I'm sorry for not updating much.. 10th grade is bombarding me with homework and projects. T^T I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. :D Oh and thank you so much for the reviews!

Thank you Guest, rockprincess77, Booker10, huangangelin, and Ipmeritrici Vicssitudinis for your reviews!

The drive back to the studio wasn't all that bad. there wasn't much conversation but it wasn't quiet enough for the atmosphere to be called awkward or unsettling. They were just there, seated beside each other with only around 6-7 inches of space separating their shoulders from touching. Kaname had kept his eyes on the road while Zero placed his chin on the back of his hand and leaned on it, watching the images of trees, buildings, and people go by in a blur.

"It was nice of you to introduce me to your twin brother." Kaname said, breaking the silence.

"Do you seriously think I'm that bad of guy if I didn't let you meet?" Zero scoffed then chuckled.

Nah, you can never be a bad guy in my eyes. Oh how much Kaname really wanted to say that aloud but he thought otherwise.

As they had arrived back at Studio 1, they immediately met with Yuki who was extra fidgety at the moment which they could guess why. It was nearly 5 in the afternoon now and they were all getting ready to do the said 're-filming' of the commercial for Cologne Mystique.

Zero, who didn't know what Yuki was thinking, assumed that the re-filming would go like the original but with added scenes where Kaname comes in. However, to his dismay, Zero was now sitting in the lounge room in a female kimono, wearing light make up, and having the hairdressers place extensions on his hair - doing what they want with it especially placing a barrette to make it extra girly.

"Who the hell made this up?" Zero mumbled to himself, eyebrows knitted together making his oh so girly looking face scowl for the moment. Of course he knew the answer as to who but then it wasn't like he could do anything about it. This was the last thing for work today and he noted to himself never to accept jobs from Yuki Cross ever again.

"It's a wonder really." The silverette shifted his gaze to where he had heard the familiar voice.

"What, Kuran?" Zero huffed, slightly annoyed still. The figure of the pure blood leaning on the door frame coming into view.

"Whether you are male or female, I can still label you as beautiful." Kaname said bluntly, staring at the silverette intently like he was burning holes into him.

"Get out you flirtatious bastard." Zero said and Kaname had to dodge a bottle of hair spray while walking back to the photo set.

"So how are things going with Zero-kun?" Takuma asked as he worked as he pleased with Kaname's brown locks.

"You know, you may not look like it but who would have thought that you are really a great hairstylist huh, Takuma?" Kaname stated, his eyes still on the words of a certain novel that he was trying to immerse himself into.

"Well, if it's your hair then I don't really mind- hey, don't change the topic all of a sudden." Takuma laughed lightly. He wasn't annoyed but rather he was concerned a bit for his best friend. It isn't everyday that he sees the brunette all riled up because of another person. In fact, it might be the first time he's even seen his best friend like this which was actually quite amusing to the blonde noble.

The pure blood did not react to that but remained silent. It echoed in the room for a while until Takuma just shrugged it off and gave a pat on the pure blood's shoulder.

"You don't have to answer that." Instead of sticking to that saying, the Ichijou wanted a little mischief involved on his part. "I know you guys are going to hit it off anyways."

"You think so?" The pure blood sighed, looking at his reflection in the mirror on his dresser.

"What kind of reaction is that?" Takuma sweat dropped. I was hoping for something like a little jolt or jump as if he was going to deny that but no. I know I shouldn't expect that much since I've known Kaname all my life and yeah I guess I should just... never mind. "You really are hopeless." The blonde mumbled.



"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! MEN GET INTO PLACES!" Yuki shouted holding a megaphone as if she was the director of the set. "ZERO'S A WOMAN RIGHT NOW SO 'SHE' CAN TAKE 'HER' TIME!" Yuki shouted again.

Zero couldn't stand it anymore so he bonked her head hard. He didn't care if she was a girl. He didn't care if he'd get fired at the last minute. He just wanted to get something out of all this and hitting her head seemed to relieve most of his worries.

"OWWIE OWW!" Yuki wailed like a child. "Zero! Why did you do that-" Yuki's mouth went agape when she saw the finished makeover of the silverette. Zero's kimono was of a light lavender hue with dark purple designs. Apparently, it had covered his male body so basically everyone in the room was now convinced of what Yuki said about Zero being a woman now. "Zero you look so cu-" Another bonk to the head.

"No man likes being called cute." Zero said in a monotonous yet deadly tone.

"Then that means you like being called beautifu-"

"Don't even start, Kuran."


The set was made into one like a japanese festival. With the large interior of Studio 1, it was possible to have 2 in line rows of booths filled with the people who usually served as minor components of a shoot and some invited to be there. The lighting wasn't a problems since usually festivities are usually held at night and therefore is supported by artificial light such as the lanterns and the individual booths. Even if the lighting wouldn't be enough there is always the help with the other equipment in the Studio.

After taking a once over of the script since he already knew what to do in this setting, Zero sighed as he went to where he was needed to be filmed. He was still not pleased about the fact that he was being portrayed as a woman here, a damn good looking woman that is and he was somewhat happy that he could pull it off, but a job is a job and there is no room for complaints.

Zero didn't see the point of redoing this advertisement. In fact, he only sees it to fulfill whatever fantasies are residing in Yuki's head. No, don't think about anything more. I don't want to know what else is brewing in her head. He shook away his thoughts as the director yelled 'action'.

What he had to do was walk through the so called festival setting and pass by Kaname before stopping at a booth.

On another hand, Zero hasn't really taken a look to what the brunette had worn earlier so seeing him in casual wear, which was surprisingly not as fancy as he thought, had him widen his eyes a bit and look down. He told himself that he wasn't blushing but it wasn't mistaken that he actually was.

"Brilliant so far." The director whispered to himself as he continued to watch what was ongoing. Having been able to hear what the director had said, Yuki silently squealed to herself.

Kaname, acting as if he was entranced by the cologne he had smelled from the silverette, had turned around from where he was going and started to approach where Zero had went to. Sure his attention was caught by the scent but of course what drew him to act more into his role was the fact that he was co-working with the silverette. He was enchanted all the more.

Once Kaname had taken his place right beside of Zero, the silverette blushed and smiled. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it was right for the film - the blush that is.

"It's a lovely festival." Kaname's deep voice had rung out. There wasn't supposed to be any dialogue in the advertisement so this little turn of events had Zero go impromptu for a while.

Zero didn't reply with his voice but he just nodded to the brunette and smiled.

"Would you like to see the fireworks with me?" Kaname had his hand offered to the other. One of his charming smiles was on which melted the hearts of many people in the room and apparently Zero was one of them but he wouldn't show it of course. By all means his goal was to just finish this and get it over with.

Just going with his role, Zero reached out his hand, hesitating for a moment before actually holding the other's gently. I'm blushing like a school girl aren't I?

"Great job today everyone!" The director of the set said through his megaphone. He wasn't going to let Yuki take it unlike the other times. Nope, he was the director. She ain't gettin' her way this time.

The crew helped clean up the set as the main actors started to get back to normal. Of course Zero wouldn't change in the same room as the brunette since who knows what he would do to him. He won't take any chances.

Inside a guest dressing room wherein the door is locked, Kenji was helping Zero remove the kimono since with all its complexity and femininity it has given Zero a hard time to get out of it on his own.

"The advertisement was completely changed huh? I mean, the one I did prior to this was completely different." Zero sighed. It wasn't that he was disappointed. He was just really embarrassed. Now his face is going to be showed as a woman on the big screen and he didn't like it one bit. He didn't hate it. But, he didn't like it either.

"It's true Zero-san. But then 'Cologne Mystique' was presented in a new approach where viewers may be drawn in to buy more of it." Kenji said as he finished his work before letting Zero take care of the rest of what he was wearing.

"It's not like I'll be one of those customers anyway." Zero sighed again before he took the bag Kenji had handed to him, changing into a new set of clothes which consisted of a black shirt, purple vest, and denim jeans. It might make people think that he has a thing for shades of purple. It's not like he'd deny that anyways.

"On the brighter side, at least it's over. Ne, Zero-san?" Kenji smiled before he headed for the door but he stopped for a second. "I'm getting some refreshments from the lounging room. Do you want anything Zero-san?" Kenji asked as his hand had already placed itself on the door knob.

"I hope I don't have to re-film it again. I absolutely do not want to be dressed as a female again. Oh, and yeah please get me some canned coffee. I think I need the caffeine." Zero plopped himself onto the plush couch in the room.

"I'm sure you won't have to re-film anything Zero-san. After all, the director had said that the takes only need a few adjustments to give it a more festival feel and also the part where the cologne bottle appears with the caption." Kenji opens the door and heads out before poking his head in again, smiling. "Oh and Kaname's coming in."

"What? Don't let him-" Zero was cut off when Kaname comes inside the room in his half casual half formal attire. "Great."

I am so sorry again for taking soooo long to update. Advance Merry Christmas everybody!

Please stay tuned for more!

- Mi-chan's Soundless Voice