36. Jazzy is not allowed to go to the Star Wars universe without three forms of supervision and cannot bring any of the twins with her if she is There. (The Skywalker clan is still traumatized from her last visit.)

Leia braced herself as the droid came closer with the drugs to make it easier for Vader to enter her mind and set her nerves on fire. She couldn't let him know that General Kenobi was alive, and she had sent the droids to him it would lead to the destruction of the Rebel Alliance. She couldn't help but flick her eyes over to Vader ad he waited in the corner like a looming shadow waiting to consume her. Something inside of her was screaming that he shouldn't be hurting her so loud that she was sure he could hear it with his Sith tricks.

Vader cocked his head to the side as if he was listening to something and raised his hand for the droid to stop. Leia calming a little now that it was not approaching her started to realize that not all the screaming, she hears was coming from her mind. Vader looked startled at a point behind her a female voice came from behind her "TO INFENITY AND BEYOND!" Vader reached for his lightsaber but wasn't quick enough a dark-haired woman crashed into Vader like a cannon knocking him down the woman rolled and was on her feet faster than humanly possible.

The woman spun around to look at Vader now holding a lightsaber ready and the Princess Leia gaping at her in shock. "OH MY GOD! Jackey just sent me to the Star Wars Dimension." The woman screeched in excitement she looked between Leia, Vader, and the droid and tilts her head frowning "you know I never really got why you didn't recognize her, but you recognize him after you injured him badly." She looked at Vader "I mean I get Luke takes his looks from his fathers' side and mother's temperaments, but she definitely has her mother's looks and her father's temperament."

Leia blinked not getting what the strange woman was talking about "I mean come on Ani look at her she is a dead ringer for her mother in the looks department. I'm glad that some of your Angel is left in this galaxy she was a power house of light." Vader dropped his lightsaber in surprise and looks at Leia reaching a hand and tilting her head to get a better look at her face. The woman nodes "you see it now I know that you will not want to hurt your freeborn. So, I Jazzy Angel of Chaos will help you son of Suns." Jazzy grins in a way that would have anyone who knew her running to another planet just to get away from her.

Leia watched as Jazzy moved so fast that she was a blur as she pulled a bucket out of no ware and shoved it over Vader's head and sticking a syringe of something his arm. Jazzy laughed as Vader started to cuss in Huttese "Catch me if you can Sith" she shrieks in joy the door opens and Jazzy darts out past the startled Stormtroopers.

Vader had finally got the bucket off he's head, the syringe falling empty and unnoticed "secure the Princess. No one is to touch her until I get the intruder" Vader was soon in hot pursuit of Jazzy. Leia was almost starting to feel a little sorry for Vader, Jazzy, was obviously missing a whole bag of marbles.


"FREEDOMMMMM!" screeched Jazzy as she ran thought the halls of the Death Star knocking over troopers and staff alike with an angry Sith lord hot on her heals. "I thought you liked buckets, bucket head" She yelled over her shoulder. That seemed to piss of Vader even more as the swoosh of a lightsaber filled the halls. "WHOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" Jazzy slid under the legs of a surprised stormtrooper Vader force pushed him out of the way. "Sorry trooper ST-42379" she yells as the poor storm trooper as he gets on his feet shakily while Jazzy and Vader turned another corner.

Vader knew the ins and outs of the ship better than even its crew and he knew they were coming to the out of order bridge if she didn't stop, she would run right into the cavern. Jazzy saw this and to Vader's surprise she sped up instead of slowing down and flung herself off the into the cavern. Vader looked over the edge expecting to see her falling to her death only to see her running down the wall to the open door below her. At this point it was time to com the rest of the ship and let them deal with the crazy woman, it wasn't his department anyways and he had to get his head around the fact his children lived and the fact that there were two of them.


Five minutes later back in Leia's cell, Jazzy scared the crap out of Leia by appearing behind her and yelled "HI SKYLADY!"

"What the Kriff?" Leia instinctively reached for a blaster that wasn't there.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you just wanted to explain some things to you before I Spoke with Ani."

"Ani? Who is Ani?"

"Anakin Skywalker, what you didn't thing that he was named Vader by his mother did you, no Shmi was no fool. I will call him the name that his mother gave him and not some Sith title that translate to the dark father."

"General Skywalker?"

"Yes him, I should have known that you would recognize him growing up on stories of General Obi-wan Kenobi the Negotiator and General Anakin Skywalker the hero with no fear. You could not find one without the other, brothers in all but blood. It was not always that way, for the story of Anakin Skywalker is a story of tragedy with hint of happiness for it all began on a dessert planet of two suns were a slave by the name of Shmi…." Jazzy told Leia about her grandmother, the Jedi who risked all on the faith of a young slave and a Child Queen that helped freed her father. She told her about the Sith plots that started the downfall of the Republic and the rise and fall of the Jedi once known as Anakin Skywalker. The birth of his twins that he was told he had killed along with his wife hidden form him the moment of their birth never knowing that the Emperor had lied to him. "When he thought you had died with Padme, he had nothing to live for." Jazzy said sadly "the trouble with you Skywalkers is that you love to deeply. Love is the most powerful emotion. I It can drive friends to kill friends, it can start wars, rise and fall empires, and crush the soul of a good man. While it can be destructive it can also bring about peace, create new families, build bonds that can last after death, and save universes from destructions and build governments that can last for centuries."

Leia sniffed a little, wiping tears from her eyes "how did my birth mother real die?"

Jazzy grimaces "you have to understand, Kenobi won the final fight on Mustafar. Anakin was burning in a pit of lava Obi-wan had the choice of trying to save a woman who was carrying the last bit of light from a boy who he raised and loved or take a few minutes to kill what was left of him. Kenobi left your Father to burn knowing that his injuries were fatal he was trying to save your mother but, Palpatine found your father first. Palpatine had spent over fifteen years grooming his future attack dog/slave he was not going to let him die. So Palpatine used your Mother's life force to keep Anakin alive long enough to get him in the life support suit he now wares. Palpatine didn't want Padma to oppose him so once he had Anakin stabilized, he killed her and told Anakin, he had killed her in his anger. Thus, believing that he had lost everything he tried to kill his own heart and Darth Vader was born of pain and lose."

Leia gave Jazzy a hard look "Father has no idea that Palpatine killed her dose he?"

Jazzy snorts "do you think he would be here if he did? Palpatine never let Vader heal completely he can't breathe by himself; his limbs are twenty years out of date, he needs to have his sinth-skin replaced every two weeks because it causes him unbearable itching pain and needs striped off before a few hours in a bacta tank. You father is a freaking mess and to be honest if he wasn't so stubborn, I think he would have killed himself ages ago to get away from the pain he is constantly in. That's why I put the bucket on his head to distract him while I gave him a batch of healing nanite."

"Healing nanites?"

"Think bacta, but more potent and given enough time can regrow damaged tissue. I have them set to repair his lungs first then take the materials from his life support system to update his prosthetics." Jazzy squeaks in excitement "Oooh, I wish I could see his face when he finally realizes that he no longer needs that dam suite."

Leia gives Jazzy a thoughtful look "I don't know what I should think about that before I knew the full story it would have terrified me to know that but now..." she shakes her head "I just don't know."

"you don't need to feel anything right now it's more important to have all the facts so when the time comes you can make the best decision you can besides, he is about to walk into the sand trap."

"Why would…?" Leia watched as a bad of sand spilled its contents on one of the most feared people in the know galaxies and Start to curse like a low born thug in Huttenes and a few of other languages that would make a space Pirate blush.

Jazzy cackled "your father has always and will always hate sand with a passion Obi-wan use to use it to get revenge when he did something tremendously stupid because revenge is not the Jedi way."


Leia got a front row seat as Jazzy raised hell for the crew of the death star having prank traps set off in random intervals, having the intercom play the most annoying ear worms possible, dyeing hair and armor the most ridiculous bright color combinations possible and most importantly messing with the main computer so the Death Star would not be able to fire.

In this dimension Alderaan was saved by Chaos it didn't stop the Falcon from getting caught, but it saved the lives of billions Luke and Han brought Chewy to the detention cell in bright Kenobi Yellow and Skywalker Blue armor. To find Jazzy and Leia laughing at the poor troopers as they got caught in trap after trap. They still had to escape by the garbage shoot but Jazzy was able to get them out a lot faster and got herself a pet monster she stored in Subspace for later examination. Getting back to the Falcon was fun and they got there just in time to see Anakin and Obi-wan fight in the slowest katas Jazzy had seen out of Tie chi.

"Hey force Twins I'm going to go grab your fathers Ass."

Leia's head whips around "wait WHAT?"

But Jazzy was already halfway to the two fighting brothers, right when Kenobi closes his eyes and Vader goes to swing Jazzy pounces and grabs his ass through the armor. Vader Screeches like a little girl who got spiders dumped in her hair and spins around to swing at Jazzy. Obi-wan gapes in shock this was not how he expected what he though his final moments would be like. "YOU!" Roared Vader at the one who had been causing him nothing but trouble for the past Two days.

"Me!" Jazzy grins all teeth and cheek "You and Kenobi always had such fine Asses I just couldn't resist though I wouldn't mind taking the both of you to my bed." Obi-wan and Anakin make a strangled choking noise "What Mr. I flirt with any Sith scared to follow though you flirted with Mual and he killed your Teacher and your girlfriend. I'm I not good enough to catch your eye or do I need Darth attached to get the Negotiators to notice me."

A portal opened up near them and an flustered woman with wings steps out "Jazzy what the hell have you been doing the Force has been hounding me to get you out of here the entire time Wheeljack was tuning the portal to reach you."

"Venny!" Jazzy cried in joy

Venatrix the Allspak of Cybertorn looked at a God smacked Vader and Obi-wan along with the eyesore storm troopers just looks up in a why me "I don't want to know Jazzy, Home, Now!" she grabbed Jazzy's arm and dragged her though the portal. Obi-wan wanting to get far away from the Strang girl fled to the Millennium Falcon.

And this is why Jazzy is not allowed anywhere near the Star wars Dimensions.