she will ever come back despite telling me that she will find a way."

Abby was shaking her head. "No…she couldn't have…she wouldn't. You must have forced her to leave. I mean you have the power, so you made her leave!"

"Unfortunately I didn't…while I do have the power, I didn't make her disappear. In fact I pleaded with her to stay but she was persistent. She left…and now I have failed…she's gone…which is why it is important that no one knows about this. At least for now…it is just until we have a plan in motion."

"What about the President? Does he know?" Harrison asked.

"No…Don't worry about him. You leave him to me. But now, we need plan the next step. And the next step is putting to rest the rumours. Make the story disappear, or bury it or just get rid of Olivia's name. Give the press another name if you have to. Just bury Liv's name. Make the press believe that it is not Olivia Pope who had the affair with the President. I don't know how, but fix it. You are all fixers, so if we work together and fix this, we can focus on bringing Livvie home. I was wrong…"

"Wrong, sir? What were you wrong about?"Huck asked.

"About Olivia…about Fitz. If he finds out about this, it will destroy him. He loves her…I know that now. Only a little too late I'm afraid."

"Never mind that, Mr Beene. It's between Olivia and the President. What do you mean that it wasn't you that made her disappear?" Harrison asked.

"It's her father, who apparently has more power than the President. Find out who it is. I know it's Olivia, but until we can find out, we won't be able to bring Livvie back. Listen I have to go, but I will issue you all passes at the security gate, so that you can come by today and start working, if you wish. You have the support of the white house, so use whatever resources you need. I have to go…I will speak to you later."

The team heard a click and then a dial tone. Harrison sighed as the team looked at the phone in shock. Harrison cleared throat and nodded his head.

"Alright team, let's get to work. Abby, found out who the source was, why he or she would leak Liv's name and just found out about the source. Huck, profile on Liv…find out who her father is, etc. Quinn, you're with me." Harrison ordered. Abby and Huck nodded and got to work.

Quinn frowned. "What? Where are we going?"

"The White House. We're going to bring Olivia home."


Doctor Jennifer McLeod was a strange woman, so strange that she gave up her job and decided to move back to her home town to be there for one of her closest friends and give her whatever she needed. Jennifer, or Jenny as she liked to be called, told her assistant to handle affairs while she gave up her role as the main operational psychologist in the Australian Defence Force and she had a side job of helping various clients through her role as psychologist. She had a superpower, and it was that she could tell when someone was lying. It was all about micro expressions and facial expressions, but she was good at telling who was lying and who was not. She was good at finding out secrets. After all, it was all about language. And right now, as she stood at the Bundaberg Airport, watching Olivia walk off the plane, she knew that Liv was in pain. Her face, dark and beautiful, looked tired and her chocolate brown eyes were sad. Olivia was wearing tights, a white jacket and runners.

But she didn't have time to ask questions as soon as Olivia saw her, Olivia ran to her and hugged Jenny tightly. There was a man nearby but she didn't care because her friend needed her. Her closet friend, who met when Jenny was doing a semester at Harvard University and Olivia, was studying her last year in law. The two met in the college bar and hit off and have been best friends since. When Jenny graduated with her degree, she worked under Olivia. It wasn't until a few years ago, when Olivia left the law firm to work on the governor's campaign, she decided to come back to Australia and take the job in the Australian Defence Force.

Jenny hugged Olivia tightly and was surprised because Olivia was not a hugger. In fact she was a tough girl when it came to her emotions, so Olivia running to her and hugging her was surprising. But she didn't care.

They broke apart and smiled at each other.

"So, what have you done this time?" Jenny asked.

"Well, let's see…where do I start?" Olivia said. Olivia smiled at Jenny and observed her. Jenny was born half-caste, to a father who was a full blooded aboriginal and a mother who was Italian. It was a strange mix but it gave the white but also dark skin that Jenny had that made her looked tanned but she wasn't and her long wavy brown hair, which at the moment had red highlights in it and was tied up in a pony-tail. But the best bit that Olivia loved about Jenny was her eyes, which were a hazel green, which just made Jenny mysterious. But Olivia also loved the fact that Jenny was a talker. She laughed quietly to herself as she observed Jenny's outfit. Jenny was wearing dark blue denim jeans, an AC/DC t-shirt and thongs.

"Miss Pope?" a voice asked. The two women turned around and saw the gentleman who was watching them before.

"Yes?" Olivia replied warily.

"I work for you father. He has entrusted me to look after you and get you settled in." he told them.

Olivia nodded. "Thank you but no. You can tell my father I don't want anything to do with him anymore. Assure him that I will stay away, but I already have some help and I am sure as hell that I don't want anything to do with my father. He is the one that has put me in this state and I want nothing to do with him."

The man frowned. "But ma'am-"

"But nothing...you heard miss Pope. Now, go. I may have quit my job from the Australian Defence Force, but I believe I still have some power. She will be safe with me." Jenny interrupted. "Rest assured, she will safe with me and will be staying with me."

The gentleman nodded and walked away. Olivia looked at Jenny and sighed. The two walked out of the airport and walked towards Jenny's car, which was a red RAV 4. Olivia got into the passenger seat and placed the folder in her lap. Jenny got into the driver's seat, started the car up and drove out of the airport, onto the highway.

"So, talk to me. What's happening?" Jenny asked, after they had been driving for a little while.

"Well, how far has the news spread?" Olivia asked.

"They announced that the President had an affair with you last night. And so far, it hasn't caused much reaction but there are some people talking about but to be honest, the President having an affair with a woman really doesn't matter here. We are more into the flood disasters and the fact that Tony Abbott is a dickhead. Why anybody would vote for the Liberal party is beyond me, I mean I'm a Labour supporter but whatever. We more focused on issues around Australia, but then again we do have the magazines. And since new magazines don't come until Monday, we don't know just how much damage has been in Australia. Maybe we just won't tell people you're Olivia Pope." Jenny told her.

"Well, actually, my father has given me this folder that has my new identity, documents about a Swiss bank account and such but I haven't had the chance to open it." Olivia told her.

Jenny nodded. "Okay, this is not like you. I mean, you're Olivia Pope, the fixer. Why aren't you back in the States fighting this? I mean, you're like a gladiator in a suit. Hell, you're the gladiator in the suit. Why aren't you fighting back?"

Olivia sighed. "Because…I'm tired. I'm tired of having to hide myself away. I'm tired of putting on that persona and being Olivia Pope, the tough lawyer who is the gladiator in the suit. The tough woman who is the fixer…she fixes things. The fixer who is in love with one of most powerful men on the planet and she can't have him. No matter hard she tries or he tries, they can't be together and I'm sick and tired of the mind games, the manipulation…I'm over it. That's why I left. Even after someone was trying so hard to talk me out of going, and I wanted to, I wanted to stay, but then I chickened and took the easy way out."

Jenny nodded and pulled the car over to the side, and turned to Olivia. "I know it's not my place to ask and you have told me part of the story…well some of it but I thought you told me that it was over. You told me that you had moved on and found someone new. I mean, didn't you stay that you had a guy named Jake or somebody?"

Olivia nodded. "His name was Jake but it's over. And he was working for Fitz, protecting me. Apparently I was his assignment."

Jenny frowned. "Okay, but how did you get back with Fitz?"

"I told him that if he wanted to be with me, he had to earn me. And so, on the night that Mellie announced that the President having an affair, he was with me. He sat there, on my couch as we watched the clock go down on his marriage and he stayed."

"Okay…I'm still bloody confused, but anyway." Jenny mumbled.

Olivia sighed. "I know I haven't told you much. I mean, I know that you and I email each other all the time but last two weeks have been hectic. I think that's why I gave up, because I was tired and there was so much going back and forth and I had enough."

Jenny nodded. "I understand, truly I do, but promise me something."

"What?" Olivia asked.

"Promise me that you will never give up. I mean take a break now, but when you are ready, fight. Fight for you. Fight for love, for whatever you have with him and you go back and you fight. Because honey, you are Olivia Pope and Olivia Pope never gives up. I know you're tired, so take a break, and then fight. I will be by your side. And if you truly love him, then believe that one day, you two will be together and then nothing can stop you but until then, never ever give up hope. But for now, have a break…because after what you've been through, honey you need it." Jenny pleaded.

Olivia nodded. "I promise…I will never give up."

Jenny hugged Olivia and smiled. "Well, never took you for a hugger."

Olivia laughed. "Yeah…."

They broke apart and smiled at each other. Jenny started the car up and drove off the ledge, heading out to North Bundaberg, where she had a house and a land on Patterson Street.

Olivia frowned. "Where are we going?"

"My house... I have a house, well land really. I told you about my grandfather right?" Jenny asked.

Olivia nodded. "Yes… He was an aboriginal Elder and that he passed away a few years ago and it's your dad that's now Elder, correct?"

Jenny nodded. "Yeah, but he's now in Brisbane, he lives in Brisbane and since I packed up and left and told I was moving back here, he didn't hesitate to give me the keys for the house. In fact he was glad that I was out of ADF and going home. Now I can help you and try and find a job in this town. Can't be that hard, trying to find a job as a psychologist in this town. You gonna open that package?"

"Yeah…" Olivia mumbled, as she opened the folder. Inside was a bunch of papers, a passport and a visa-debit ATM card. She picked up the passport and opened it, looking at her new name and identity.

"Want to know my new name?" she asked.

Jenny nodded. "Sure, though I'm still gonna call you Liv or Livvie, just when it's just us two but yeah, let's have it. What's your new name miss?"

"Lucy…well, Lucille James to be exact." Olivia told her.

Jenny scoffed. "Welcome to the world, Miss Lucille James."

So...what shall I do? I own nothing but Jenny, my aussie chick...have to have an aussie chick in my stories...Please read, leave a review...if you liked it, tell me, if you love it, tell me..if you hate it, i'd like to know why or if there is any criticism, please review...

Love bNd