I've been tweaking this for days now. It's time to release it into the wild. Go! Be free!

Hopefully, I got the characterizations correct. I'm an avid White Collar fan, but it has been awhile...

Mozzie slunk out of the shadows and glared at the two men before him. "Neal, Suit."

"Again, we don't need him," Peter Burke of the FBI states to the well dressed man beside him.

Mozzie just stood there. "What do you want?"

"That identified," Neal Caffrey replied, pointing down to an oddly shaped footprint in the soil near the back door of the building they were investigating. "And, Peter, I have a bad feeling about that building. That print doesn't seem like the footwear of a costume to me. The indentions are too deep."

Mozzie peered at the print for a few moments, then went pale, before he pulled out his current burner phone.


Ignoring the two, Mozzie sent a quick text. After a few minutes, he nodded at the reply. "We're going to wait for my expert," he stated to the strange looks he was getting as he put his phone away.

"It's a footprint from a costume," Peter stated. "What else could it be?"

"Hello? Don't you remember the alien invasion? The rampaging robot army in Europe?" Mozzie replied. "And, that's just a few possibilities!"

Peter glared, then sighed and nodded.

"You're letting us meet one of your connections?" Neal finally asked after a few minutes of silence. "Or, should I say, you're letting Peter meet one of your connections?"

"This may be an emergency, and I can't take the chance. Plus, whoever shows up will be protected from Suit."

A female suddenly called out, "Mister K!" A woman with dark hair and red lips in a suit came up to the three. "Long time no see!"

"Darcy? What are you doing in New York?" Mozzie asked, confused.

"I work here now," the woman replied with a grin. Seeing the other two men standing nearby, she continued, "When you requested identification, I was closest."

Taking in the suit Darcy was wearing, Mozzie got suspicious. "Where do you work?"

Darcy suddenly looked shifty. "Well..."

"Can we get back to the identification?" Peter asked, giving Mozzie a stern look.

Mozzie sighed and pointed at the footprint. "Is that what I think it is?"

The young woman crouched down and peered at the footprint. Swearing softly to herself, she stood up. "How did you come across this footprint?"

"I don't think that's any of your business. This is an FBI matter," Peter replied, looking stern.

Pulling the chain from around her neck, Darcy showed her badge. "This is now a SHIELD matter. So, how?"

"What!?" Mozzie exclaimed.

"We're tracking an art thief, who we believe ran into this building," Neal replied over Peter's protests. "How do you know a SHIELD agent?"

"I don't," Mozzie said with a glare. "Does your Aunt know about this, young lady?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Darcy said with sigh. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." She jogged down the alleyway and around the corner. A few minutes later, she jogged back in from the other end of the alley. "Well, this is currently the only viable entrance to the building that I can see," she stated before pulling out her cellphone and pressing a speed dial number. "Coulson, I have a Council sitch. Don't know if I can wait, it's pretty dire. I'm leaving my phone on so backup and or the clean up crew can find me." Putting her still on phone back into her pocket, she took a deep breath. As she swept her curly hair up into a quick ponytail, she addressed all three men. "I'm going to have to ask you three to stay out here. As this is a SHIELD matter, you don't have clearance to go in there."

"Now, see here!" Peter exclaimed. "How do we know you're even a SHIELD agent. For all I know, this could be yet another elaborate scheme!"

Darcy paused and looked pained. "Yeah, I can see that. Mister K isn't the best of references."

"Hey!" Mozzie exclaimed.

Darcy's reply was drowned out by a low flying vehicle hovering above them. Looking up, the four saw a hovering aircraft with the SHIELD logo painted on the bottom. A few moments later, a rope dropped, and a male form quickly slid down.

"Back up, as requested," the SHIELD agent stated, arranging his quiver. "You're lucky I was nearby."

"Thank you, Hawkeye," Darcy replied with a grin. "You'll need gold threaded arrows."

Nodding, the SHIELD agent quickly climbed the building as Darcy turned back to the three men staring.

"As I said, gentlemen, this is now a SHIELD matter. Please don't get in the way." After she saw Hawkeye enter the building from the second floor window, she went to the nearby door and tore it open before striding inside.

"How do you know SHIELD agents, Mozzie?" Peter asked, looking upset.

"I don't! I didn't call SHIELD! I called a friend in Cleveland who has connections that can identify..." His explanation was cut short by the rocking of the street due to a small explosion inside the building in front of them.

Pulling out his gun, Peter strode towards the door. "I'm going in. They may need help."

However, before he could reach the door, it opened from the inside to show a disheveled Darcy, her hair grey from debris of the previous explosion. "All taken care of. Oh!" Turning around, she pulled an unconscious man from inside the building. "I'm hoping this was your art thief."

"It is," Neal said with a grin. "Thank you."

"And, how am I to write this up?" Peter asked as he handcuffed the unconscious suspect.

"SHIELD will be contacting your supervisors to report how you interacted with our operation," Hawkeye said from the doorway. He exited the building, his outfit still pristine. "Thank you for your cooperation." Seeing the van of agents at the mouth of the alley, he nodded and walked away.

"Now that that's over with," Mozzie said turning to Darcy with a stern glance. "Care to explain?"

"Sorry, Mister K! I've got to go file paperwork!" Darcy exclaimed as she jogged off after Hawkeye. "Wait up!"

"Your Aunt will hear about this!" Mozzie yelled after the retreating woman.

What isn't mentioned in the story, since it wasn't from Darcy's point of view, is the massive amounts of paperwork she had to fill out for using a quinjet, other agents, and the clean up crew.

Mozzie has multiple aliases that he's known by according to the White Collar wiki. I decided that the Council knows him as 'Mister K'.

Now, we just have the time Darcy wishes a demon would appear left. Bwahahahahahaha!