Chapter 12:

The big day had arrived and Anna was so excited. She was even up before the sun! Which was good because she still had to get the bet money. She almost forgot. If she lost the race she owed Bobby $10. She knew she'd win but just in case. She snuck down the stairs. Luckily it was still dark and for once it looked like Hopsing was still sleeping. She knew where Pa kept the emergency money and she watched where he put the key a few nights ago. She went behind Pa's desk and got the money without any trouble. She stuffed the money in her pocket. Praying she wouldn't get caught. Stealing was a big no-no in this family! All she had to do was sneak it back tonight after the race. No harm done! (Or so she thought…)

Anna decided to get all her chores done since breakfast wasn't for another hour. May as well stay in the good book with Adam! An hour later she finished all her chores and went in for breakfast. She hoped no one would suspect she was up to something but at this point she didn't care. She was all in!

Adam was at the table when she came inside.

"Well, aren't you an early bird this morning?" Adam greeted as she sat at the table.

"Morning Adam" She smiled.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked curiously.

"Uh I just wanted to get an early start today. It's like you say, "Never let the day waste away!" She quoted

"Well, I guess that Is a good a reason as any! Let's eat!" He smiled. He was still slightly suspicious but decided to let it go for now.

"Is Joe coming to school today?" Anna asked.

"No, I'm afraid he still has a fever and that cold is in full bloom right now." Adam explained.

"Oh, that's too bad." She said sadly. But secretly she was very glad. Now there would be nothing standing in her way. Usually Joe would be on her side but there was the occasion where he decided to step in and this was seeming to be one of those times.

"Don't feel too bad. I'll ride with you into town." Adam smiled trying to perk her up.

"Ah, Adam, I can make it there and back by myself. Please!" She begged.

Adam looked at her and struggled within himself. "Well, she has been good so far. Maybe this could be a good test for her." He thought.

"Please, Adam." She begged with puppy dog eyes and her lip sticking out.

"Ahh, alright. But you'd better go straight there and then come straight home. You are on restriction still young lady." He reminded her. "You need to be in your room when you get home."

"Yes sir. I know. I will, I promise." She couldn't believe this was going her own way.

"Ok, don't make me regret my decision." He gently warned and drank the remnants of his coffee.

"I won't. I'm going to go get my books and head to school so I won't be late!" Anna excused herself and ran up the stairs.

Hoss was coming down the stairs at that moment and nearly got knocked over. "Slow down there youngin'! You nearly knocked me right over! What's your hurry fer anyhow?"

"Gotta get to school!" Anna hurried past him.

Hoss chuckled and joined Adam at the table.

"That girl is just so funny. One day she's down the next she's up. Can't ever figure that yougin' out!" Hoss laughed

"I know she sure is something." Adam continued, "Well I better get a move on too! Got lots of money to count and books to check." It wasn't necessarily his favorite duty but it had to be done.

"Well, you two can start early but I'm going to eat my breakfast and then I'll go ahead to the North Pasture." Hoss began eating away. Nothing came in between him and his food.


Anna made it to school early; she was just so excited and nervous. She stabled her horse and went to go sit with her friends when Bobby walked up to her.

"Hey Cartwright! Didn't think you'd show up." Bobby taunted

"Why not? We all know Cartwrights never back down from a bet." Anna said boldly

"HA! Well, we'll just see about that. Still have half the day to go. See You at recess!" Bobby slightly nudged her in the arm as he walked past her.

Anna could barely control her urge to go after him but she knew she couldn't get in trouble before the race. She had to just wait to beat his scrawning little butt at recess.

The bell rang and they all filed in the classroom. Anna sat by her friend, Laura.

"Alright children take your seats!" Ms. Jones instructed. "Let's start today with math. Johnny would you please come up and do this problem?"

"Yes ma'am." Johnny replied.

"Anna, are you still going to race him today? What if you get caught?" Laura whispered to Anna.

"Yes, of course. Nothing will go wrong." Anna said confidently.

"How are you going to sneak off during recess? You know Ms. Jones checks on us." Laura reasoned.

"She usually only checks in the beginning and the end. I'll stay for a few and be back before the end. It won't be a problem." Anna said trying to convince herself also. She was trying to push back her doubts that were surfacing.

"Annabelle Cartwright!" Ms. Jones said for the third time without Anna knowing.

"Yes ma'am." Anna answered.

"Young lady, I would appreciate it if you would not talk during lessons and pay attention. Do not make me have to remind you again. Now, come up here and do this problem please." Ms. Jones instructed.

"Yes ma'am." Anna obeyed and did her problem.

A little while later when they were doing there reading Anna was daydreaming out the window. She was having trouble concentrating on the reading and kept imagining herself beating Tommy!

"ANNA!" Ms. Jones practically yelled.

"Yes ma'am." Anna answered a little nervously.

"Young lady, would you please stop day dreaming and pay attention to your schoolwork? One more incident and I will be sending a note home, do you understand me?" She warned.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry." Anna apologized.

"Now please read. Page 42." Ms. Jones turned to walk back to the front of the classroom.

Anna read aloud. Shortly after she started thinking that it must be 10am by now and she had to make it two more hours without another issue. She tried very hard but it was not working very well. She just couldn't sit still. An hour later they were working on history. Ms. Jones was calling out questions and the students would answer. Everyone participated. Anna for one did not enjoy history and found the outdoors more interesting… again.


Anna just looked up at her, man she really did it this time.

"Now, since you insist on this behavior you can just go stand in the corner. Go on." Ms. Jones ordered. "I will be sending a note home to your father. It must be signed and brought back tomorrow morning."

"But Ms. Jones, Pa is gone on a trip." She tried. Maybe she'd forget about the note but she highly doubted that.

"Well then I will just write it to your brother Adam." She decided, "Now turn around, you will stay there till lunch."

Anna could here the other students giggling at her. This was so embarrassing. She usually would argue and try to get out of it but she had to stay somewhat on Ms. Jones' good side if she would be allowed to go to recess. It was all or nothing now.

"Yes ma'am." Anna said sadly and faced the corner. It was incredibly dull looking at a black board. "One more hour to go," She thought.

The hour seemed to drag on forever to Anna when finally a reprieve came and Anna sighed out in relief.

"Lunch time!" Ms. Jones called. "You may go as well Anna."

"Thank you Ms. Jones." Anna said sweetly and grabbed her lunch.

She ran outside to sit by Laura.

"Hey Laura," Anna began, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure!" Laura replied.

"If Ms. Jones happens to come out when I'm gone will you cover for me and tell her I am in the outhouse?" Anna figured that was as good excuse as any.

"Yea, I can." Laura and Anna often covered for each other.


Bobby walked over at that time. "You ready or what Anna?"

"I'm ready. Let's go. I've got a bet to win." Anna smirked.

"YOU mean I have a bet to win." Bobby corrected haughtily.

"Let's go before Ms. Jones comes back out." Anna instructed as she glanced around.

They saddled their horses and successfully snuck out of recess. They had a good 30minutes till they needed to be back. They went to a side road that Anna had been practicing on.

"Alright, so we go down and around to that tree down there and back. Got it?" Anna explained. It was a good mile.

"I got it, ready to eat my dust?" Bobby taunted once again.

"It'll be you eating mine and doing my homework after this." Anna smirked.

Another student Jake came along to judge the race. One who could be impartial.

"You both ready?" Jake asked.

"Yep!" They both replied.

"On your mark, get set, GO!"

They both went off at a good pace. Bobby was in the lead but now that they went around the tree they were both neck and neck. Anna's horse got into the lead and she won!

"Woo hoo! Alright Anna!" Jake shouted!

"Told you I'd beat your scrawny little tail Bobby! In your face!" She teased him.

"Ah, fine, you won this time but you prolly rigged the race anyhow." Bobby said not wanting to totally admit to defeat. But he was actually really impressed and secretly he liked Anna but he wouldn't tell her that.

"Ah, come on Bobby you know she won fair and square!" Jake argued.

"Alright, alright." Bobby stated.

"Now, give me my money. $10 was the bet and doing all of my homework for a whole week." Anna demanded.

He dug out of his pocket and grabbed the bill, "Here!"

Feeling very satisfied Anna took the bill and smelled it, "Mmmm! Smells like victory!" She said rubbing it in Bobby's face.

"Yea, yea. Ok, homework for a week too but we best get back if we don't want to get in trouble." Bobby said feeling very much like a loser at this point.


Meanwhile back at the Ponderosa Adam was still counting the money and checking it with the books. He was on the emergency money now and kept coming up short.

"This just doesn't make sense. Pa hasn't had any emergencies lately." Adam said confused. Something was not adding up.

Hoss walked in at that moment, "Hey Hoss! Did you by any chance need to get in the emergency money lately and forget to mark it down?"

"Hey Adam, nope I didn't. Maybe Pa did." He suggested.

"No, he always writes it down. It just doesn't make sense. Hopsing maybe?" Adam questioned.

"Hopsing what?" Hopsing asked hearing his name as he set lunch out.

"Did you happen to get any money from the emergency fund?" Adam asked as he walked to the table.

"No, not Hopsing, Hosping always writes down what he takes. Alllll the time!" Hopsing answered.

"Hmm, There is only two other people in this house who would know about the emergency fund not that they know where the key is." Adam mused getting slightly suspicious.

"Now Adam, why would them two get in there? They know there not allowed. They might be mischievous but they ain't no thieves!" Hoss defended trying to get his brother to think rationally.

"Well, I will just have to ask them. I have to find it. $10 is a lot of money to just go missing. I'll bring Joe's food up and just see if he knows anything about it. I need to check on him anyways." Adam reasoned and went up stairs.

Knock knock

"Oh hey Adam!" Joe greeted as Adam walked in.

"Brought you some food. How are you feeling?" Adam walked over and checked his forehead. "Still warm, buddy." He said concerned.

"I'm feeling better just this darn cold won't stop." Joe sniffled, 'I'll be fine, I am hungry though." He reassured.

"Well, just the same after you eat will get more of Hopsing's famous tea in you." Adam smiled and ruffled his hair. "Joe, I did need to ask you something."

Joe gulped, he knew today was the day of the race and he hoped Adam wouldn't know anything about it or ask him anything. "Yeah Adam? What's up?" he asked trying to stay casual.

"I'm missing $10 from the emergency fund. Do you know anything about it?" Adam asked straightforward.

"I don't know anything about a $10 bill Adam." He didn't lie per say, he thought he knew who took it though. He really didn't want to rat his sister out. "I mean it might not be the same $10 bill." He reasoned in his head.

Adam thought he saw a bit of guilt flash in his eyes so he decided to give him another chance, "You sure Joe? That money is very important." He explained.

"No, Adam. I don't know." Joe insisted not wanting to rat his sister out.

"Alright, Joe. Thank you for being honest with me." Adam added hoping to stir his conscience. "Enjoy your lunch. Be back in a little bit." He walked out the door.

After a few seconds Joe let out a sigh of relief. He knew Adam was on to him and he feared Anna would be found out soon enough. He decided he better just eat. He couldn't do anything about it anyways.

Adam walked downstairs and joined Hoss at the table.

"Well, did he know anything?" Hoss asked.

"Oh, he knows something but he wouldn't tell me. I have a feeling our little Anna has been up to something and it is my job to find out what." Adam answered confidently.

Hoss just rolled his eyes and continued eating. "When is his sister Not up to something." He thought to himself.