Thank you guys so much for all the reviews! It just brightens my day when you take the time to review my story! Anyway so here's chapter 3! Enjoy!

Raven's P.O.V.

Raven's heart felt three times heavier as she struggled to put one foot in front of the other making her way back towards the team. What was she supposed to tell them? That Robin was gone? That he was on mission that even Batman couldn't handle? That he probably wasn't coming back? That she let him abandon them? She just didn't know what to do.

"Yo Raven!" Cyborg shouted when she approached them. "We've been sitting out here for like five hours. What took you so long? Wait, where's Rob?"

She tried to speak but found that she could not form words. It was at times like this when she was grateful she wore a hood. It did a thorough job in hiding the small tears that had begun to slip from her violet eye the moment he had disappeared into the fading daylight. "He...he had A-assighment from Batman..." she swallow the cry swelling up in her throat. "He told me to tell you that y-your in charge until he comes back." If he comes back, she thought to herself.

"I do not understand..." Starfire's despair-filled voice knocked her out of her thoughts to see that the alien girl had come over to see what was the matter.

"He left," Raven said simply, all emotion drained from her voice, "He left us Starfire."

"No! This cannot be the truth! I know Robin and he would never leave us! Never leave me..." Raven could see small tears beginning to well up in Star's eyes only to watch as she quickly swiped them away and stomped off.

"Will she be alright?" Raven asked Cyborg, her voice shaking.

"I'm sure she'll manage until Robin gets back," the was a small smiled on his lips but she could see that they both knew the boy wonder would never return. He was going home to Gotham, to Batman. He was going to face a task not even the Dark Knight himself could handle.

Weariness fell over all the titans as they clambered into the Titan Car (A/N is that what their car is called? I can't remember.) none of them wanting to discuss the mission. Though it was a success the price had just been too high. Beast Boy, having not heard the news, was thoroughly confused.

"Guys, didn't we forget about Robin?" he asked as the T-Car (A/N now I remember the name!) drove steadily through the city towards Titans Tower.

"Did you not hear the most awful of news?" Starfire asked.

The changeling shook his head.

"Robin has gone!" she fretted, "He has left us all and will most likely never return!"

Raven perked up at the alien's comment. She did not think Starfire was aware that Robin was not coming back. Maybe she should stop judging her so harshly.

"Oh..." BB said, slumping down into his seat, "...sorry I asked."

And as they slowly came to a stop and filed out of their car and into the tower, Raven found her mind drifting to the last words the bird boy spoke to her before he disappeared from her line of sight forever: I love you Rae.

What had he meant by that? He had a girlfriend after all so she doubted he meant it in that way but she still found herself wondering about the boy's true intentions of that last sentence.

It was a two in the morning that Raven decided she had thought about this enough. Even if he had meant it in a romantic way which she highly doubted he had. Though she could hear Hope's optimistic voice bouncing around her head. She didn't feel that way about him anyway, did she? No, there was no way. She had no emotions. Even if he had always been there for her. Always made her feel strong when she thought she was weak. Always was there to catch her when she fell, whether emotionally or literally. Oh come the tears again. Raven cried. She cried and cried and cried until she had no more tears. It was then she realized that she valued Robin as more than a team-mate, more than a friend. Whether or not those feelings were romantic she didn't know. All she knew was that she could live in a world without that spikey-haired, bird-brained, acrobat with his secrets and his masks and his obsessions and his annoying as hell sense of humor. She needed to find him, but how? Surely he'd know if she used their psychic link? Yawning, she realized she'd have to devise a plan in the morning without the others finding out. With luck she'd be on her way in a week, assuming he isn't dead by tomorrow. Sighing, she laid back in her bed and let all thoughts of Robin drift from her mind, as sleep came to claim her.

So what'd you think? Good? Bad? Awful? Review please and maybe I'll update again this week. I tried to make this one longer. Do you think it's a pretty good length? Thank you guys so much for all the reviews!
