A/N: edited 1/14/14, removed song lyrics. If you still want to read with lyrics, you'll have to go to my Deviant art (Akiraa96). Also, for most effect, especially without lyrics, I'd read while listening to the song.


An Invader Zim fanfic

Dib looked at his clock, 30 past midnight. He quickly got out of bed and crept over to his door, listening for any sounds of life. Finding no tell tale signs of his sister being awake, no sounds of video game, or TV, he quickly scurried over to his bed again, pulling a suitcase from under it. In it he already had packed some change of clothes, non-perishable food items, about $500, a bus ticket out of town, and some hygiene supplies. He quickly checked through the items one last time, being sure he had everything, before smiling sadly. He quickly changed out of his pajamas into his normal clothes, left a note on his desk for whenever someone would find it, if they found it, and was out the door.

He gave one last look at his 'home', he didn't plan on returning. What was the point?

He was quite sure no one would miss him. They probably wouldn't even realize he was gone.

Really, was he that annoying? That hated? He probably was... At most everyone will feel like something is missing, something that was easily replaced by a punching bag.

No matter how many times he had almost DIED protecting these idiots and his family, hell the whole PLANET! They wouldn't listen to him. They didn't even TRY to like him. To understand him. He was completely alone... His own sister hated his guts, his father thought he was insane, and even his archenemy, Zim, started to ignore him halfway through the high school year... Well they weren't really archenemies anymore. Zim had given up on taking over Earth awhile ago, as soon as his tallests told him his mission was a joke and he was banished here. Plus they were starting to feel threatened since Zim had grown since he has been her, something about Earths lower gravity causing it. Really... Dib rather liked the alien, though he would NEVER admit it. But still, Zim started avoiding him, giving Dib weird looks whenever he saw him.

He kept walking, he was almost to the bus stop. He made sure it was awhile away from the house. His bus was supposed to be here by 1:30am. He made it to the bus stop and sat on the bench. He was the only one here at the moment. After all, most people don't like to be up this early. Dib looked up at the stars and reflected. He reflected on his sister, how she made herself shut out from the world to protect herself after mom left. He reflected on his father, who always worked and only saw them every once in awhile. Yes they were rich and neither Dib or Gaz had to ever want for something, they could get anything they wanted, but it was at the cost of losing there only parent left. Dib sighed and then muttered "I wonder how long it will take for them to realize I'm gone if they ever do..."

Dib shook his head. Not like it mattered. Even if they did find out, they'd probably celebrate that he was gone. He had tried to get them to love him, but they never did. Even when he took less of an interest in the paranormal and more of an interest in real science, at least as far as anyone knew, he was ignored. Even when he matured and settled, stopped blabbing about Bigfoot or anything else paranormal, he was still bullied, shunned and hated. His father still called him insane and even rejected his application as an intern at his job. Dib was still alone, the most he got out of his change was he wasn't beaten up by Gaz as much, if at all, anymore. But she still ignored him.

Dib had sometimes contemplated suicide, but decided that it would only cause his family problems since they would have to clean up his body and pay for a funeral. Plus, he couldn't actually bring himself to end his life. So he came up with this instead, if he left, it wouldn't matter if he got hurt or killed because it would no longer have to involve them. Not like they would care anyway, or that he actually planned to die. He could defend himself well, years fighting Zim had insured that. Only reason he got injured anymore was if he was ganged up on, it was hard to defend against so many people and not get hurt after all.

Dib quickly got on the bus as it pulled up, and handed the bus driver his ticket, before going and sitting in the very back seat with his stuff. As the bus drove off, Dib looked out the window towards his old house and said "Goodbye everyone..."

A/N: Hello people! It's Akira here, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Missing! And yes, there is more than one chapter! Also, if you didn't guess, the fic is named after the song Missing by Evanescence, which is the song put in this chapter. The song inspired me to write this fic since I thought it suited Dib well.

Now then! This fic will include hints of ZADR, ok probably more like rubbing it in your face... But that is not the main focus of this fic! Also, this fic takes place in the future. Dib is 18, Gaz is around 16-17 (I could not find her actual age difference... *eye twitch*) so yeah! Reviews would be lovely!

Also, I do not own IZ or Evanescence!
