A/N: Next update! Sorry for waiting too long, been training at the new job. Hope the chapter is worth the wait.

Warnings: Some language, nothing more.

Disclaimer: I don't own it.




Chapter Eleven




"Don't be nervous," Hermione patted the fidgeting hands, all in a desperate attempt to assure the blonde that there wasn't any reason to be so nervous. This was George, not the Dark Lord. At this rate the poor girl would have a stroke before they managed to get out of the carriage.

"I know, I'm just a little concerned." Luna didn't want to get her hopes up if it was to be nothing more than a friendly drink. Maybe Ginny was right and she wasn't his type. What if she had gotten dolled up for nothing? What if he laughed at her? What if she made an arse out of herself? No, she'd be fine. If he didn't like her, then she wasn't going to stress herself over it. If he didn't want anything more than to be friends, she'd be happy with that. Having someone like George Weasley as a friend was a great gift and one she wouldn't take lightly.

"Just remember that we agreed to meet back by a certain time." Harry was sure Luna wouldn't forget that they had plans for later. It was amusing to see her becoming antsy due to an outing. Seeing Luna getting nervous was as odd as seeing her lose her temper, neither happened often.

"How do I look?" Luna smoothed out the wrinkle that had formed on her shirt while sitting. The carriage had stopped and it was time to get out. The plan was to meet the twins near the Shrieking Shack. She had gone against her better judgement and borrowed a simple yet sheer, red dress shirt from Pansy. The sleeves flowed while the bodice hugged her not-so there bust. Jeans and the black boots she had purchased last month completed her idea of dressing up. Hermione had done the honors of putting her hair up with a clip.

"Great, let's go before we are spotted." Hermione didn't want the two Weasleys, that were standing in a group ten feet away, to decide to join them. It was bad enough that Ginny was acting like she had done nothing wrong and even had the audacity to smile their way. She wasn't going to start any arguments with the pair, not today. It would only ruin Luna's one chance to spend time with the one she liked. "This way."

The entire trip towards the Shrieking Shack, Harry could feel the holes being burnt into his back. Someone was glaring at his departing back, most likely following them in the process. They wouldn't be discussing anything important on this trip, so it didn't matter if Ron or Ginny felt the need to intrude on their privacy. This was to be a fun and relaxing trip into Hogsmeade. It was still too soon to tell the twins anything. He still wasn't sure what side to take. Both he and Hermione were up in the air about what to do with the entire situation. The more he thought about it, he hated what had been done to him and the Potters. On the opposite end, he didn't care for some of the Dark Lord's ways. He didn't like the idea of killing innocent people just because they were muggles. It would be the same as being hated because he had magic. All he knew for sure was that he wanted to create his own destiny and lead his life the way he wanted. He deserved a life just like any one else.

"There they are," Hermione waved seeing the two standing near the broken fence. It took shouting out to them to get their attention. She could only imagine what they had been discussing, with the angry expression both were wearing. "Fred! George!"

"Mione!" They called out in unison and turned, alerting them that something was wrong. Fred's expression went from warm to disgusted, George went from smiling to glaring hard in a matter of a second.

"I told you the leash was invisible." Fred crossed his arms as the three neared. He didn't blame them for being trailed, not much they could do. The one he could blame was the snotty witch that was casually strolling with her two trolls.

"Don't let it bother you, ignore her." That's what George planned on doing. He understood his twin's upset and why their youngest sibling still wasn't welcome in their presence. He was just glad that Ron hadn't decided to tag along this time. Maybe Ronnikins was starting to wisen up about a few things.

He wanted to hex her! Fred couldn't believe that she'd have the audacity to tag along. More like trail behind Harry like a lost puppy. The three were joining them, all aware that they had been followed. He didn't care what the situation between Ginny and Harry was, he didn't want to see her. Not after the nasty comment she had made in her last floo call to their parents. The bitch hadn't realized that he and George had stopped over for dinner, listening to every word that was being said. It was her own fault that Dumbledore had chastised her about pressuring Harry and making a nuisance of herself. To bring up the way they use to misbehave and act out was one thing, but to make a nasty comment about his girl?! First of all, he wasn't whipped and Angie did NOT pursue him in such a disgusting manner. True, she had made her interest known long after they had attended the Ball together but she had never made him uncomfortable. Nor had she ever tried to force herself on him.

It had to be hard, George understood and knew he could be in the same position. Ginny's tone had made it clear that she didn't really care for Fred's girl. He knew that if he were to start talking to Luna, their sister wouldn't like it. His eyes swayed from the ginger head to the pale blonde that was standing incredibly close. Was it the slant of the land or was she really that short?

"How are you doing, Harry?" Fred noticed the way he tensed as the unwanted trio drew nearer. So much for having a nice outting. He knew George was right and he shouldn't let what others said bother him. He didn't care if his sister or parents liked who he was with. The important thing was that he enjoyed being with her. Now, if only he could convince his twin to get off his arse and find a girl.

"So-so, could be better." If only they hadn't been trailed. Harry agreed that Ginny acted like he had an invisible leash coming out of his arse. Why had she followed? They hadn't been invited and she knew he wasn't talking to her. They would simply have to keep the conversation light for today. "However, I suggest we walk elsewhere."

"Understood, mate." Fred was all for going off and putting distance between them. Ginny and her friends had stopped not but four feet away, acting like it was a mere coincidence they were so close. "Why don't we go do some shopping? I could use something sweet."

"Actually, I'll leave Harry to you and Mione. Luna and I have plans already. Are you ready?" George almost laughed seeing the shock, which quickly turned into a grin. He held out his hand for the blonde witch to take. Owling back and forth was alright, but he wanted to spend quality time alone with her. There were things that just couldn't be discussed on parchment. "Don't worry, I'll have her back on time."

Did that mean he wanted to spend the entirity of their time alone? Luna reached out to accept the outstretched palm. The hand was twice the size of her own and warm. She was positive that the gentle snickering was coming from her own sister. They had to look odd together but she didn't care. It did unnerve her to see the menacing glare being sent their way. "This may give others the wrong impression."

"Nah, I think they'll get the correct one and if they don't like it, it is their problem." George didn't care if she didn't like it, this was between them. Luna had accepted the date and they were both old enough to make decisions on their own. The only opinion he was concerned about were Luna's and Fred's. "Would you like to go get a butterbeer first?"

"That sounds good." It would give them a chance to speak in private. Luna did notice that they did recieve a few stares on the way. By the time they arrived, she was loath to release the hand that had become entwined with her own. They took a table in the back, away from other ears.

"Thanks, for agreeing to come along." He watched as she removed the large cloak before pulling out the chair for her to sit. "Now that we are away from others, I must tell you; you look amazing."

"Thank you," she was glad that he was pleased. He took the seat across from her, "How are things going at the shop?"

"It is about the same. Honestly, Fred now seems more interested in Angie than running the shop." From the sounds coming from the other's room, he got why. It was kind of embarassing knowing that he was the only one that was still a virgin. There was a running bet on Ronald's purity. "I would ask about school but I doubt much has changed since your last owl. I know Ginny still hasn't backed off of Harry much, despite the warnings."

"No, she is just as obsessed, just more tactful about it. She has taken a liking to following him about. Probably to ensure that no other witch tries to take him from her since she has been warned not to harass him further." Luna felt sorry for Harry these days but he seemed to be handling it in his own ways. Knowing that he couldn't be drugged had to help his mental state at night.

The conversation stopped long enough for their drinks to be brought. George took a sip before replying. "Don't tell me that our Harry has other prospects? Must be a good one if it has her knickers in a knot."

"Well, it is not my place to discuss his interests but I will say that I hope he ends up with someone that is worthy of him." Luna didn't want to be disrespectful and speak ill of George's sister. Family was family, no matter what they did wrong.

"I agree. Fred and I both believe that Harry deserves someone better. She is my sister and I love her but I'm not biased. I think he should pursue his own happiness, I plan to." Hell, he was sure even his Mum would lecture him if he were to pursue someone younger than himself. His Mum's idea of the perfect wife for her son's was someone just like herself. Which is why Fluer still wasn't liked and why Angie was never invited over for a family dinner. Neither fit into the mold that his Mum thought all wife's should. Fluer was too different, too vivacious and out-spoken. Angie was headstrong, mouthy and didn't want a herd of children. His Luna definitely wouldn't be classified as the ideal wife. "And I'll apologize now if my pursuing it causes you any kind of grief where Ginny is concerned."

"What do you mean?" Why would it cause her any problems? She was already on odd terms with her former best friend since she was taking Harry's side. "How will it anger Ginny? Unless you want to date Harry then you would definitely be on her bad list."

"I have no interest in Harry, that would be Percy." George wondered if he was wrong. "She gave the impression that I shouldn't be trying to date one of her friends. Damn near removed my head when I asked about you. Not to mention she just sent me a death glare that the Dark Lord would have found chilling. But I'm willing to try if you are, despite it causing strife between you two. I know I'm asking more of you, since you are still in school with her."

He was really asking to spend time with her. Should she pinch herself? It was what she wanted, more than anything. "It's alright, she doesn't pay me much mind anymore. Not since I refused to take her side over Harry. I'm willing to try."

Bloody fantastic! He couldn't wait to tell Fred. There would surely be a new rivalry on who could piss Ginny off the most when it came to their girls. "Will you consent to another date during your next weekend out? We could go get some dinner or I could bring something for us."

"That sounds lovely and I'd be happy to." A picnic would be romantic. If it wasn't too cold they could find a nice spot outside.

"So have you given anymore thought on what you wish to do after you finish school?" He was interested in what she wanted to do. He already knew some of her hobbies and likes. As much as he enjoyed running the shop, sometimes he wanted to get out and see something new.

"I've been offered the chance to take over the Quibbler but I'm not sure if that is what I wish to do." Luna wasn't sure if the offer would still be open once it came out that she really wasn't his child and that she had been sired by their enemy. She wanted to think that the man that had raised her would still love her. "I do want to travel and see new things."

"That sounds like fun. What about a family and settling down?" He hoped what they wanted wasn't too different.

"I'd like to end up with the right wizard one day. A family is something I'd want but not right now or soon. I'd like to travel a bit, live a little before taking on the responsibility of a family. Then I think one or two at most. I don't see myself having a lot of children." She didn't want six or seven head of children. Having that many was too much responsibility and too stressful. "I think even then, I'd want to have it planned."

"Sounds perfect. Mum about had a fit when I told her I didn't want a large family. Honestly, one would be perfect and not any time soon. I wouldn't mind settling down with the right witch as soon as possible but i'd like time to enjoy each other before having to divide my attention." George was glad that she wasn't the type of witch that was ready to have a family the moment she stepped out of Hogwarts. Right now, they had to deal with the upcoming war and hope there would be a future. "Guess I just don't fancy rushing things."

Neither did she. That included whatever would happen between them. If they did nothing but exchange words for the next year, she'd be happy. If by some chance things proceeded faster, she wanted to be comfortable with the progress.






Hermione smelt his aftershave before she actually saw him. She was glad it was him strolling over to speak, instead of the grungy wizard that had been oggling her since she had stepped inside the place. Just because she believed in bathing, it didn't mean she was forbidden from entering the store to browse. As soon as she found what she wanted, she'd depart. Coming to this part of the bookstore was sure to arouse suspicions. She wanted to find as much information on Horcruxes as possible. Dumbledore would only tell Harry so much.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing here, Granger?" Draco hadn't been sure what he was seeing when he had strolled by. This bookstore was known for it's somewhat questionable reading material. No one from the Golden Trio should ever be caught standing inside, yet there stood the brilliant witch with three tomes shoved under her arm.

"I'm obviously searching for reading material." Why else would she be in a bookstore? It wasn't for the view. The better question would be why was he bothering her? He hadn't took it upon himself to speak to her since their near kiss weeks ago. Sure, it had been areed upon that they would all keep interaction light, all to avoid any questionable behavior.

"I can see that. I meant what are you doing in this kind of store? There is a reason why good little witches shop on the other side of Hogsmeade. Are you trying to get raped?" Draco stepped closer, blocking her from the wizard that was still watching from his perch. "Don't even say it isn't likely. That atrocious wizard was staring at your arse and I doubt he was admiring the fake jewels latched onto your pockets."

"Why not? They are rather fetching, and these jeans are designer." She pulled another volume from the shelf. It was definitely the one she wanted but there were pages missing from it. How cheap! More than fifty pages were gone and she was sure it was what she needed.

"Put them all back. If you want to read those editions, without missing pages or them being edited, I'll send home for them. Our library has each one and I'll even get you whatever you want on the topic in question." Anything to get her out of here. Draco was sure that none of the wizards here knew who she was. All they saw was a young, beautiful and spotless witch that was alone and possibly vunerable.

"That would be wonderful. Could you have them to me by tomorrow? I really need to do some research on the matter." Hermione shoved the volumes back onto the shelf, without bothering to put them in order. If he was offering, she'd accept the books. This was for Harry's sake, as much as their own. "Don't take this the wrong way Malfoy, but now he is staring at your arse."

"Let's go. I can't believe Potter let you come here alone." What the hell was the git thinking? Draco grumbled under his breath but escorted her outside into the street. If she were to get injured, he'd feel the backlash of failure.

"He is spending male-bonding time with Fred and he had no idea where I was going. Why were you inside the bookstore, Malfoy?" What had brought him inside? Was he looking for something unmentionable?

"I was strolling by and saw your hair. I was sure I was hallucinating, so I went inside to be sure." At first, his blood had raced realizing that she was alone. Then it had sank in that she was inside a shop that was known for its uncivilized patrons. "I was also taking a walk to cool off. I must say, I had a very delightful chat with the Weasel."

"I'm sure it was very entertaining, I'm not sure if I can wait to hear all about it." Hermione could imagine what her ex had to say. More threats? More insults? Or was it the simple banter, all to show Ron's jealousy?

"It was very enlightning. I was made to understand that you belong to him and that I'm to keep my nasty mitts off of you." Draco smirked seeing the ire flash before the intake of breath signalled the answer he himself had told Weasel.

"I don't belong to him." She belonged to no one.

"He doesn't agree, not even when I said the same thing. He didn't care to hear that you were a person not a belonging. Then I was told again to stay away from his Mione." Draco used the pressure on her elbow to take them around the building and towards the carriages. He could already see Potter standing next to his other sibling and those twins. He stopped short, putting her back against the wall. "However, I did tell him that I have every intention on making you my girl."

"I'm not yo..." not his something. Whatever denial her mind had conjured up slipped away in the split second it took for him to lower his head. The crashing of lips erased all traces of the conversation. She got a brief hint of mint before her mouth was invaded. There was nothing timid or awkward about the kiss. It wasn't sloppy or rushed, so diferent from what she had grown accustomed to. He took possession of her mouth with precise accuracy, like they had kissed thousands of times before. However, the excitement it stirred was all new. His tongue delved deep, testing her own, as if seeking some kind of answer.

She was sweet and responsive. It was nothing like he had feared. Draco savored the tiny gasps being elicited against his tongue. If she didn't like being pinned against a wall, she wasn't making any attempts to push him away.

What was wrong with her? Hermione couldn't prevent her hands from creeping upwards to latch onto his shirt. Instead of feeling trapped and pressured, having him so close made her feel safe and completely content. He was the last person she should feel safe with. But she liked where she was, being snogged by Malfoy while it was snowing, where anyone could chance upon them.

He had to pull away before he offended her and the Dark Lord. She might get upset once his growing problem became obvious. He wouldn't dishonor her, not by humping her leg out in the open. He was sure her disappointment mirrored his own as he released her. "I'll be letting you get back to your friends now."

Her friends? Right, they were over there waiting to head to the carriages. Wait, Luna was staring in this direction. She was thankful that only the female had seemed to glance back and notice that she was nearby.

Amazing, she was speechless. There was no smart comment or no ranting about his behavior. He'd take that as a good sign. "Just to give you fair warning, Granger. I plan to prove that I'm a lot better than Weasel. I'll have those books to you by the morning, I'll leave them in the Common area. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

With that he was walking away from her. Hermione clicked her teeth seeing his back retreating. What kind of stunt was that? Prove that he was better than Ron in the future? BLOODY HELL! That kiss alone just took care of that competition. Her mouth was still tingling from it and her knickers were wet. How appalling! With just a kiss her knees felt weak and she had to concentrate on walking back to the others.

At one time she would have said she prefered Ron over Malfoy, simply because of their personalities. The Slytherin had always been more attractive, there was no denying that. She just hadn't liked his person, so it was easy to overlook his face and body. He did come from better breeding and had a lot more manners. He wasn't a pauper, but she had never really thought of financial means being something to rate her future husband on. Really, the only thing Ron had once had him beat had been with his personality, that was all. Now, she couldn't say who she would like more when it came down to who she liked being around. They both had their good points and negative attritbutes. She did realize now that a lot of Malfoy's attitude came from being his father's son. A child would want to please their parent and it was the base of Malfoy's bigotry.

She did want to see what kind of person he could be when he wasn't pressured with the war and pleasing his family. When on neutral territory, he was almost pleasant. And she was losing her mind to even think about it. There were bigger concerns that Malfoy trying to prove a point.

"There you are, Mione. Did you find what you wanted?" Harry paused in the discussion about Ginny seeing her approaching. After the long talk with Fred, he felt a lot better about his decisions. The twins seemed to understand his lack of affection when it came to their sister and weren't going to hold a grudge.

"Yes and no. Did you have fun, Luna?" Hermione moved the direction of the conversation from herself, she didn't want to have to explain to the twins why she was sucking face with Malfoy.

"Yes, but not as much as you it seems." Luna winked seeing the blush staining the cheeks. If George were to kiss her like that, she might have to suggest getting a room. With Malfoy? Who would have thought Hermione would have such great taste. The Slytherin was pure eye candy and rumored to be as elusive as Harry.

"What does that mean?" Harry noticed the wink and the smile. What did Luna know that he didn't? The nod let him know that the blonde would fill him in later. Would it explain why Mione's face was red and she looked like someone had punched her in the mouth? They could discuss this after he informed them of his talk with Fred. The twin had assured him that they would stand by him, no matter what happened. He hadn't told the truth or explained why things were changing yet. It wasn't time for the past to be revealed or for them to pick a side. One day soon they would have to decide on a side and he was frightened of having to make that decision. He was thankful for the support of his friends and of the two siblings he had always dreamed of having. Even if it was irritating that they were sharing some kind of secret at the moment.

"Apparently, it means men aren't very observant and we should head back." Hermione wasn't going to tell him now. He wouldn't say much about it, he had a blood engagement to Parkinson. Besides, that had been one hell of a kiss and she wouldn't apologize to anyone for allowing it to happen.

"I guess this is where we part ways." George didn't want to let her go. The time had passed too quick for him and too soon they had been joined by Harry and Fred. He had made it a point for them to know that he was now with Luna.

"Write me," Luna leaned on her tiptoes to attempt placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. It hadn't been an official date and she wasn't sure what he'd accept on such short notice. He turned his head in time so her mouth met his in a very soft caress.

"Don't forget, she is also welcome to use the floo in my Common Room." Hermione was ecstatic seeing the two depart in an affectionate manner. She and Pansy had been right, George wanted to be more than just friends.

"We will be in touch," Fred promised them and pointed to the group coming their way. Somewhere along the way Ginny had met up with Ron and were heading back as well. He didn't want to be around when they got there, not after what he had been told. He needed to have a long chat with George, it wasn't going to be fun.

"Right, thanks again and we will talk soon." Harry waved them off before the two apparated away. It was time for them to leave, before they were forced to share a carriage with the others. "Luna, on the way back you can tell me who Mione was snogging."






If there was one thing Pansy hated, it was a bold liar. It was sickening when someone lied so much, they started to see it as truth. Oh, she knew why the lies had been spoken loud enough for her to hear. The Weaslette really expected her to believe that she was once again working things out with Potter. The going lie was that the two were shagging constantly, like pixies.

Her evening of studying in the library had been cut short. Disgust had forced her to seek refuge by the lake. The weather was on the chilly side but it wasn't snowing today. The blanket was enchanted to keep any moisture from soaking through and freezing her arse. Anything to find a bit of privacy.

"It is nice here," Luna hid the smile seeing Parkinson jump at the sound of her voice. "Sorry, I was out for a walk and noticed that you were sitting alone. Mind if I take a seat?"

"Suit yourself," Pansy didn't care as long as it wasn't someone that was part of Weaslettes group. At one time she would have told Lovegood to bugger off. Right now she didn't even want anyone from her own house to intrude upon her solitude. None of them really knew what was going on and she didn't want to answer anymore questions. The younger classes still had no clue to who Potter really was and the few of them that did, were too frightened to speak his name. "I hear your date went well. His unlovely sister was screeching not long ago on how you are foolish enough to think that her brother wants anything but a quick shag, seeing as there is a rumor that your cunny is as wide as Hagrid's piehole. Not my words, I assure you."

"That is alright, I don't care what is being said." Luna knew Ginny was angry because she hadn't asked her permission before consenting to date her brother. "Have you heard the one about you and Malfoy?"

"Which one?" She was sure she had heard most of them. Pansy knew that half of them came from her own housemates.

"That the reason he won't date is because he tried to shag you but your cunny was so cold it broke off his manhood." Luna didn't think that was possible. She also didn't see the two having messed around. Some of the rumors were kind of amusing, in a disturbing way.

"I prefer the one where he is actually a girl and I'm the one that likes to have a good wank. Some have even whispered that I'm into other witches, all because I don't have a boyfriend." Pansy had even heard a snide comment that her clit was so huge it was actually a penis. It was all a bunch of shite, nasty comments made by others that were jealous and too frightened to tell speak of their dislike to her face. All because she was confident in what she wanted and didn't feel the need to kiss arse to make others like her. She was who she was, in that way she was a lot like Lovegood.

"That's not true, you like Harry, I can tell." Luna adjusted her seat to get a good look at what was being read. "Oh, I've read that one already. Are you doing an essay for D.A.D.A.?"

"No, I'm actually researching something I saw." Pansy placed a hand to mark her page and looked out across the lake, prefering not to respond to the statement of her liking Potter. "See that patch of weeds straight ahead, across the lake? The dark green area, next to the row of trees? Last week when I was seeking time alone, I noticed some kind of animal drinking from the lake. It was one I had never seen before and I became curious as to what it was. So far, I haven't found it in any of the books I've found."

"What did it look like?" Luna could see the area in question. She had never seen anything grazing that was unfamilar. Not that she knew about everything that was in the woods. The forest was still off-limits to students and she wasn't brave enough head too far inside.

"It had the body of a horse, but a head like a bird, with a boney tail. The coat was a green color with patches of orange. I told you, it was odd." Pansy wasn't sure what to think upon seeing it. An odd animal was really no big deal, nothing to report home about.

"Hmm, I have some books we could look through but it doesn't match anything I can recall reading about. You don't strike me as the type to be interested in strange creatures." Luna didn't mind speaking about the subject. This just proved that her own beliefs were solid and she should feel no shame about thinking there were other creatures out there.

"Normally, I don't care to read about something I have never seen or hasn't been proved to exist. I can't deny that I saw something odd, but I like leaning new things just as much as Granger does. I just can't read as fast or obtain as much knowledge without forgetting where the loo is located." Pansy leaned forward to stretch the muscles in her back. "I am very interested in the rights and classifications of most dark creatures. It isn't common knowledge but my uncle is a werewolf."

"You remind me of Hermione, she is also very vocal about the equal rights of others. It is a grand idea, one that would take a lot to realize." Luna had noticed that the dark side was the side with the creatures. They weren't seen as equals but at least they were seen enough to be invited to fight. If the Ministry didn't have so many laws against their kind, then they wouldn't have been easily swayed to Voldemort's side. If it was her, she wouldn't want to fight for someone that classified me as a danger. Their former professor was an ideal example on the injustice against half-breeds. Just because he was a werewolf, Lupin couldn't hold a decent job. Those prejudices were the reason the wolves were willing to obey the Dark Lord. The light wasn't exactly without their flaws. Not all werewolves were monsters just waiting to maul the nearest child. Just like not all wizards were waiting to cast an unforgiveable on the jerk sitting in the next seat over. There had to be a between in which to find peace. "Black and white mixed makes grey."





Thanks for reading, if you'd be kind and review, I'd appreciate it. It would make me overlook the ache in my sore feet (well, not really but I'd be happy just the same). I'll try to have the next chapter up within a week.