My name is Hermione Jean Granger. I'm 21 years old by now, finished at Hogwarts School two years ago, i'm the brighest witch of my age, best friends with Harry Potter, his wife, Ginny Potter nee Weasley and my fiance is Ronald Billius Weasley. I've lost so many...

Hermione sighed deeply and looked at the parchment in front of her; it seemed impossible to write a story like this - she didn't know how to write down her life on paper. She groaned and put her head in her hands, her albows resting on the edge of the wooden table in her library. Her now long and wavy auburn hair fell down in waves, ringlets touching the cool surface of the table. She sat up straight, pushing her hair back behind her ears.
"ROOOON." She yelled for him, and heard shuffling outside the door. It opened without a sound, and red hair came into her vision.
"What? Hermione, i'm working." He looked irritated. She stared at him, seeing his eyes shift uncomfortably away from her face.
"Would you pick up Rose today? I'm trying to get this... Stupid story together, but.. Anyway, would you?"
He nodded courtly at her and slammed the door in his wake.
"Always with the temper..." She murmured to herself, and submerging in her story again.

an hour later, the sound of laughter reached her ears, and she perked up - listening intently at her daughter's footsteps.
"MUM!" a shout came to her, and two second later a little girl emerged from the door, sprinting towards her and gave her a bonecrushing hug.
"Hi, darling. Had fun?" She smiled brightly at the little girl.
"Mum, i had fun! i tried the.. uhm... sings?" she furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Swings?" The daughter smiled at her and nodded.
"That sounds like fun, Rose. Had anything to eat?" Hermione rose from her chair, resting the girl on her hip. Rose shook her head, and Hermione smiled.
"let's go get something then - and then you have to take a nap, okay?" Rose nodded and jumped down the moment they reached the small kitchen. Hermione sat her daughter down in her chair, streching to get to the top shelf were the baby-food was hidden.

"All done?" hermione asked. Rose yawned and murmured what sounded like a yes.
"Let's get you a nap, huh?" She smiled as her daughter fell into her arms, instantly falling asleep. Hermione walked quietly to her daughters bedroom; all kept in soft, soothing colours, a crib standing in front of the big window and put her down - tugging her in under the blanket. Kissing Rose's forehead she felt yet again overwhelmed by love.

"Hermione? I need to talk to you." Ron's voice reached her, and she walked to the livingroom, where Ron sat in a big, red, plushy chair, staring into the fire roaring.
"What's going on love?" She kissed his cheek, and sat down int he chair in front of him.
"Hermione, i can't keep pretending. Listen, I... I've done something i regret, but i am kind of relieved i did it." She waited for him to continue, a lump in her throat.
"Listen, i bumped into Lavender two months ago; we rekindled, to say. and i can't do this, so i'm done here." He looked at her.
Hermione merely smiled and waved her hand as for him to continue.
"I'm not moving, but i won't stop you if you chose to do so - and if you take Rose with you, i'm begging you to let me see her once in a while. I know this is horrible, but you've always been so.."
Hermione raised her eyebrows, and she finally spoke.
"Ronald, do not even think about finishing that sentence. Trust me when i say i'm trying my best to behave, but if you say ANYTHING, don't think i won't hex you into oblivion." She simply stated, a single tear falling from her eyes.
"I'm leaving now. I'm taking Rose with me." She stood up. "I hope you'll be happy." She finally said, and abruptly left the room, hiding her tears from him.

She walked aimlessly around town for a while; the muggletown they had chosen had semed so perfect to start a new life, but now it sufficed as her prison. she walked with her two-year-old daughter in her stroller, all of her belongings shrunk down to fit into her pocket. She cried.

She reached an inn just outside of town, somewhere she hadn't noticed before; she took a deep breath and pushed the stroller inside.
"Hello, can i help you, ma'am?" A young guy came to her, no doubt alarmed by her tears.
"Yes, i need..." She didn't know how to finish, she didn't know what she wanted anymore. She wanted Ron, she wanted... What?
"Yes?" The young man looked intently at her, and then to the stroller.
"Uhm, a town not far from here.. Bubbington, i think?" She looked at him.
"Sure, i have a map right here, ma'am." He quickly moved to the back of the bar, searching through what looked like an endless pile of paper. She sighed at sat down on a chair nearby.

"Granger?" A voice, soft as velvet, reached her and she turned to it. A man with silver-like hair, unkept and a beard starting to emerge on his chin looked as her as he had seen a ghost. His silver eyes looked with her brown, and she gasped.
