Heart of Dixon

Chapter 26: When Life gives you lemons…

This chapter is shirt, but it's got lemons.

Warning: Daryl has a dirty mouth and has a slight dom fetish as well as panty fetish. Of course you know that Robin has a dirty mouth.

Robin's POV

I don't think I could hold in the laughter when I saw Daryl's horrified face, but I managed. Not another word was said as I climbed into the sleeping bag. Daryl followed me a second later but his movements were tense and he made sure his body wasn't touching mine, which I must say is difficult when you're in a sleeping bag. I could only smirk, did he really think I was going to let him get away with that. I certainly was not going to let this be easy for him.

"Hey Daryl, I'm cold." I replied. Such a lie, the dang man radiated heat like a furnace.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He grumbled. I wanted to giggle but kept it down, poor Daryl was in a terrible state. Every time we slept together, he always slept close enough to touch me. Even if we didn't fall asleep that way, he always woke up holding onto one another in some way, usually I'm tucked into his side with my head on his chest.

"Scoot closer to me, Dixon. Don't hog the warmth." I replied.

He grumbled underneath his breath but scooted closer anyway while trying to keep his lower anatomy away from him. Well, I wasn't having that. I backed up into him until my back fit perfectly against his front. I felt Daryl stiffen away behind but he couldn't pull away since he was now backed up against the wall of the sleeping bag.

"Fuck!" He cursed under his breath as his dick got even harder nested against my butt.

"Something wrong?" I asked again for the second time that night.

"No. Everything's fine." His voice strained a bit, and let me tell you it was hot as fuck.

"Alright then." I responded with a smirk that he couldn't see.

The second step in my plan of torture happened next: testing Daryl's willpower. I slowly, gently started to wiggle my butt back into him. Immediately Daryl's hand came down on my hip in my iron grip to stop him, but it didn't. I wiggled again a little stronger making him inhale sharply.

"What the hell are you doing, girl?" He growled.

"I'm just trying to get comfortable." I replied, I knew it was a matter of time before he asked that so I already had the answer. Did I think he would believe me? Nope, anyone could see past that lie, but Daryl didn't call me out on it.

"Well stop it." He grumbled again. He didn't let go off my hip, in fact his thumb rubbed tiny circles over the material in my underwear. I briefly wondered if it was because of his panty fetish or he was seeking out a belt loop because of his new fetish.

I waited a few moments, not long enough for Daryl to calm down or to fall asleep but long enough that he thought I had given up before I moved again. His hand squeezed my hip but he didn't push me away, in fact this time I think he even pulled me closer if it was possible.

"If you don't quit…" He growled but didn't finish his threat.

"You'll what?" I challenged.

It was silent of a few seconds before Daryl did anything. He didn't speak. In a few seconds, Daryl forced me to lay on my back while he hovered above me. His blue eyes were blown wide, nearly black, with lust that sent a shiver down my spine. I wondered briefly if I bitten off more than I could chew, but it was thrown out the window fast. I wanted anything this man could throw at me.

"You're nothing but a tease you know that?" He growled whilst he slowly grinding hard into me.

"You're always saying shit that makes me lose my mind." He went on, never changing the past of his thrusts that were making me wet but were always killing me, "Then you had to wear them panties."

"Sorry…" I apologized breathlessly, not feeling the least bit sorry.

"You ain't sorry." He growled, "What you need is to get punished."

My panties were drenched when he mentioned punishment. I was running my thighs together for friction that did nothing for the rising lust that this redneck was bringing in me. Daryl was always hot and bad ass, but right now as he straddled my body, he looked almost predatory.

"Turn over." He ordered, his voice husky. He lifted up, opening the sleeping bag wide and sat on his knees.

Quickly I turned so I was laying on my stomach, I waited a moment thinking Daryl was going to lay over me again or something. Instead I felt a stinging pain on my ass that if possible turned me on even more.

"Ass in the air." He ordered, "Don't make me tell ya twice."

Daryl didn't have to, as soon as he gave out his order, I had my butt in the air. I'm surprised it didn't wiggle letting Daryl know how excited I was.

"God Bitty, you're wet." He groaned.

I prayed he would play with my slit or rub my clit, do something with it. I was ready to lose my mind, but he placed his large rough hands on either sides on my butt, rubbing small circles into my underwear with his thumbs. I could practically feel his eyes roaming over my ass, thighs, and over the black panties that hid my drenched sex.

"Please Daryl, do something, anything!" I pleaded.

He chuckled, "Oh, I'm going to, Bitty. I'm going to punish, like I said, and I'm going to take my damn time. You got a lot to make up for: your teasing, the nicknames, and this morning." He swatted my ass again then swatted the opposite cheek with his other hand.

"I'm sorry." Now I was actually feeling it. I wanted him so bad, it was starting to hurt.

"You're going to be." He growled. He moved closer so that his hard-on was pressed into me. I cursed my underwear and his jeans, I wanted to actually feel him has he moved against me in slow thrusts. I hated myself for just leaving this morning after he broke the kiss. I didn't think he'd want me in there after that since he started to revert back into his awkward anti-social norm. I thought he came just like I did, but he didn't and I was going to pay for it. I knew that this night was going to be about him, his pleasure and I didn't mind one bit.

Daryl cursed and groaned under his breath as he picked up his pace. They grew even louder when he removed his hand from my hip to unzip his pants. He rubbed his hard cock against my center making me moan loudly. I thought it was about him, but it felt just as good for me, especially when his tip bumped my clit repeatedly.

"Please, Daryl just fuck me." I cried, it felt so good. My underwear was thin, so it felt like nothing was there. I could feel everything.

"Nah, girl, this is your punishment, remember?" He grunted, "I won't fuck you this time, but next time, Bitty I'm going to make you scream. I'm going to make this little pussy mine."

"It's yours." I whimpered.

"No yet, but it will be." I could practically hear the smirk.

I couldn't say anything back, because Daryl quickened his thrust, "You like that?"

"Yes! Oh god, yes." I sobbed into the pillow.

"How 'bout this?" Daryl didn't stop his movement as he removed his hand from his dick and pulled me to my knees with my back pressed to his front. His other hand abandoned my hip and wrapped around my throat, but he didn't cut off my air. His other hand slid into the front of underwear finding my clit quickly. His calloused fingers rubbed fast circles which would have made me scream if Daryl didn't kiss me.

We stayed in that position, kissing as he thrusted his hard cock into my ass while his fingers worked magic on my pussy. Both of us moaned more and more into the kiss as we quickly came, him all over my back, and my juices covered his fingers. We made out as we came down from our highs, his hand still wrapped possessively around my throat.

Daryl's awkwardness didn't come out when we pulled apart. He was kind enough to clean his cum off my back with one of his rags and I tossed the wet panties off to the side. We were both comfortable enough that I could sleep without them.

"You're side is going to hate you in the morning." I chuckled, but felt guilty none the less.

"That's why I got these." He reached into the clear plastic bag of pills that I learned after I got here was Merle's old stash of drugs. He took one of the strong pain pills and swallowed it dry before joining back in the sleeping bag. No other words were said as I nestled in close to Daryl's side, this time he didn't flinch. He pulled the top of the bag over us.

Before falling asleep, I smiled ready for whatever tomorrow brings.

Sorry guys for the long wait, I thought I would return to my dear readers with a sexy chapter. I hoped you like, I haven't written many smut scenes before.

Well 'til next time, I love your faces! ^_^