AN: Please note the rating change! It's no longer a T story. It's M-mmmmmmmmmm.

Expiration Date


We fell asleep just like that and slept for over half the day. I woke up before him and was given time to process the new us. Falling asleep and waking up with Ferb was one thing, but—did we really admit our feelings for each other? Was that what that was?

He said he started feeling something for me when he was in California. That was before I made a fool of myself in front of Phineas in the rain and broke ties with everyone for a month. Running into Ferb on my way is Candace's that one day was pure luck. What if I hadn't seen him? Would we still not be talking?

And more importantly—would Ferb have ever contacted me again? Or would he have just eventually forgotten about me and moved on? Then again, from what he told me, it took him years to start getting over Vanessa.

Vanessa. I wondered if he'd seen her since he found out she got married. Did she even know he liked her? I think she was about four years older than us, so I could see why she didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him.

Then—silly me—I began pondering why Ferb didn't like me when we were growing up instead. Granted, I was always making heart eyes at Phineas and moping over him when he paid no attention to me. But when Phineas started dating Scarlett, it didn't change my feelings for him. And if Ferb still liked Vanessa after she got married…

I guess I could be asking the same question to myself. Why didn't I like Ferb when we were growing up instead? He was the mysterious, silent type…the cute boy with the charming British accent. He was a good dancer, played almost any instrument given to him, and a brilliant engineer.


I glanced up at him from my place on his shoulder. Well when I put it like that…

I reached up and gently stroked the side of his face. He twitched slightly and though he didn't open his eyes, I saw the small smile playing on his lips. It brought a smile to my own face before I laid my head back on his shoulder. I trailed my hand down to his chest where I rested it over his heart.

"I need a shower," I murmured lowly. I just realized that I didn't shower after dancing half the night away at Eliza's club and that I desperately needed to freshen up.

Ferb lazily turned toward me and wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me against him tightly, "Is that an invitation?"

I blushed but giggled and buried my face against his chest, "Possibly…"

I felt the rumble in his chest as he chuckled as well. He kissed the top of my head, "Let me just brush my teeth and I'll give the bathroom to you." With that, he rolled off the side of the bed and left the room.

I laid there for a moment with wide eyes, surprised at how disappointed I was that he thought I was joking. Or…maybe I was. I didn't even know. Would it even be right for us to—already? Were we even—anything? I covered my face with my hands. Maybe we should talk more before anything else.

I got up from his bed and made my way into my bedroom to pick out clothes for the day. I stripped out of my pajamas and wrapped the big white towel around me that I had laying over the corner chair.

Assuming he was done brushing his teeth, I left my room to walk into the bathroom, but was surprised to see him standing by the couch looking at his phone. Without even looking up at me, he said, "My cousins would like to have us over for some social time. You want to—," it was then that he glanced up at me to see that I was standing there in nothing but a towel. And then he—Ferb—he blushed, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever seen his face grow pink before, but it was so adorable, "Come. Me—," he shook his head as if he was ashamed of himself and looked back down at his phone, "Go with me."

I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my smile, but my eyes gave me away. I must have stood there too long for his liking, because then he was saying, as he stared intently at his screen: "I'm trying really hard not to look so I'd appreciate it if you took your shower."

I rubbed my mouth as if I was trying to rub away the large smile, but it hardly worked, "Sure, Ferb. I'd love to go see the rest of your cousins." I turned and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower before I let out a laugh. I don't even know what I found so funny—I guess it was just rare to see Ferb so flustered and knowing I was the cause was a bit—well, flustering.

I showered and brushed my teeth, and about time I was done getting dressed in my room, Ferb was already in the shower himself. I looked at my phone and saw that I had four texts from Eliza.

In the hopes I'm not interrupting something important, how are you?

I'm assuming you either fell asleep or you're snogging. You must tell me which!

Did you tell Ferb?

My brothers are having a get together tonight. That's my time to sleep so I won't be there. But don't worry, my three sister-in-laws will be there, so you won't be the only girl.

I wrote back, I'll think of you and tell you all about it later, and kept it at that.

I was starving but didn't want to snack on anything in fear that Ferb's cousins would have a lot for us to eat. If I remembered correctly, three of them were named Beckham and two were named Pelé. I still felt a bit confused about that…

About time Ferb and I left the hotel, it was almost five in the evening. I had a feeling we totally messed up our sleeping schedules, but Ferb was still off tomorrow so we had time to get ourselves back on track.

It didn't take us long to arrive at—I guess it was Beckham's house—where we were greeted at the door before we even walked up to the porch.

"So glad you could make it Ferb! We thought you were avoiding us," a brown haired one said.

"We assumed you were scared we would challenge you to a game of football," the one with square glasses said.

"Not that we blamed you for that one. We would kick your arse," a blond one said.

Finally, a woman stepped in between all the guys with her hands on her hips, "You all are pains in the arse. I'm brassed off with the good lot of you." She had shoulder brown hair and a plain face.

Her accent was thick but I kind of liked it and smiled at her.

"Well, well, 'ello dook, you must be Ferb's wife? How sweet of him to bring you along."

I blushed and wringed my hands together clumsily, "Um, well actually…"

"Alice, I told you, Ferb's single," the one with half-mooned glasses said.

"Doesn't look like it to me," she said simply and in a you're always wrong anyway tone.

"Let the poor couple in, will ya?" a girl with blonde curls came out and grabbed my hand, dragging me inside. I looked over my shoulder at Ferb, but he only had a small smirk on his face as he followed behind me slowly.

We went into the kitchen where there was an overload of snacks and beer. My stomach dropped looking at all of it—I was really hoping for an actual meal.

"Isabella, right?" I turned to see another blond man. He held out his hand for me to shake, "You might not remember me. I'm Pelé."

"Oh, heh…" I politely shook his hand, "Right. I remember you."

"Hard to forget a face like that" the blonde curls girl said.

Pelé forced a smile, "And this is my lovely wife, Alice."

I blinked a few times, "Oh, but I thought—," I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb, "the other girl's name was Alice…"

"Oh, it is. But she's Beckham's wife," Alice answered matter-of-factly, "Help yourself to any of the snacks. Grab a beer. Then come join us."

Alice and Pelé grabbed their pre-made plates and walked into the dining room that was already occupied by the others. I sighed and looked around at all the cakes, biscuits, sausage rolls, scones, and peanuts.

"You okay?" I turned to see Ferb with his hands in his jean pockets.

I smiled and nodded, "They're a bit overwhelming, aren't they?"

"You just have to sit back and let them talk," he said before walking over to the stove, "I'll make us some tea and sandwiches."

I visibly relaxed upon hearing this. I could have eaten five sandwiches with how empty my stomach felt. I clasped my hands in front of me and watched as he got everything ready like it was his home. I could have went in and joined the others, but social anxiety could be a bit crippling. I leaned against a counter and stood beside him when he spread out all the sandwich stuff.

Without any warning, he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I blinked and looked up at him with a puzzled expression.

"Don't zone out on me already," he said, adding some meats and cheeses to the bread.

I grinned and leaned into him teasingly, "I can't help it. When you're around my mind just goes blank."

"I guess I take all your thoughts because my mind gets full when you're around," he countered, but he added no dramatics to his words so they sounded sincere.

"You can't talk like that, Fletcher; makes me want to discover if there's any empty rooms in this overly crowded house."

"I know of a few if you'd like me to show you around."

Our eyes met and it was obvious that neither of us had any idea where to draw the line with our bantering.

"I dunno if that's such a good idea…" I started slowly, my eyes wandering from his eyes down to his hands, "they're loud in there, but I can be even louder."

I watched him swallow, his eyes constantly darting over to me as he tried to keep his hands steady. It was crazy, but—hearing myself talk like that and seeing his reaction to it made my confidence sky rocket. I tip-toed my fingers up his arm before gliding them across his neck and into his hair.

He stopped what he was doing and turned into me. He opened his mouth to say something—hopefully equivalent to the fire I saw in his eyes—when one of his cousins peaked his head in the kitchen, wondering what was taking us so long.

We broke apart and the tea kettle just started whistling anyway. Still, the tension between Ferb and I was crazy high and it made me wonder if we really would have found an empty room if we were left alone for a few more seconds…

We put our tea and sandwiches (with a few scones) on a tray and he carried it into the dining room. Thankfully there was a loveseat that was just big enough for the two of us to share; the zero amount of space it left between us was fine by me.

"So, Ferb," Pelé started before we could even take the first bite of our sandwiches, "I heard Phineas is engaged."

I froze. Why…why oh why…did we have to talk about that? Out of everything in the world anyone of them could have said to get caught up with Ferb…they had to start with that.

Ferb only nodded.

"What was his lady's name? Ruby?" the third girl with bright red hair like The Little Mermaid's asked.

"No, Alison. It was definitely Rose," Beckham corrected.

I swallowed as I sat up straight, trying my best to keep my face blank, "Her name is Scarlett."

"Ah yes, well, all the same," Beckham shrugged off, "If I recall correctly, you had a stonker of a crush on Phineas when you were younger, Isabella. Funny how you and Ferb ended up together."

"Fascinating!" blonde Alice exclaimed and sat forward with her fist holding her chin, "Tell us that story!"

And before I could even try to come up with something to say, Ferb spoke, "Childhood was quite a long time ago. And we're friends."

I clenched my fists in my lap and kept my head down. Without hardly saying anything, he told them what they wanted to know. I couldn't help but notice that he didn't say just friends.

"True enough, "the brunette Alice said and, without missing a beat, everyone started talking about something else. I still kept myself clamped up as I nibbled on my sandwich in fear that they would ask me something else about Phineas. I didn't know how to answer certain questions without feeling pathetic and vulnerable, and I hated it, because I had these emotions swimming inside me and no matter what I did, they wouldn't go away.

I wished I could just relax. Ferb's cousins were not our friends from back in Danville. They didn't know what I went through for the past seven plus years so there was nothing for them to judge me about. I told Eliza some of it, but she was different so…

"How about a game?" Alison said loudly enough for me to start paying attention, "Six word story, what do ya say?"

Half the brothers nodded while the other half groaned and rolled their eyes.

"What's six word story?" I asked.

"It's when one person starts off a story, but can only use six words. The next person has to continue the story, also using only six words, and so on," Alison explained, "You can't take too long to answer though. If your sentence isn't complete and doesn't end on six words, you're out."

"I'll start!" one of the Beckham's shouted way too enthusiastically. He cleared his throat, "The girl danced on the pole."

A few of the guys laughed and then the brother sitting next to him continued, "Her legs swung high and low."

Blonde Alice was next, "Later on, she walked home alone."

"Booo," a few of them said, putting their thumbs down.

"At home, her boyfriend was bonking," said the next brother.

That's when I realized it was my turn. I blinked a few times as all eyes turned to me. This was the strangest story…and game…ever, but if I wanted to be a good sport, I figured I should go along, "With a broken heart, she crumbled."

The other girls' eyebrows furrowed sadly.

"Poor gal…" brunette Alice commented.

It was Ferb's turn, "Then like a phoenix, she rose."

I glanced over at him and though he didn't look at me, he nudged me gently with his elbow and that was his way of saying just like you.

"She jumped right into bed with them!" The next brother shouted.

"That was seven words, you twit," blonde Alice said.


From there the game went on and it eventually tuned funny again when the girl in our story somehow ended up at the zoo and then a sex store. I actually found myself laughing a few times and was proud of myself for contributing some humorous six words as well.

"Try it before you buy it!"

At some point, it got tiring and enough people were out of the game where we moved onto other conversations. Two of the couples left saying they had to get back to their children and send the nanny home.

The single ones suggested we go to Eliza's club to bug her, and it did sound fun, but I said I would have to go back to the hotel and change into something club-y. I couldn't tell if Ferb wanted to go or not, but figured he would tell me if he didn't.

So we all agreed to meet in about an hour. Driving back to the hotel, it was about nine PM and I couldn't help but notice how nice the night air felt. I found I would much rather take a walk, or go to a park, or sit by the pool with Ferb than go back to a place jam-packed with people.

But we got back to the hotel and as soon as we walked in the room, Ferb went to the couch and threw himself on it, laying down as though that was the only thing he wanted to do since we woke up four hours ago.

I smiled, "If you don't wanna go, we don't have to."

He looked at me, putting his hands behind his head, "I didn't know how long it would take for you to get ready, so thought I'd relax in the meantime."

"Oh…" Seeing him laying like that…all sprawled out and—inviting…it made me thirsty. I went to the fridge and got a bottle of water, sitting myself up on the counter before drinking half of it at once.

But then I realized that this was exactly where I was yesterday…last night? Earlier this morning? My timing really had gotten all screwed up. Either way, I was sitting in the exact spot I was when Ferb told me—in the most tantalizing way—how irresistible I was when I was happy before trying to kiss me.

Disappointment settled in. Why did I turn away from him? I mean, I ended up making out with him on the couch after that…which still seemed crazy to me. Did that really only happen less than twenty-four hours ago?

"Can we…have a redo of last night?" I asked, gripping the edge of the counter tightly against my palms. He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. I licked my lips, "I'm like…really regretting not letting you—."

I bit my lip and looked down, swinging my legs back and forth nervously.

I heard him chuckle softly before standing up. He stayed where he was, however, and it made me look up to see what he was waiting on. He must have been waiting on our eyes to meet, because as soon as they did, he began walking toward me.

And—it was strange in a terrifyingly lovely kind of way—but with each step he took…the closer he got to me, the further I seemed to be falling.

I couldn't help but reach out to him when he was almost close enough to reach. The eagerness burning inside me was almost unbearable and if I didn't kiss him right then I was sure I would go ballistic.

My fingers finally gripped his shirt and in an instant, I was pulling him to me and kissing him. He sensed my urgency and matched it, his arms snaking to my hips and up my back into my hair.

I jumped and moaned when our tongues met; I spread my legs to get him closer to me and jolted once again when our bodies touched. I moved my hands to his shoulders, squeezing and pulling him in more, groaning in frustration when we couldn't get even closer.

Just as I told him earlier, my mind went completely blank with him so close to me. All I could think about was how much I wanted him and how great of a kisser he was and show him how much he truly meant to me.

My feet found the back of his calves and I pushed him closer and the small noise he made nearly sent me over the edge. My head grew light when he lifted me up, his hands holding the back of my thighs as he carried me.

I didn't open my eyes, but I could sense that he was carrying me toward the bedrooms. My heart began hammering in my chest because it all seemed to be happening so fast and yet not fast enough.

Then my back came in contact with a wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist and instinctively pressed my hips forward, and against my lips, he muttered, "I missed the doorway…"

I giggled and we ended up trying to kiss and laugh at the same time, and Ferb was finally able to find the entryway into his bedroom. It was darker, but the light from the living room gave us just enough light. He sat himself down so his back was against the headboard; I shifted my legs so I was straddling him but it was then that our kisses began slowing.

"Are you okay?" I asked breathlessly, "I mean…is this okay?

Our eyes met and it seemed like there was a fiery cloud in his dark orbs, and I wondered if it was fair of me to ask him such a question at a time like this. But I really needed to hear him say this was okay. That we were okay. That we would continue to be okay even afterward.

"Maybe we should slow down," he said lowly, but his tone hardly matched his words. I slowly leaned in to kiss him, a chaste kiss, and his hand cupped my cheek lovingly.

"Or maybe not?" I countered, loving how my words sounded against his lips.

I let out a breathy sigh when I felt his hands against my bare back underneath my shirt; I pressed myself down on him and was almost shocked when I felt the pads of his fingers press tightly against my skin. It was then that I felt him harden between us, and what we were about to do really set in.

I pulled away quickly, and his eyes were questioning, but I only did it to raise my shirt over my head. I held my breath as he pushed my hair behind my shoulder and trailed his fingers down my chest until he was able to hook them slightly at the top of my bra.

"This won't ruin anything between us, right?" I had to ask. He only shook his head, his hand traveling back to my collarbone, "Because I like you too much to lose you…"

"You won't," he said, pulling me toward him and kissing me, "I promise."

His promise was what I needed to let myself go. In a quick moment, his shirt was gone as well and the heat between us kept rising. It was clear that he was uncomfortable, and in a bold move, I unzipped his pants and reached in to grab him. His moan encouraged me to stroke him but he stopped me almost immediately. My eyes questioned him.

"It's…been awhile. I can't really…and you're so gorgeous…" his hitched breath had my heart beating right out of my chest. It was kind of sad but…Ferb was the first guy I was ever with that I actually cared about. The heat and wetness between my legs never happened so fast before, and I couldn't wait to discover how he felt inside me.

Grabbing onto the rim of his pants, I tugged and was thankful he got the idea and lifted his hips to help me out. Ferb took over when I got them below his knees, and I worked on getting myself out of the rest of my clothes. When I reached behind me to unclasp my bra, our eyes met once again. He slid my straps down my arms, his palms brushing against my breasts, causing me to moan in anticipation.

I leaned forward and put my forehead against his. We were completely naked against each other at this point when I said, "I'm wondering if I should be nervous…"

He chuckled softly, "It's just me."

I breathed in shakily and kissed him, "But you are everything…"

Ferb stroked the side of my face before dropping his hand to my collarbone again then sliding it over to my shoulder. He pressed down gently and I felt the tip of him press against me. I was so ready for him that all I had to do was lower myself and he slid in and then…we were connected.

We both moaned, both staying completely still as we got used to the feel of each other.

And oh my god, I was having sex with Ferb. There was no going back now, nor did I even want to. Moving against him, with our eyes continuously locked, was the single greatest feeling ever. This is what sex is supposed to feel like. No…it was more than just sex. And the way he breathed and gasped every time I moved my hips down and forward left me wild for more.

I rocked heavily against him, his hands guiding my hips until he reached into my hair to pull it back into a ponytail. I was thankful for it; my thick hair was making everything even hotter, but when he bared my neck to the air, it was such a relief. I was momentarily shocked when he tugged my hair back, causing me to tilt my head, and his lips latched onto the front of my neck and it was glorious.

His hips began moving and I so wanted to match each thrust but the angle he had me in made it hard, yet in a quick moment, he flipped us over so he was laying atop me.

He started off slow in the new position, his face buried against my neck as our bodies moved in sync.

"Mmm, m'Bella…" he moaned into my ear and I gasped.

"I think…I think that was the first time I ever heard you say my name…" I commented with short breaths.

He raised his head to look down at me. Our bodies continued to move together in a hypnotic fashion. It seemed so natural to see him above me, and the sensation of him entering me with a perfect fullness was both relaxing and exhilarating.

"Really?" he asked, "I swear I've said your name before…"

I shook my head, "Not in front of me…" I raked my fingers back through his soft hair, "I'm kinda glad now was the first time though…I love how you said it."

Ferb smiled and kissed me, our bodies still rocking together, "Bella it is then."

I moaned in agreement. He grabbed my legs and raised them to above his hips when he then began thrusting harder. And it was instant—he was hitting a spot I didn't think existed. As a girl who had never experienced an orgasm from penetration, I couldn't help but cry out as a lump formed in my throat and tears pricked my eyes. Even trying to hold back my sounds wasn't working and I had to hold onto him tightly when I felt an almost unfamiliar burn begin to grow in my abdomen.

"Ferb!...I-I'm—," I gasped when I couldn't even talk anymore. And then—I became warm almost to the point of numbness ecstasy and my stomach muscles tensed, and before I knew it, my back was arching off the bed as my orgasm hit me fast and hard. I closed my eyes and saw flashes as our bodies continued to crash together and I thought this is how stars are made.

Ferb groaned a curse word against me. I literally felt myself flutter and tighten around him as my body rode out what was easily the best orgasm I'd ever had. I held onto him, and it was hard for him to move through all the tightness, and then he was wrapping me in a tight embrace. I thought—in my mind that was hardly there anyway—that he was going to stay inside me, but then at the very last second, he pulled out of me as he reached his own orgasm.

It was almost disappointing—I wanted to yell at him that I was on birth control and that it was okay—but it was too late at that point and I figured I could tell him for next time.

Next time…

I laughed at this thought, bringing my knees together and rolling to my side. I looked down at him, my heart fluttering when I saw his flushed face and sex hair (I could only imagine how my hair looked).

"We just finished and I'm already thinking about our next time," I confessed.

He chuckled and ran a hand back through his hair, "Give me a few minutes to recuperate."

I laughed with him and sat up on my knees so I was close enough to kiss him, our lips feeling tingly and sensitive. I pressed our foreheads together and said, "I don't think I've ever been happier…"

"The look suites you," he told me, and I was sure I blushed through all my redness, "I want to keep you this way."





AN: I feel rusty. Was that good? I hope it was as good for you as it was for them. Also, I hope it didn't seem too rushed. But if it did, that will be brought up later so it's all good. I had a question. I started this story with one idea and ran with other ideas, but I'm just wondering...should it eventually come out that Scarlett has been cheating on Phineas? Not sure what to do here, really...

Also, about 3-4 months after I started this story, Tove Lo's "Habits" came out and it instantly reminded me of Isabella in this story. So much so that I literally picture Isabella every time I hear the song. And then I heard other Tove Lo songs and (besides her becoming my favorite artist) pictured Isabella when listening to each one. "Talking Body" is my favorite song and I definitely had it playing while writing this chapter.

Anyway, so you may be wondering why I'm mentioning this. Well...I've been trying to decide exactly which direction I want to go in. So I turned on the radio and thought "the first full song I hear is going to tell me what to do." ...and then Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" came on. Granted, it definitely fits ("the smell of your skin lingers on me now, you brought me on a flight back to your hometown") so...and I am NOT kidding you when I say this, I tried this method a few more times and (WHAT!?) the same song played each time I tried this! And "Big Girls Don't Cry" isn't exactly a newer song so the fact that it just so happened to come on all three times I turned on the radio is...well, maybe it's a sign.

"I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you. It's personal, myself and I. We've got some straightenin' out to do..."

I guess I'll see what my fingers end up typing in the end. But in the mean time...thanks for reading! Love all you guys! 3
