Hi, everyone! The name is Zephy. This is my first story. I would very much appreciate help as I improve as a writer and advice is very much appreciated! Anyway, on with the story! Also, please r&r.

Chapter 0: Prologue

A young boy with messy, short, brown hair and brown amber eyes. He is wearing baggy black pants, a red short sleeve shirt and white socks. He was hiding on a staircase that led to a living room where a man and woman are yelling at each other.

"When were you going to tell me, Delia!"

"I was going to tell you soon after Ash was born!"

"Delia, it has been two years since that day! Why haven't you told me!"

"I was afraid. That if you found out you would leave us!"

"I won't leave you, Delia or Ash. But, you got to get rid of him!"

"Why! He is our son, too!"

"No, he is not! Leon is not my son! He's Giovanni's son!"

The little boy, Leon, was shocked. He quickly and quietly left the staircase and headed for a room that is right next door to the stairs. He opened it and looked around the room. He grabbed a black and dark blue single strapped backpack and started packing all of his clothes and necessities. When he heard them coming up the stairs, he quickly shut the lights off and pretend he was asleep in bed. The door opened and they both looked inside.

"Delia, I don't care what happens as long as he is out of this house."

"But, Alan…"

"No, buts Delia. I'm not going to take care of someone else's kid. We'll send him to an orphanage."

"No, we can't. Why don't we send him to Viridian City? He could live with Giovanni at the gym."

"No, that kid deserves to go to an orphanage."

The two closed the door and left and once Leon heard another door close at the end of the hall. He got up and put on his black, red and white sneakers. He put on a white button up and grabbed his bag. He cleared out his closet and drawers. He had his money in his pocket along with whatever jewelry he had. He opened his door and headed downstairs quietly. He got to the front door and opened it and was about to leave easily when he heard a door from upstairs open. He dashed out of the house leaving it open and hopped the small gate in front of his former home and ran. He ran as fast as he could to gain some distance. He ran up to the base of a hill that led to the exit of the town. He jogged up the hill and stood at the top of the hill. He looked at his former home and saw that it lit up and that every other house lit up as well.

"Leon! Leon!"

He heard his mother voice. He started to tear up.

"Come home, Leon!"

He stared at the lights and ran. He ran down the road as he noticed that some of the lights were getting closer to the exit. He ducked into the trees and ran. He arrived at an open plain after running through a never ending sea of trees. He kept running until he saw a city. He walked the rest of the way and started walking around the city.

"Hey, little guy. Are you lost?"

He turned around and saw an officer with bluish green hair riding a motorcycle with a sidecar attached.

"Yeah, I'm trying to find the Viridian City Gym. I need to deliver something to the Gym Leader."

"Okay, hop in."

Leon climbed into the sidecar and the officer brought him to the gym.

"Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No, I think I'll be fine."

"Okay, bye little one."
"Bye, Officer!"

He waved goodbye to the officer and she drove away. He went to the door and knocked on it. A person with dark brown hair dressed in a business suit opened the door. He looked down at Leon.

"Can I help you?"

"My name is Leon and I'm looking for Giovanni."

The man crossed his arms.

"What business do you have with me?"

"I'm your son."

"What? There's no way you could be my son unless…"

"I'm yours and Delia Ketchum's son."

"Well, you coming here without her there must be a special reason."

"Alan didn't want me in his home and planned to send me to an orphanage instead of sending me to you."

"I see. Well, you can stay with me. I won't turn away my own son."

"Thank you, Dad!"

Giovanni had a smile on his face and ruffled Leon's hair.

I hoped you like the beginning! I'll try and post chapters as soon as possible.