So this is the last chapter and thank you ever so much to NeverlandNat, ElzyPhangirl and Witbeyondmeasurexox for sticking with it all the way through and being super supportive. Also thank you to anyone else who reviewed this, it means a lot to me. So, here we go;

Chapter 7

I spring away from Dan, hitting my head on a coat rack behind my head as I hear an exclamation of 'fuck' escape Dan's lips. I stare into Cat's deep brown eyes, still holding my throbbing head but they don't give away any emotion, she seems too shocked to even think about what she feels about the situation. "Umm.. I can explain." I say, desperately trying to diffuse the awkward tension. She tilts her head slightly, turning her eyes from me to Dan and then back to me again. This goes on for an excruciating amount of time before a smile cracks its way onto her lips "You guys!" she practically screams, stumbling over her words "What, when, what, how, oh my god, when?" she splutters out.

"Umm for a while now" I say, trying to answer the stream of words that have just come out of her mouth whilst Dan still stands completely still, leaning slightly on a brown trench coat. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!" she says before rushing at me, wrapping her arms around me, but I am still preoccupied with staring at Dan who seems to have gotten paler in the last few minutes. Cat notices my concerned face and turns to look at Dan, "Are you okay?" she says to which Dan nods slightly before saying "Umm can you just excuse us for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." Cat says, looking concerned before opening and closing the brilliant white door with a groan. "Dan?" I say wrapping my arms round his shoulders, but he shrugs me off. "Dan. Are you okay?"

He is silent for a while, "everything's fucked up now" he says, a tear escaping from his eye.

"No it's not. What on earth would make you think that?" I say, pulling him into a hug, and letting him nestle into my chest.

"They're all going to hate me." he says, and I can see his bottom lip beginning to tremble.

"What?" I say "They're not going to hate you, Dan. Did you not see Cat's reaction? She was happy about it."

"Yeah but what abouth the others?" he sniffles. "Why would they want to hang out with a queer like me?"

"Dan." I say, shocked. "This doesn't change anything, and if it does, then those people don't deserve you, you are worth a million of any of the haters out there."

"I'm scared." he says, his voice sounding so fragile that I just want to cradle him like a newborn baby.

"Me too, but you needn't be. We don't have to tell anyone right now, if you don't want to. I am not going to force you into anything. We can tell Cat to keep it to herself and we can carry on as if no one ever saw us, If that's what you want." Dan remained silent for a while, before standing up and looking me straight in the eyes. "No, I can do this." he says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." he says.

We open the door, and climb out of the closet, once and for all. Hand in hand, we walk to the middle of the room, right in amongst strangers and friends and familiar faces. I stand opposite Dan, his brown eyes radiating strength, and I lean in, running my hands through his hair as I kiss him, sensing the jaws drop around us, the place fall silent. But I don't care, I don't care about them, I only care about Dan, about his hands on my waist and his mouth on mine. As we break away, I am very aware that at some point, someone turned the music off. Gradually, I hear an applause start up and sheepishly, I look up to see smiling faces and shouts of 'finally' and 'about time', sure they are also coupled with some faces of disgust and disapproval, but there was always going to be some bruised apples in the bunch. Through the crowd, I make out Chris, making his way, if slightly unsteadily, toward us. He slaps both of us on the backs with a force that I am sure wasn't intended to be that hard, and congratulates us in his slurred speech. As I am watching Chris amble away I feel a small tap on my back and spin round to see Cat, a smile lighting up her face from ear to ear, she leans in and hugs Dan. "Sorry I didn't get to say it before," she says "but congratulations."

"Thanks" me and Dan say in unison, turning to smile at one another.

"How on earth did you manage to hide from me all week?" exclaimed Cat.

Dan turns to me before saying "That. Now that is one long story."