Hi guys, so I'm really sorry that I just started that Kalel and Anthony story and then just completely abandoned it, I just wasn't feeling it at all and I started on a wrong foot with the first chapter. So I ended up deleting it and I didn't know if I was going to make another chapter. But then I read a story by strawberry4life (it was so good! Go read it, it's called the youtube family) and was inspired to restart and use all of the ideas I have in my head. Also I started a story on fictionpress and I actually update it, so go check that out if you want my name is kawaiikitteh on there and the story is called friendship. Yeah, so I hope you enjoy this new Kalel and Anthony fanfiction and I am hereby making a promise to update this at least once a week. Enjoyyyyy

Kalel's POV

I tossed and turned in my bed, feeling a slight tickling on my nose and I shot up when the tickling turned into a sharp pain. I opened my eyes and started looking around the room, but everything was blurry and I couldn't see anything. I put on my glasses to see if that would help and under my chin looking up at me with huge green eyes was of course Pip. He must have wanted to cuddle and got scared when I wouldn't wake up. I wonder why he didn't go and mess with Anthony though, he likes him a little bit better. I would have expected this behavior from Buki when it comes to me. I lifted my arms off of the mattress and picked up Pip by his sides. I put him close to my face and then kissed his little, black nose and he purred. I put him back down and then looked at the clock on my nightstand. It had 8:00 on I and I decided maybe I'll start my day early today, I have some designs I need to work on anyways. I got up off of the extremely comfortable bed, pulled the crème colored sheets back to where my pillow laid, and then started walking to my office.

I walked into the room and was again greeted by darkness. I walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains, which made light pour into the room in immense amounts. I squinted my eyes for a couple seconds so they could get adjusted then I walked over to my giant desk and took a seat. The chair was comfy and it was actually really squishy so sometimes if I lost my focus or if I was anxious I could just bounce up and down and it's almost like an exercise ball, which is fun. I scooted the chair in after I got comfortable then took out all of my supplies. Before I started working I pulled my thick, brown hair back into a bun so it would stay out of my face somewhat, but my bangs still occasionally made their way into my eyes.

I pulled out a little sheet of paper that I had been working on for quite a while and I was still nowhere close to finishing. In front of me was a drawing of my wedding dress. I have been drawing it because it would be amazing to wear my original design down the aisle on the day Anthony and I get married. The dress was full of all the girly things I love like bows, lace, tool, etc. It was beautiful, but I couldn't see myself walking down the aisle yet in it so I continued to work on it and it's progressed slowly. I pulled out my pencils and charcoal for shading then I started adding some details to the dress, not paying attention to anything else.

Anthony's POV

I woke up with a jolt looking around for Kalel and she was nowhere in sight. I hate when she does this, getting up before me and not waking me up or at least leaving a cute note to tell me what she's doing. I got up out of the bed, pulled the covers back, threw my robe on, and started looking for her around the apartment. I looked in the kitchen first to see if she went to get breakfast, and then realized I was being stupid and she was probably in the office. I walked down the hall to get to the room and of course I was right. There she was sketching away on the same design she has been working on for months. she looked really focused and I didn't want to disturb her, so I went back to the kitchen and decided to make us some breakfast. I looked around through the cabinets and pantry looking for stuff, but the only things we had were fruit and pop-tarts. I decided I would make pop-tarts because they honestly taste better and are more fun than the fruit we had. I grabbed the first flavor I saw and it was peanut butter. When the hell did they start making PB pop-tarts, and who bought these anyways! I pulled out the little foil container and opened it to reveal two rectangular pop-tarts with little tiny holes in them. I walked over to the toaster over and put them in for around 7 minutes.

The toaster shot up the food in a few minutes and before I could reach for them Pip jumped up onto the counter, and went over to smell them. He has this new obsession lately with human food and he tries to eat everything. I snatched away the food before he could start nibbling on it and put one on each plate. I walked into the office and saw that Kalel had taken her attention off of the sketch and was now sitting in the giant love-sac that we have sitting in the middle of the room. She looked a little down and I didn't know what to say.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked and she looked up with a look of surprise, I guess she didn't know that I was standing there. She sighed and I walked over and sat down on the sac with her and I placed her pop-tart on her lap.

"I've been sketching my wedding dress for a while, and I think it's done but I don't know how to sew worth a shit," she said and I still didn't get why this was making her so depressed. Our wedding is about five months away, she's got plenty of time.

"The wedding's in October you'll figure out something before then. Maybe you could ask somebody that does know how to sew to do it for you and you can just buy the materials," I said. When she heard that idea her eyes lit up and she jumped over to her desk and grabbed her phone.

Kalel's POV

I had my phone in hand and I was scrolling through my contacts trying to find the one person I was looking for. I made it to the M's and clicked her name when I saw it. The phone started ringing and I waited until I heard a click and a familiar voice.

"Hello," said the person when the answered the phone.

"Hey Mel, it's Kalel can you come over... like now!" I shouted anxiously into the phone.

"Kalel calm down, why do you need me to come over?" Melanie asked and I was already becoming impatient.

"I know that you know how to sew and I want you to help me sew my dress. I already have the materials," I said.

"I'll be there soon," is all Melanie said before she hung up the phone. I was getting excited now. My dream was going to become a reality today.

I ran into my bedroom to go and get ready because if anything was short I would want to be able and run to the store really fast to pick up supplies. I ran into my walk in closet and pulled out the first thing that caught my eye. I ended up wearing a white cami, with a beige cardigan, black leggings, and one of my new vintage necklaces Anthony got me for Christmas. Then I ran to my bathroom, put on my makeup, and combed out my hair. I looked somewhat presentable and then almost like it was timed, Melanie knocked on the door. I sprinted out into the living room and then opened the door. Melanie was standing at the door looking fabulous as always and she looked ready to sew. She had brought everything with her in a giant tupperware container and she even managed to fit her sewing machine in there.

"Hey!" I said enthusiastically and motioned for Melanie to come in.

"Hey!" she said back to me and then we both walked into the living room to start the dress.

Melanie started off by taking my measurements. She decided that we would make the dress a little bit loose and then we would put the bow sash on it so it wouldn't be too tight. I pulled out my design and when I showed it to her she took a deep breath. I guess she thought it was pretty... I hoped.

"That is gorgeous," she said and I swear to God I saw her eyes starting to water, but I didn't mention it.

"Thank you," I replied and she looked me dead in the eyes.

"Let's start," she said seriously and she started reaching for stuff and opening everything. I've never seen her this focused and it was really cool to see how one person can be so determined, I guess that's how I was when I was designing the dress.

Anthony's POV

I walked out of the office after working for a little bit and saw Kalel and Melanie sprawled out on the floor working on the dress. All it looked like right now was a mess of white fabric and materials. I tried to sneak a peek in, but Kalel saw me looking and covered up the sketch. I guess she's pretty superstitious and she doesn't want me to see the dress until she walks down the aisle, which is pretty understandable. As I thought about this stuff I didn't realize where I was going and I ended up in the hallway. I didn't want to look creepy to the girls by going back in there to go work, so I went into the bedroom and decided I deserved a little break for once and I was going to watch some Netflix while editing on my laptop.

I walked into the bedroom and plopped down onto the messily made bed. I pulled my laptop off of the ground where I had it charging and put it on my lap. I turned it on so I wouldn't have to wait for it to turn on while the show loaded. I flicked on the tv and started scrolling through multiple shows that didn't seem appealing, yet Netflix still said they recommended those shows for me. After a long time of searching and irritation I finally found something that looked partially entertaining, it was, "I'm a grown little man," the comedy show by Kevin Hart. I turned on the show, then I got onto final cut pro and started editing the new Smosh video for this week.

Kalel's POV

It was about 9:00 p.m. when Melanie decided that we should probably stop for now. We had the pretty much put together the frame of the dress and it was looking just like how I designed it. The next time we have to work on it we'll have to do the hard part, which is putting on the details and everything. I thanked Melanie as she was walking out the door then I went into the living room and stood back admiring the creation we had just started. I have a feeling this is going to be a good wedding.

Well... how was it!? I hoped you guys liked it! It took me about 4 days of writing and about 3 months of getting back the energy to write another chapter. When I first started my first Kalel and Anthony fanfiction I had just started school and I didn't have much going on. As time went on I got a lot busier and I just didn't know how I was going to do it anymore. I remember in homeroom at school I would try to type when I had free time, but I just couldn't get it in. But now I have lots of extra time and I'm getting the hang of things with school (not really, but it's better than it was before). I would really like if you guys reviewed this story because I love them so, so, so, so, you probably get the point by now, so much! Also as the story progresses I will start putting up polls for different things because I love input from you guys. Well, Byyyyyeeee!