A/N: The prompt for this chapter is #21, Thunderstorm

Alright I would like to give a big thank you to all my readers and to all who gave a review! I really appreciate the feedback and am happy to hear that most of you enjoy this so far. Please continue sharing your thoughts and thanks again! Also thank you for you patience as I upload these entries at a snail's pace, Life just has a way of interrupting any progress I make. That is until I pull a fast one and sneak one in to post. :3 Anyways, I digress, I hope you enjoy what you read and as always please R&R! :3

PS: I am but a humble Servant of the Muses...I own nothing...

It was late and yet the young girl sat comfortably in the large armchair as she quietly read from an old leather-bound book. It was evident that time had taken its toll on the poor book as its once lustrous leather binding was cracked and worn and the pages had adopted a slightly golden tinge upon their edges. Yet despite the book's ragged appearance the young girl read on, concentrating intently on the words as if trying to unlock their hidden secrets. She sat alone in the large room, her novel illuminated by the dim desk lamp at her side. She noted the gentle flicker it gave before jumping slightly at the crash of thunder rippled through her. Outside the sky was dark as a violent thunderstorm tore its way through her quiet countryside. She had no fear of the monstrous storms but the sudden crash did startle her from her intense reading session. In response to the minor fright she simply leaned over and took a sip from the warm cup of tea by her side and readjusted her previous position before reading on.

Iyla Chander June 1955

Today I ran into a very pleasant man whilst on a trip to the botanical gardens. I was walking along the path while taking notes on the various plants when I stumbled on the cobblestone and dropped my notes, scattering pages everywhere. As I was gathering them, he also knelt down to help me. Embarrassed, I nervously adjusted my glasses, quickly gave my thanks, and turned to leave. However he called out after me before proceeding to cut me off. He extended his hand forward and, with a charming smile, asked my name. I nervously took his hand and gave him my name before looking up into his striking, ice-blue eyes. Upon my hearing name, he gave a light grip and shook my hand before giving his name as Sir Arthur Hellsing. After our awkward introductions he quickly asked me to kindly accompany him to lunch and tea to which I couldn't find it in myself to decline. During lunch, we both revealed what we did with are lives. I learned that he worked for the crown as he learned about my doctorate in botanical studies and that we were actually both alumni from Oxford University. After lunch, he went further by asking me to dinner later this following week to which I happily accepted. He was a very handsome man and had about him a most mysterious air, as though there was more to his charming smile than he was letting on. Being both a scientist and curious individual by nature I couldn't resist the temptation to unlock Sir Hellsing's secrets and get to know him better.

Iyla Chander February 1956

Today Arthur asked me to marry him. I remember clearly the pure feeling of joy that erupted in my chest when he asked as well as the large grin that appeared on his face when I said yes. These last few months have been life-changing for me as I never expected to find a man as wonderful as him nor did I ever expect to be thrown into the unusual world that he live, I mean we, live in. There are many challenges that lie ahead of us but so long as we are together I am positive things will work out as planned.

Lady Iyla Hellsing July 1957

Today I proudly write under my new name as Lady Iyla Hellsing. The ceremony and following reception were beautiful, members of my family, the Round Table and even the Queen herself had attended. The event was held outside in my favorite Botanical Garden as Arthur knew my love of plants. As we danced the scent of multitudes of flowers filled the air and the summer fireflies took wing and gently flew around us, illuminating the night with their soft glow. The events took place like a blur with my memories and thoughts centered on Arthur, I look forward to spending the rest of my life with this man...

Upon finishing the latest passage the girl stopped and gave a smile as the scenes she was reading played out like a movie in her head. As she turned the page she was surprised to see a dried and pressed flower tucked within the aging folds. She didn't know much about flowers but she knew enough to identify this one as an orchid, one of her favorite flowers. She silently gave the withered plant a gentle look over, noting that its once vibrant color was now reduced to a darkened version of its former self, she also noted the browning edges that were once a brilliant shade of ivory. Once thoroughly observed she gently returned the delicate piece to its home between the pages as she continued to unlock the lost story of Lady Hellsing.

Lady Iyla Hellsing April 1967

Today, to my greatest displeasure, it arrived. I don't what to do, I've tried everything and yet I can not seem to achieve what Arthur and I both strive so desperately for. I am fear that I am simply infertile not to mention my age as a growing factor. We have been trying earnestly for five years now to have a baby however I am starting to feel that for us that will never be a reality. We have considered adoption but Arthur needs a blood line to ensure that that Servant of his remains locked away. I guess I will have to give him the news sometime today….

Lady Iyla Hellsing May 1977

Today, Arthur and I rejoiced as I finally confirmed my pregnancy after a brief physical earlier this morning. My physician was deeply concerned about my advanced age that I would not be able to carry to term but I have made it past the first trimester and was told that my baby appears to be in fine health. There isn't much more they can tell me but judging by my size and weight, the doctor estimates that I will give birth sometime in October which gives us ample time to prepare. In all my years Arthur never seemed so proud and has barely left me alone all day. He has begun treating me as though I were made of glass though I have quickly put him in his place assuring him that I was made not of glass but of iron and assured him that regardless of our ages that all would be fine, mentioning that it was common among my people give birth well into my current age.

Lady Iyla Hellsing August 1977

Today, Arthur and I have chosen names for our baby. Should the baby be a boy we have decided to name him Abraham Arthur Winfield and if we have a girl we have decided upon Integral Fairbrook Wingates . I grow anxious with every day that passes to meet welcome into the world our darling child.

Lady Iyla Hellsing October 1977

After a couple of days of false labor I am currently immersed in full blown labor as my water broke only an hour ago. I am told that I have not fully dilated and that I should try walking about my room in an attempt to speed the process. Arthur has stepped out upon my request but appears just as anxious as I. Our retainer, Walter has recently brought me a familiar Indian tea that is used in my home as way of also aiding labor. The tea tastes awful and the contractions come and go every twenty minutes or so and they are horrid however all will be worth it to finally meet our long awaited child…..

The girl, now anxious by the books events, flipped through the following pages, desperately, to find the ending to the story but the pages just stared back at her blank, and untouched. Disappointed, she snapped the book shut and held her head in her palm knowing full well that such stories never had happy endings. She had heard snippets of this story before but every time she got close to discovering the end something got in her way. She recognized the woman in the book as her mother, she had discovered her journal tucked away in her late father's desk next to a small twin book that instead held pictures of her parents that went with the journal like a picture book, the final image being that of a man holding a newborn. Upon his lips was a smile but his eyes looked empty and sad confirming what he had lost in exchange for the tiny bundle he held in his arms. As she looked at the images of her mother she noting the striking resemblance to her own appearance, looking past her lighter hair and eye color. The images eventually brought warm tears to Integra's eyes as she continued to look through the pictures of her parents and eventually of her and her father. "What went wrong" she quietly asked herself, fighting the lump in her throat and pushing back the tears.

Suddenly an eerie chill filled the air before her Servant stepped forth from the shadows before her. His normally cold eyes were somehow warm as he approached her with a gentle expression before asking quietly, "What are you doing up so late Master and are you sure you really want to know what happened to Lady Iyla?", in a concerned tone before kneeling before her. Integra, slightly annoyed by his sudden intrusion, quickly wiped her tears as to avoid show him any sign of weakness before responding with, "Alucard, what do you want?" Her small, ice-blue eyes were hard as she looked down at the monster before her. "I have asked my father and Walter for answers and both avoided the question by telling me how wonderful my mother was but none ever explained what happened" her voice teetered off into an almost inaudible tone. "I want to know what happened… Alucard, do you really know?" She asked in a quiet tone as she adverted her eyes to look at the teacup that now held half a glass of cold tea. To her question, Alucard got up and gestured for her to get up and switch positions, a request Integra almost refused but thought better of it as she gently climbed into the vampire's lap. Alucard made himself comfortable further by wrapping his arms around her and looking down into her large blue eyes and saying, "First off you bare the striking resemblance to her despite your father's hair and eye color and yes I know what happened because regardless of my induced slumber I am still bound to your blood line. Because of this connection I was still privy to your father's thoughts and memories as they appeared as dreams in my sleep." Alucard looked intently into Integra's eyes with a soft expression on his face before taking in a vestigial breath to continue his tale. "As you read, your parents tried for years to have you as you were something they both wanted and what Hellsing needed. Both were overjoyed at the knowledge of your arrival and both waited eagerly as the months went on. However on the day of your birth there were some complications during the delivery and although Lady Hellsing fought hard for her life in the end even she could not stand against the forces working against her. She held on long enough to hold you to her chest and lay a kiss upon your brow, uttering your name and her announcing her love for both you and your father with her last breath. Your father was heartbroken; however despite her loss he was pleased that he still had you. He thought of her every day until the day he too died, every day seeing more and more of her in you, feeling both pride and happiness that his beloved wife lived on in you. That, my young Master, is the ending to the tale you have taken upon yourself to read." Alucard finished with a soft tone before following with, "Is there anything else you would like to know Master?"

Taking in a breath, Integra simply looked away before quietly answering, "No that will be all, it is late and I think I will be heading to bed now….Thank you Alucard, you are dismissed." As she answered she had gotten up from his lap, turned out the light, and made it across the room to the door before heading off to her bedroom. Upon approaching her room, she fought hard against the tears that wormed their way yet again to her eyes. She mentally asked herself as the tears began to flow of their own accord, 'How am I to do this? I am only a child! Most children my age would be concerned about which toys to plays with and what trends were in fashion and yet here I am having already faced death, finding myself now as the Director of an organization whose goal is to rid the world of vampires and other dark creatures, and Master to the Monster himself! To top things off I am left completely alone….' The latter thought struck her the most and she let out a relenting sigh as she continued to cry silently into her pillow, a cold spot forming beneath her cheek. Like before the cold sensation returned and she realized that she was no longer alone. She was about to get up and berate Alucard for his second intrusion of the night but before she could even budge she felt the pressure of two long arms wrap around her. In her ear she heard him whisper, "You are never alone my dear Master, not so long as I remain your Servant. Now hush, you can berate me in the morning, for now just sleep Integra." Her initial displeasure was lost in a sigh as she relented and accepted his offer by snuggling closer into his embrace. Oddly comforted by his presence she quickly found herself drowsy and soon she was taken by sleep. The last thing she remembered was the soft feeling of Alucard's lips upon her head as dreams of her parents slowly began to play on in her head….

A/N: Alright I hope you enjoyed what you read. I do apologize for the large time jumps but I was trying to convey only parts I felt were pertinent to the story, though I may one day add a few more entries to try and fill some in. To give a quick explanation, after some digging I was able to put together a logical timeline for the events of Hellsing prior to Integra's birth. I imagine that if Arthur was at least twenty by the start and events of WWII that would put him at thirty-six by the time he met Integra's mother while she on the hand I made younger at the age of twenty-four when they met in 57'. Also, considering Arthur's initial nature I didn't imagine him jumping into fatherhood immediately so I made them wait a few years however they were unsuccessful for fifteen years before finally conceiving Integra in 77' However this puts Lady Hellsing at the age of forty-six which is considered an extremely high risk pregnancy and ultimately what led to her untimely end. This time frame also allows Arthur to be much older and puts him at seventy years old at the time of his death in 89'. Also this year puts Integra at the age of twenty-two by the happenings of the Manga.

I really tried to make this entry longer to make up for my shorter ones in the past. I do hope you enjoyed this entry and as always please R&R! :3