Chapter 03

The Secret Scroll!

"Yutaka, Kuro, age ten, son of Konan and Nagato Yutaka." A man says as he looks at a sheet of paper. Another man grips his fist tightly as he says Kuro's parents' names. Kuro shifts his weight from one leg to the other, "Your mother is currently enrolling to be a Jōnin. Your brother is also applying for The Academy. So tell us, why do you want to enroll?"

"I want to learn as much as possible; to hone my abilities." The man with the paper nods and the other man shakes his head and laughs.

"That will be all Mr. Yutaka. You may leave." Kuro bows slightly and walks out of the room, "Send in your brother please." Kuro steps out of the room and Xentall stands.

"How'd it go?"

"One seems to be professional. The other man seems to hate me."

"Whatever. Wish me luck." Xentall steps into the room and walks in front of the table. The man with the papers switches and clears his throat.

"Yutaka, Xentall, age ten, son of Konan and Nagato Yutaka." The other man glares at Xentall, "Why do you want to enroll in The Academy?" Xentall approaches the table and meets the other man face to face.

"Do we have a problem?" The man glares at him and Xentall glares back.

"Mr. Yutaka you are dismissed!"

"Not until this guy tells me what his deal is with me and my brother!" The man stands up and moves closer until they are nose to nose.

"My problem is that Lord Hokage let criminals into this village; the same village that your bastard of a father and a whore of a mother nearly destroyed." Xentall punches the man in the face, sending him flying into the wall behind him. The other man grabs Xentall and puts him in a hold before he could continue his attack.

"You take that back before I tear you in half!" He struggles in the man's grip and Kuro runs in to help.

"Calm yourself Mr. Yutaka before I have to take drastic measures!"

"I swear to go I'll kill you! Take it back now!" The man slowly stands up laughing.

"Is that the best you got kid?" The man walks over to him and punches Xentall in the stomach. Xentall takes a deep breath and starts to wheeze as the other man puts him on the ground and starts to yell at the man who hit him. Kuro helps Xentall up and they both walk out of the building and start to roam the village again.

"You have to learn to control yourself Xen. You just assaulted a higher up."

"He called mom a whore." Kuro's forehead creases. Xentall smiles knowing that Kuro is now feeling the anger he is feeling, "So where are we going?"

"We're going to a common ground where all of the other students from The Academy hang out."

"Good, maybe I can find that Momoiji kid and beat him into the ground!" Kuro slaps the back of his head.

"We didn't come here for you to start fights around every corner! We have to be careful who we talk to and how! We don't want people to know who we are." Kuro looks over his shoulder to see if anyone is listening, "I know you are proud of who our father is. But these people hate him; we can't let it slip out on who he was." A large man in an apron suddenly steps in their way with his arms crossed.

"So you are the boys my son was talking about!" Kuro looks up and frowns, "So it is true, Sons of that Pain guy have made it into our village!" The man grabs Kuro by the collar of his shirt and lifts him up, "Well I'm not going to let two little punks with my son or this village!" Other mend start to surround them, wielding weapons such as pitchforks, pans, oars, shovels and hammers, "Your father destroyed our city! We won't let that happen again!"

"Please sir, we mean neither you nor this village any harm. We came to this village for protection and peace." Kuro grips the man's arms to try and make him release his grip. Xentall stands there with his fists clutched tightly, "Just out of curiosity, who is your son?"

"Eiji is my boy." Xentall's eyes wide and his heart flutters. He slowly reaches for his short sword but one of the other men surrounding them hits him in the back of the head with his shovel. Xentall crumbles to the ground and they start to hit and kick him.

"No, stop it! We don't want to fight you!" Eiji's father punches Kuro in the nose and drops him. Then him and the rest of the men jump on Kuro and start to beat him as well.

"What do you all think you are doing?" Someone yells as he starts to pull the men off of them. Kuro looks up to see Naruto pushing them all away, "Enough of this! They're just kids!"

"Lord Hokage, those kids are the sons of Pain! They have come here to destroy our village again! We won't let that happen!" The men cheer in agreement and Naruto puts up and hand seal and four shadow clones surround Kuro and Xentall.

"They are no threat to us. Now leave before I arrest you all!" The men grunt as the walk away. The shadow clones disappear and Naruto helps Kuro up, "Are you o.k.?" Kuro pushes Naruto aside and crawls over to Xentall and shakes him.

"Xentall, are you o.k.?" Xentall lets out a hefty grunt as he slowly lifts himself up.

"We didn't need your help. Now they think we're weak!"

"Judging that this is your third day here and all three days you were injured, I'd say you have a lot of training to do. By the way, I found you two to give you these." He holds out two green goggles and Kuro takes one, "I pulled some strings and got them to accept you as well Xentall. You have to control your temper." Xentall snatches the goggles out of his heads and puts it on his forehead.

"I don't need to control anything. You need to tell your Shinnobi to learn some manners." Xentall walks off and down the street. Kuro puts his goggles on his head and bows towards Naruto.

"Thank you Lord Hokage. When does class start?"

"In an hour, so come with me." A shadow clone walks past them carrying Xentall and Kuro follows behind chuckling to himself.

"Put me down!" Xentall yells as he thrashes in the grip of the shadow clone. The shadow clone puts him down then vanishes, "I can walk on my own!" Xentall dusts himself off and walks beside Kuro.

"You sure are a tough one, huh?" Naruto says with a smile, "You'll fit in just fine at The Academy." He turns around a corner and The Academy is in sight. There are a bunch of people gathering around the entrance. They're talking to their kids and the see Naruto walking towards them, "Word travels fast." He wraps his arms around Xentall and Kuro's shoulders, holding them close as they continue to walk. Xentall's heart races as Naruto pulls him close. Although he has already helped his family many times before, he still loathes him.

The parents swarm them, protesting against Naruto. Naruto pushes them aside as gentle as he could while still trying to protect the boys. They finally make it into the building and he laughs.

"That was scary, huh boys?"

"No, I could've taken them all on."

"You sure are hardheaded." Xentall crosses his arms and Kuro laughs to himself again.

"Xen thinks he can take on anyone since the only real people he's fought is my mom and me." Naruto nods and leads them into a classroom where students are talking amongst themselves while they wait for their teacher.

Xentall looks around the room and smirks. There is a desk where he guesses the teacher sits at. A long chalkboard behind the teacher's desk, the seats where the students sit are like bleachers; each level is high until it reaches the windows that are half way up the wall. Naruto sits Xentall and Kuro in the back, directly under a window.

"I'll see you two later. I have a previous engagement concerning your mother. He walks out and the noise gets louder as the other students continue to talk. Both Xentall and Kuro slouch in their seats. A girl with long, red hair and green eyes walks in. Xentall sits up and he catches a glimpse of her. Their eyes make contact for a split second before Xentall looks away and leans back in his seat. He knows she's coming up to talk to them or do something. Xentall elbows Kuro as he slides the goggles over his eyes. Kuro does the same, catching on to hide their Rinnegan. The girl taps Xentall's shoulder and he look at her.

"I'm Riu! Are new?" She asks as she moves hair behind her ear. Xentall blushes and is glad that the goggles can hide it.

"Yeah, I'm Xentall and this is my brother Kuro." Kuro raises a hand to say hi and she giggles.

"You know you don't have to put the goggles on, they're just a symbol of an Academy Student!" She lifts Xentall's goggles and before he could stop her or protest, the goggles are lifted and his Rinnegan is revealed. She gasps and covers her mouth with both hands, "You have the Rinnegan?" She yells in surprise. Some of the students stop their conversations and look in their direction while some change the subject and start to talk about them.

"Yes, we have the Rinnegan."

"We?" She asks with raised eyebrows. Xentall nudges Kuro and he lifts his goggles, showing his Rinnegan, "That is so cool! You guys share it?" Xentall shuffles in his seat. Riu frowns as she catches on that the subject makes him anxious, "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I just think it's cool. Now we have all three Eye Techniques in the class." She smiles and skips back down to the front and sits down next a short haired girl with a bow in it. Kuro taps Xentall's shoulder as he looks out the window.

"Hey Xen, I can see the library from here! You want to go and check it out?" Xentall squishes next to him and stares out the window.

"Maybe we can find scrolls on summoning!

"Maybe there'll be some on the Rinnegan too!" The look at each other with a smile, "Do you think anyone will notice us?" Kuro asks. Xentall looks around the classroom and shakes his head. He then opens the window and pushes Kuro through it, "I won't fit! It's too small!" Xentall punches him in the butt and he goes flying through it. Xentall then climbs through the window and Kuro grabs his arms.

"Pull harder!" Kuro places both feet on the wall to get better leverage and tugs with all of his might.

"Why are you so fat?"

"It's not fat its muscle! You should try getting some!" Xentall finally slips out and they fall onto the ground; Xentall landing on top of Kuro, "Nice work!" He helps him up and they run towards the library.

"They burst through the door, scaring the librarian. Xentall and Kuro stand in in awe as the look at all the shelves of scrolls. A short, pudgy woman with thick glasses approaches them.

"Hello and welcome to the Hidden Leaf Record Archives. How may I be of service today?"

"You wouldn't happen to have scrolls of Summoning Justus would you?" The woman cowers due to Xentall's blunt question.

"All the scrolls you are looking for are on the second floor, towards the back where all the archaic scrolls are." Xentall and runs past her, making her clutch the scrolls in her arms like her life depends on it. Kuro approaches her slowly.

"Where would scrolls on the Rinnegan be?" The librarian's shoulders relax as she knows the child in front of her isn't as fast as the other one.

"They are located in the Kekkei Genkai section of the library, which is right behind the front desk." She guides Kuro as they hear Xentall running up stairs.

"Kuro, there are so many scrolls on summoning! You have come up here when you find what you're looking for!" Xentall yells. Some other people are mumbling to themselves as they go back to reading. Kuro starts to take scrolls and books off of shelves and looks through them. Xentall can still be heard as he pulls scrolls and books off of shelves and lays them on the floor.

A few minutes pass and Kuro walks up stairs to find Xentall siting around mountains of scrolls and books. Kuro sits in front of him and lays down two scrolls and one thin book.

"This is all they had on the Rinnegan?" Xentall asks, putting the scroll he is currently reading onto the ground, "That seems a little pathetic." He then draws his attention back to his scroll and Kuro sighs.

"They don't even give detailed information. Just speculation and what they learned from fighting our father." Kuro picks up a scroll from one of Xentall's piles and starts to read, "What have you learned so far?"

"Nothing we didn't already know; a signature in blood and concentration."

"I don't suppose you found a Summoning Contract from Ryūchi Cave?" Kuro asks, still reading his scroll on different techniques to summoning.

"Nope, but I'm sure there is a scroll about them somewhere." Xentall closes his scroll and starts to look through his piles, "Found it!" He pulls a book out form the middle of the pile and it falls on him. Kuro takes the book from his hand while he digs himself out.

"Nice find. It has chapters for each contract! Kuro sits down while Xentall rummages through his piles for something else to read, "Xen, it says that there is a Summoning Contract in the library!" Xentall rips the book out of his hands and pulls it really close to his face.

"It says it's an ancient Summoning Contract held by Orochimaru when he attacked the village. It could be anywhere."

"Maybe they took it from him and put it in the Forbidden Library." Xentall looks at him with a raised eyebrow, "Thought that might peak your interest. The Forbidden Library is located behind the library." The both run out of their littered isle and down the stairs, "We'll be back shortly!" Kuro yells as they run out the door. They run behind the library and see a small shack with locks all over the door.

"Great, how are we supposed to get in?" Xentall yells in a fit. Kuro walks up to the shack, rubbing his hands together. He then does hand seals and slams the ground in front of the shack, creating a large, deep hole.

"The real Forbidden Library is underground."

"How would you know that?" Xentall says as he takes a look down the hole.

"Because that's what I would do." He jumps down the holes and Xentall follows.

Kuro lands in a hallway that is low lit with torches and Xentall lands behind him with a great thud. Kuro looks down the hallway in every direction and stands there for a moment.

"You have no idea where to go do you?" Xentall says as he grabs a torch from the wall. Kuro points to his right and they both walk down the hallway, "Are you sure it's this way?"

"Nope, but we have to start somewhere. It is a Summoning Contact after all." Xentall shrugs and continues to follow.

After what seems like an eternity. They walk into a large room that is better lit than the halls. Xentall and Kuro contain their excitement as they start their search for the scroll.

"What do you think it looks like?" Kuro asks as he rummages through dusty shelves.

"I don't know. Maybe a really thick scroll with a rope tied around it?" Xentall knees down behind Kuro and throws something heavy on the ground, "Or maybe a large scroll with a rope tied around it that says Contract from Ryūchi Cave?" Kuro spins around and practically falls onto his knees.

"I can't believe you found it! I thought it would've been better hidden!" Xentall unties the rope and rolls it open, "I can't believe we're about to do this!" Kuro grabs his chest in anxiety, "What if it doesn't work?"

"It's going to work, don't chicken out now!" Xentall takes out his short sword and cuts his palm, "A signature in blood." He hands Kuro his short sword and he does the same. The both lather the blood so it covers their entire hand. They both take a deep breath and place their hands onto the paper and then sign their names with one finger, "We did it." They sit there for a moment, their hearts racing, fingers trembling and then Xentall starts to do hand seals but Kuro stops him.

"Are you crazy? You don't know how to summon yet!"

"Then do it with me, I want to summon a snake now! I've waited too long for this!" Kuro lets his grip go and starts to do hand seals with him. They slam their hands onto the ground and a large, black circle appears on the ground and surrounds them. The ground starts to shake and crack. Then a cloud of smoke erupts from the ground and they are lifted into the air, screaming.

Konan is walking down a hallway until she comes to the end and walks through a door where all other Jōnin are lounging. Konan stands near the doorway awkwardly until Shikamaru stands next to her and gives her something wrapped.

"Naruto had this made for you." Konan unwraps the gift and a headband with the symbol of The Rain Village is engraved on it. Konan runs her fingers over it with a smile, "He made two more for your sons if they graduate from The Academy." Shikamaru says as he adjusts his headband on his arm.

"Thank you; you don't know how much this means to me. How much it'll mean to them." She slips it on around her forehead and leans back against the wall, "So what does a Jōnin of the Hidden Leaf do?"

"We usually go on missions and wait to be assigned a squad of Genin to teach. Heard you want your boys in your squad. You sure that's wise?" Konan glares at him and he glares back.

"I'm the only one who knows anything about their gifts. What their father passed down to them. How unlikely it seems, the Rinnegan is hereditary. And I'm the only one who can teach them to control it." Shikamaru looks at her with pure terror as well as everyone else in the room. Konan looks around and sees everyone's faces.

"You mean to tell me that they have the Rinnegan? How is that possible?" Konan shrugs and everyone goes back to their conversations, "I didn't even know he had any sons. Are they dangerous?" Konan slaps Shikamaru and everyone pauses and looks at them.

"Don't you dare accuse my boys of being dangerous!" Shikamaru places a hand on his cheek and he looks Konan over. Her body is in a defensive stance, tears rolling down her cheeks. Shikamaru smiles and places a hand on her shoulder but then the ground shakes and he falls on his back. People can be heard screaming from the outside as they run for their lives. Konan runs to the nearest window and sees a colossal, three-headed snake. All Jōnin run out to combat it and Konan follows them.

When they reach the roofs Konan looks in horror as she sees that all the snake's eyes bare the Rinnegan. All Shinnobi of the Leaf mobilize an prepare for battle. Shikamaru appears next to Konan and she glares at him.

"They're not dangerous, right?" He takes out a cigarette and lights it, "Tell me then, how do you explain this?" He takes a drag then exhales.

"My boys would never harm innocent people!" She looks back at the snake and sees two figures on top of the middle one's head. She runs and jumps towards the snake and she can hear Shikamaru yelling in protest.

The snake's tail whips at Konan, destroying the library. Konan jumps and lands on the middle head. She sees Xentall and Kuro, griping onto the head for their lives.

"Xentall and Kuro Yutaka, you are in so much trouble!" The boys shudder as they turn around and see their mother standing over them with an evil glare, "What were you two thinking? How did you even summon this?"

"We found Orochimaru's old Summoning Contract!" Kuro yells as the snake continues to wreak havoc on the village.

"We didn't mean to summon a big one like this! We just wanted to see if it would work!" Xentall yells as he tries to stand up. Konan grabs both of their ears and the snake head to the left looks at them. Konan glares into the snake's eyes and it dashes at them with an open mouth.

"Jump!" Konan orders and she releases her grip and jumps off the snake's head. Xentall and Kuro freeze in fear as the snake bites down on the middle one's head, consuming them. Konan yells in horror as she watches her kids get engulfed by the snake. The Middle head roars and hisses in pain as the left head releases its grip. Konan screams as she does hand seals.

"SHIKIGAMI DANCE!" Konan disperses into thousands of sheets of paper. They all fly towards the left head and envelope it. The middle and right head hiss and roar in anger as the both try to break apart the sheets of paper. The left head slowly opens and Konan slowly appears through the sheets and shows only her bust. Her eyes widen as she sees Xentall and Kuro holding each other in fear, "How are you two still alive?" Xentall and Kuro remain silent and she slowly extends her arm out of the paper and holds it out, "Take my hand boys!" She's then ripped out and Xentall runs at her to grab her hand.

"NO!" The mouth remains and Xentall looks out to see the middle head gripping Konan by her leg, "STOP IT!" The snake looks at him and remains still, "PUT HER DOWN, NOW!" The middle head lowers and places Konan gently onto the nearest roof. Kuro jumps out of the mouth and beckons Xentall to follow, "Now be gone!" The snake disappears in a large cloud of white smoke and Xentall jumps from in and lands next to Kuro.

"Xen, look at what we did." Xentall looks over the now large crater where the Library use to be and the small trail where the snake traveled, "We almost destroyed the village."

"Did you notice the snake's eyes?" Kuro nods slowly, "You don't think anyone else noticed that, do you?" They hear someone clear their throat and they turn around to see all the Shinnobi standing behind them with anger and distain glued to their faces.

"Yes Xen, I think they did notice." Konan walks through the crowd and Grabs both of their ears again. They yelp in pain as she tugs on them harder than usual.

"You two are in so much trouble!" Naruto appears in front of them and he has his arms crossed, "Lord Hokage." She says with a surprised tone.

"My office, now!" He demands as he turns around and jumps towards the mountain, Sakura following him. Konan glares at Xentall and Kuro as she jumps to follow them as well. Xentall and Kuro both take a deep breath and follow their mother up the mountain.

Naruto slams his fist into his desk as Xentall and Kuro stand in front of him. Konan is standing behind them with her arms crossed. Naruto paces back and forth behind his desk, trying to find the words to express on what he is feeling.

"Not only have you skipped school, not only have you destroyed the library or the fact that you broke into the Forbidden Section of the library. You have destroyed people's homes and places of business! Lucky for you no one was killed! But there are a handful of injured civilians!" Xentall crosses his arms and shifts his weight from one leg to the other. Kuro rubs the back of his neck as tears start to form in his eyes, "What do you have to say in your defense?"

"We just wanted to see if we could summon." Kuro says with a shaky voice, "We didn't mean to summon a snake that would be hell bent on destroying the village."

"But it wasn't trying to destroy the village." Sakura jumps in, leaning against Naruto's desk, "It was heading here, to the Lord Hokage's Quarters." Xentall cocks his head at her and she smirks, "Don't play stupid with me boy, I saw that all the eyes on the snake had the Rinnegan, just like you and your brother. It was summoned to kill Naruto. You wanted Naruto dead. This was an assassination attempt!"

"Now wait just a moment! My boys are not assassins! They were just curious of their abilities!" Konan yells as he steps forward.

"Then maybe you are the assassin and making your own sons do all your dirty work!" Konan comes nose to nose with Sakura.

"Do we have a problem here, Forehead?" Sakura's eyes intensify and she grabs Konan's shirt collar as Naruto lets out a slight chuckle.

"Let her go Sakura, we all know this was just an accident; a happy accident actually." Everyone looks at him with wide eyes and a cocked head, "We now know that they will graduate from The Academy. No Academy student could summon something like that. They are younger than me when I did my first summon." Sakura approaches him in protest but he holds his hand up to silence her, "Although I have forgiven you two for this, I must press on the matter of the destruction you have caused. The people of my village already hate your family for its dark past, now they have real reason to hate you." Xentall grunts in anger.

"Has everyone really forgotten what my father did for you all?" Naruto looks at him with a small frown, "He sacrificed himself to resurrect everyone he has killed within the village!"

"One good deed does not clear an entire life of bad ones!" Sakura says with a pout.

"If it wasn't for him your friends and family would be dead!" Xentall walks out and Kuro follows, tears rolling down his cheeks. Konan rubs temple and Sakura walks out of the office and turns in the opposite direction of the boys.

"Strong willed that one." Naruto says as he sits down in his chair.

"Yeah, you learn to deal with it. And thank you for going easy on them." Naruto nods and goes to his paperwork, "If I can request it, I want some Shinnobi to protect and watch over them during the day, especially during their time at The Academy." Naruto nods, not looking her in the eyes.

"I'll have two Jōnin watch over them. Now leave me, I have thousands of new paperwork to deal with." Konan bows slightly and walks out, following her sons.

"Don't think you two are off the hook just because Naruto is letting you both off with a warning. You two are grounded until you graduate from The Academy." Xentall and Kuro turn around at the same time looking at her with frowns and arms crossed, "Don't give me those looks! She grabs their ears and drags them to a field with a running track, "You two are going to do some training!"

"When do we stop?" Kuro asks with a sigh.

"When I tell you to, you'll start with running the track. Then pushups, then tree bruising, then combat training and then back to running and the cycle will continue until I say so." Kuro and Xentall groans with frustration and Konan claps loudly, "Get going!"

Xentall and Kuro run along the track together. And just when their legs start to go numb, Konan yells next and they drop down to do pushups. Konan and a paper clone appear on each of their backs as they do pushups, adding weight and making it harder.

"I want to see you go as low as you can, boys! You two won't cheat out of this one!" Their arms start to shake and their faces are turning red. Their breathing gets heavy and Konan jumps off of Kuro's back. The paper clone disappears and she yells next. Xentall and Kuro limp over to the nearest trees and start punching and kicking them.

"I don't think I'm ever going to summon again." Kuro grunts under his breath. Xentall looks at him with a smirk, "You think I'm joking?"

"That snake wasn't trying to eat us. It was trying to protect us."

"What makes you say that?" Kuro says as he punches the tree and feels a crack within his left hand. He squints one eye and bares his teeth in pain but continues to punch and kick the tree.

"It didn't swallow." Xentall grunts under his breath. They continue to punch and kick the trees until their knuckles are raw and bloody and their feet are red and numb. Then Konan yells next and they face her. She runs at them and they run at her.

They then start to throw kicks and punches at each other, blocking or dodging them. They continue to do this until she yells next and the cycle of punishment continues again.

Their punishment continues until the middle of the night. She then tells them to stop when they're at the trees. As soon as she said the word they dropped to the ground, exhausted and broken. Konan and a paper clone pick them up and carry them back to their house where she bandages their wounds, feeds them chicken and rice and then lays them in bed.

She then strips down to her under shirt and shorts and lays in her own bed, exhausted and completely scared of the day to come.