Zero no Tsukaima: Abandoned Hero of Zero

After the capture of the criminal Fouquet Louise's Father forces the contract between them to break forever…but this in not the end of our hero Saito as he now strives for not himself but for the people of Tristain as he becomes the sword of the people, the dog of the kingdom and the abandoned hero.

Hello Masseffecttxs here and here is another fan fiction I have been working on for Zero no Tsukaima, I have watched a bit of the show and I know a bit about the characters, but I will make some slight changes such as Saito not being so perverted as he was in the anime, also I will not pair Saito and Louise together because to me she is a bit bitchy and she looks like a grade school kid which throws me off a bit even though she is 16 years.

Chapter I: Abandoned

Far away in a land called Tristain was a boy not of this world, but one similar to our own, who was summoned by a strange pink-haired girl and had made him into her own servant. At first, he tried to run away from the strange girl but sadly realised that he was outmatched for her magic. He was then resigned to his fate and became her servant, or Familiar as they called him.

Now in another world, the boy would rise above his standing and become a noble. He would defeat many a foe, vanquish many evils and marry the pink haired mage and settle down in the kingdom of Tristain.

But in this story, his tale will take an unexpected and interesting turn. Where his tale will be one of many hardships and struggles, that will shake the very core of the world he now resides in...

This is the story of Saito Hiraga...The Abandoned Hero

Saito Hiraga walked down the hall towards his and Louise's room as he began to wonder just exactly how he got into this situation. One moment he was on his way to get his computer repaired, the next he was in a world filled with magic and amazing creatures. It almost like one of those RPG games he used to play when he was a kid.

But in real life

It was so amazing that he felt as if he was in a dream. But soon discovered that this world also had many a hidden and dark secrets about it. Ranging from corrupt nobles, horrible monsters and spoiled little brats. However, he was determined to not let this persuade him from the natural beauty of this land as he got to know the people that resided in it.

He meets his self-proclaimed master Louise Valliere, a small impatient girl who had to face the shame of being a disappointment in the eyes of her father because she could not cast a single spell.

The kind maid Siesta who was nice to him since first came here, fed him food from the kitchen and helped him find his way around the Academy that he now resided in. He also met the beautiful princess Henrietta and a magical talking sword called Derflinger, who has been a great friend to him.

There were many other things he would wish to talk about, but today's events and made him tired, as he returned to his masters dorm room. Fully intent on getting some well-deserved rest after what happened earlier this afternoon.

Today they had just returned from stopping a rouge mage criminal, who terrorising the nobles and saved the legendary 'staff of destruction' from her clutches. Only to find out it was not a magical weapon, but a weapon from his own world. When Saito saw this, he thought he had found a chance to find a way home, back to Japan.

Unfortunately, as it turned out there was no way for him to go home, as the man who once owned it died saving Osmond's life many years ago. Osmond still had no idea of who he was or where he came from.

It seemed as though that he was stuck in this world. This had made him slightly depressed knowing that someone came from his world and never returned alive. But despite this setback he was in a way glad that he came to this world. He just wondered if his mother and father were worried about him if they were searching for him.

It made him wonder if he ever was going to return home?

'I guess there really is no way for me to get home...oh well I might as well get used to this crazy world, what's the worst that could happen?' Just as he opened the door he was suddenly thrown back into the wall by a mysterious force, indenting the brick wall behind and causing him to cough blood.

Saito could barely keep his eyes open as a tall blond haired man and his personal guards surrounded the boy and aimed their spears at him.

"So…you're the Familiar my daughter had summoned? And a filthy commoner no less? Louise, how can you disappoint me so?" The man identified himself as Louise's father said, as he glared at his daughter who said nothing as he continued to berate her.

"Who the hell are you?! And what are doing?!" Saito said as he struggled against the magic, only to be forced straight back into the wall, causing more cracks to run along the surface.

"Silence commoner! I will not have my daughter be affiliated with the likes of a you" He reached into his coat and pulled out a strange rune shaped stone with a sickening purple aura surrounding it.

He placed the rune upon Saito's chest as the rune glowed before shattering into a million pieces. Saito then glowed sickly purple before he screamed in pain as the runes on his hand began to smoke along with the rest of his body.

"SAITO! Father what are you doing to him!?" her words nearly muffled as Saito's screams echoed in the empty hall while the man only glared at the boy, who was screaming in complete agony. When the light finally died down Saito slumped onto the ground, as the mark on his hand smoked before revealing completely bare skin.

"That Louise was an enchanted rune with the ability to cancel the contract between a Familiar and its Master. This means that he is no longer your servant and are now free to create a new contract with another Familiar" She gasped in shock at her father as he walked over to the boy.

"Now Listen to me whelp" he placed his boot against Saito's head and pushing it against the ground. "You are to stay away from my daughter, or else the next time we will die," he said as he kicked him in the head and caused a cut to appear on Saito's brow, blood already beginning to leak down his face.

Duke de La Vallière then used his wand to make Saito float into the air, before slamming him into the ceiling of the building. Saito gasped in pain as he was then forcefully slammed back into the ground as he coughed up blood. Duke Vallière grinned as he raised his wand and repeated it again, as Saito could only gasp and scream in pain.

Louise looking on in complete horror as she turned to her father, as he had a crazed sadistic look plastered across his face. But suddenly Saito stopped just above the crater that had been made from constantly being slammed on the ground, as he was surrounded by a white light.

"That is enough Duke de La Vallière!" a powerful voice spoke that caused pause for the Nobleman and his armed guards as they turned to the end of the hallway.

Standing behind him was the Academy's Headmaster and the strongest mage alive in Tristain, Headmaster Osmond. The normally gentle man had a rare look of fury and rage on his face, that none of the students and only a few teachers, had ever been seen on the man. It was frightening to say the least as he pointed his glowing staff at the nobleman.

"I had agreed to allow you to cancel the contract with Miss Valliere, on the condition that you spare his life. But if you continue this act any further, I will have full authority to end your life on the spot!" his staff glowing a brilliant white as the air around him swirled in a small hurricane.

Siesta stood right behind him as she looked on in horror at the condition Saito was in as small tears begun to fall from her eyes. She looked over to Louise hoping to see something from the girl but gasped as she only looked away in shame as she tried to look anywhere but her.

The Duke glared at him before using his magic to throw Saito at the grandmaster of the academy, knowing all to well that he was no match for the old wizard. Osmond caught him with his magic and guided him over to Siesta who cradled him in her arm.

"Fine! Keep the filth! But I will not allow that thing to be anywhere near my daughter while she is in the school! He is to leave at once and never to return...understood?" he spoke with the authority that came with the title of Duke. Osmond glared at the duke before nodding his head.

"Fine after he is healed he will leave at once come now Siesta" he's said as he started to escort Siesta to the infirmary while the duke nodded as he began to walk away dragging his daughter with him.

Blurry eyes opened up as Saito tried his best to block the blinding light with his hand. He stopped as he noticed that his hand was missing it usual runes that had been branded on his skin. Now all that was left was bare untouched skin, while the rest of his arm was wrapped in pristine white bandages. Before he could question it, the door burst open as Siesta rushed to his side.

"SAITO-SAN! YOU'RE ALL RIGHT! THANK THE MAKER!" she said as she lightly sobbed into his chest glad that he was all right, Saito awkwardly placed his hand on her head in an attempt to calm her down.

"Um...there, there Siesta...what the heck is going on?" he asked only to stop as Osmond walked into the room as he smiled at the boy in the bed.

"It is good to see you awake young Saito," Osmond said as he entered the room carrying Derflinger in his hands as the blade popped out of its sheath.

"Partner good to see you alive, man you're really lucky that Siesta saw the duke heading your way and told Osmond, or else you would be dead right about now" Saito's eyes widened at the news before turning to Siesta who was blushing at the praise she was receiving.

"I-it was nothing I-I was just concerned about you and just did what I thought was right," she said while waving her hands and laughing nervously at the boy, suddenly she felt her hands being cupped together in large hands as Saito held them.

"Thank you Siesta," he said as he kissed her on the forehead, causing the maiden to blush a healthy red at the sudden affection. While the old man chuckled perversely.

"Anyway, why was Louise's father here? What did he do to me?" he said as vague images flashed in his head about being thrown around and then blacking out from the pain. Osmond looked down sadly as he began to tell Saito the truth.

"Duke Valliere had received news concerning his daughter, who summoned a commoner as her familiar and did not take it well. He ordered that I detain you as he prepared the Rune Stone that would separate you and Louise permanently. I was intending to separate you myself painlessly and escort you out to safety…but he came here a day early and preformed the ritual himself..."

"It was only my authority alone that kept him from killing you on the spot...But I'm afraid that's not all dear boy...I'm sorry Saito-san..." said as he laid the blade by the teens bed "But you are no longer her Familiar..."

Saito stared in shock as he tried to register what the man had just told him. He had been abandoned, thrown away like a broken tool. He also realised that he was now free of Louise but the pain from this experience would haunt him, and now he realised that he was alone now in a world that was not his own.

"I guess I have to give you back to Louise now huh Derf?" he asked as the blade shook in its sheath.

"Not a chance partner, I'm partnered with you, not the pint-sized mage. I'm not going to leave you anytime soon. And quite frankly I don't want to go back to sleep" Saito chuckled slightly as he smiled at the blade in his hand. "Besides you won't survive a day without me, now that you no longer have your Gandalfr powers" Saito looked at his left hand to see the mark was gone from his skin.

"You'll have to leave soon if I know Duke Valliere he will try to have you killed as soon as possible. Here take these and put them on" Osmond said as he handed some clothes to Saito.

"The guards he has posted don't know your face, but they know that you wear strange clothes so it would be best if you dress like a commoner so as not to raise suspicions," he said as Saito nodded and got up to change clothes.

He soon emerged wearing brown leather boots with black pants, a brown belt with small pouches arranged along the belt and a silver buckle. He also wore a white long sleeved collar shirt with a dark brown leather vest on his chest. On his arms were a pair of leather arm guards. He looked like a common traveler of Tristain in his new clothes.

Strapping on Derflinger to his back he studied his form in the mirror and smiled at his transformation. "I like it I think it really suits me and it's actually nice to change into some new clothes after so long, what do you think Siesta?" he asked the now blushing maid.

"Y-you look very handsome Saito-san" she admired his new look, his new attire made him look like the bastard child of a Duke that had been raised by the people. Saito then grabbed the final article of clothing a dark brown traveler cloak he got ready to leave.

"I better go before the guards find me...goodbye everyone" he turned to make his way to the door until a feminine hand stopped him.

"Wait Saito-san! Please let me come with you! I don't won't to work in a place that can't have you!" she said as a few tears ran down her face at the thought of Saito being so far away from her.

"Siesta are you sure? If you do come with me it would mean you would have to stop working here, you'd lose your job is that what you want" she nodded as she held him in her arms smiling while wiping away the tears.

"Yes…yes it is," she said as she let go of him.

"Ok…but I don't know what to do…where would we go?" he asked the maid. She pondered for a brief moment before she got an idea.

"I know we can go to my Uncle Scarron and cousin Jessica in the city! They own a tavern where we could stay with them for a while" she said as she remembered that she had family in the city. Saito nodded his head at this.

"Ok so we go to your family and lay low there for a while, then figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of my life?" he said as he crossed his arms, Siesta smiled at him happily as he was taking her with him.

"I'll go pack I'll be back in a few minutes Saito-san," she said as she hurried out of the room. Saito smiled a little as he watched her leave the room. In truth, he was glad Siesta was coming with him. But another part made him feel guilty at the fact he was making her lose her job because of him.

"Relax partner she's doing this because she cares about you…and to be truthful you'll need all the help you can get considering you have no knowledge of this land or it's creatures" Saito sweat dropped at the piece of information realising that the talking sword was right. Before he could retort Osmond decide to intervene.

"Saito I took the liberty to enchant your pouches, they can now store nearly fifty items at once without slowing you down" he waved his staff at the boys belt, it glowed white before runes started to imprint themselves on the pouches.

"It will help you on your journey if you find anything interesting," he said as Saito looked at the belt running his fingers along the integrate runes that now branded the belt.

"Thank you, Osmond," Saito said as he was grateful, a few minutes later Siesta walked into the room wearing A brown dress and white blouse with brown travelers cloak around her body.

"Are you ready Saito?" she asked as she handed a backpack to Saito. He nodded as the two made their way to the cover of night they were able to sneak past the guards that Duke Valliére had place around the Academy in hopes of killing the commoner. But like Osmond said they did not know his face as they were not told of what he looked like.

And just like that, they disappeared into the night, with no one the wiser. which left a certain Duke very mad the next day when he discovered that the boy had escaped, while Osmond only smirked at his rage and hoped that Saito would be ok.

They traveled down the road for a good three hours until they decided to make camp. They were an only day away from the city and it was too dangerous to continue traveling at night. When they stooped Saito gathered some wood and pitched the tent, and when he meant tent he only meant one, as there only appeared to be one in the pack.

"Where did all this food come from?" he asked as he stared at the pack full of food and cooking utensils.

"Oh, Marteu and the kitchen staff gave it to us as a thank you for being so nice to them. And as a goodbye present to their 'Sword' as he said" Saito lightly chuckled as he remembered the first time he was treated nicely by the kitchen staff after he defeated Guiche in their duel. After a quick meal and putting out the fire they decided to go to sleep, as they lay in their bags Siesta turned onto her side to face the boy next to her.

"What is your country like Saito-san?" she asked the blushing boy sleeping next to her, he was blushing because the girl next to him was only wearing a yellow nightgown that hugged her figure through the fabric.

"Well my country…hmm well where I come from we only have one moon and no mages, its hard but we make due with electricity and machines, my country has seen its fair share of wars and has had many evil men, but we strive and pull through" he said as he turned to look at Siesta, he was a little shocked to see her a little upset.

"Saito I think you are making fun of me because I come from the country," she said, as she looked slightly upset. Seeing this Saito tried to explain.

"No serious I'm telling the truth, that is how my world is honestly I'm not from this word, one minute I'm walking down the street next minute I'm in some strange world…I would never try to trick you honest" it seemed that it helped calm her down as she laid back down her eyes growing tired.

"It's ok Saito I believe you…its funny my great grandfather always said that he came from another world…that he fell from the sky," she said as her eyes began to close. Saito's eyes widened as he sat up.

"Another world! Fell from the sky! Siesta your grandfather!" he stopped when he noticed that she was fast asleep in the bag as she breathed peacefully. Saito sighed as he laid back down in his bag while his body was tired his mind was not as it buzzed with this revelation.

'Could it be…could her great grandfather really be…this just got a whole lot complicated' he thought as sleep finally found him.

Academy summoning chamber

Duke de La Vallière stood to the side of the room as he and the grandmaster of the academy finished preparing the circle for Louise to summon a new familiar, while Osmond did not like the man he had no choice but to do as he was told being a noble and all.

In a circle surrounded by candles Louise was preforming the ritual that her father had specifically gave to her so that she could summon a new familiar to take Saito's place, while she did not like it she would dare not go against her father…using a small knife she pricked her finger as a small drop of blood landed in the center of the circle, she then began to recite the phrase given to her by her father.

"Spirit of magic and keeper of secrets please grant me a Familiar of strength, cunning and loyalty, that shall bring honor to my family name, in the name of Valliére"

The circle glowed a brilliant blue light as a blue mist manifested from the drops of blood as a creature began to form in the mist, when the mist cleared it revealed a pure white wolf, it was taller then most about the same size of a dragon, the wolf had dark grey spines that went down its spine to its tail, a pair of dark grey wings were tucked on either side of its body and sharp grey claws and teeth.

The beast let out a roar as it spread its wings and blue fire streamed out as it struck fear into the occupants in the room, the creature that she summoned was a Draco-Wolf a rare species that was half wolf and half dragon, they were known for their fierce loyalty to their masters and feared for their power…it was the perfect summon for her thought her father as he smiled at the creature who kneeled before his daughter and allowed her to pet him.

"A perfect Familiar for my daughter, it shall bring great fame and power to our family…well done Louise" her father said as he patted his daughter on her head, for the first time in her life she was happy, her father accepted her and was proud of her, but still apart of her missed her former Familiar 'Saito I'm sorry' she thought as they exited the chamber her new Familiar following her.

The Next Morning

At dawn next day Saito and Siesta had begun their journey to the capital walking along the old dirt road that led to the city. As they walked Saito had asked Siesta to fill him in on the system of Tristain, from Saito could understand those with magic were nobles and they were above those who could not, those people were known as commoners they were the low life's in the nobles eyes.

It made Saito angry that nobles would abuse their power and use it to lord it over the common people, but Siesta had told him there were nobles that were respected for their fair treatment and kindness, such as the Royal family of Tristain princess Henrietta and her Mother Queen Marianne.

He also learned more about Siesta, that she came from a family that lived in the country in a small town called Tarbes a nice and peaceful village out in the countryside; she went on to how the people were nice and friendly and no one judged others.

He smiled glad there was such a place, what she neglected to tell him was the fact that a duke who was charged with protecting the village had become greedy and would demand for high taxes, it was part of the reason she got a job at the academy so that she could help to keep the Duke happy, she knew if Saito found out he would charge at the Duke and get himself hurt.

As they reached the city they began to wander the streets passing many stalls and business, at one point Derflinger has suggested that Saito should train with a blacksmith, when asked why the sword replied.

"In this world it would be too expensive to keep buying new equipment, but if you learnt to repair your weapons yourself it would save money and it would help you familiarize yourself with the weapon…plus if you haven't noticed I could use a good sharpening" the sword said as he popped out of the sheath to show its rusted blade.

"Here it is," Siesta said as they came up to a tavern called "the Charming Fairy?" Saito asked as he stared at the name, "Why is it called that?" he asked as all got for an answer from Siesta was a blush.

When he went inside he got his answer as he struggled to keep a nosebleed in check as the tavern was filled with attractive waitresses wearing clothes that left little to the imagination. Siesta waved as an attractive dark haired girl in a green dress and apron came up to them.

"Jessica!" Siesta said as she hugged the girl

"Siesta its so good to see you! What brings you here? And who's this?" she asked as she saw Saito, she admitted he looked attractive in her eyes giving him a one over causing Saito to blush.

"I'm Saito, Saito Higara its nice to meet you, Jessica," Saito said as he offered his hand to shake, she shook his hand before pulling him into a hug which caused him to blush at the feeling of her breasts on his chest. When she pulled away she smirked at her cousin.

"I approve of him he is a good catch Siesta wherein all of Halkeginia did you find him?" she said as her cousin blushed at the implication.

"N-no he is not my boyfriend, h-he is just a friend." She waved her arms in front of here, Saito also blushed at the implication but hid it well. Jessica smirked as she watch the two and could see that they held mutual feelings for each other but would explore that for another day.

"So what brings you to the city cousin, shouldn't you be working at the Academy?" Siesta began to explain the events that had transpired at the academy when she was done her cousin had a thoughtful look on her face.

"I see so that's what happened, but any case you two can stay here for as long as you need. But you will have to work, of course, can't have you lazing around the place." She then gave them two sets of keys to their room.

"Its ok Jessica, Saito and I don't mind working," she said as Saito nodded in agreement, suddenly he felt a presence behind he turned around to see something that would horrify him to this day. It was a man dressed in drag wearing short shorts, amid rift and big pouty lips.

"Oh, father how are you?" Jessica said calmly at the strange man. He snapped his head towards her at that his eye bulging out of his head.

"EH? FATHER! THAT MAN'S YOUR FATHER" he said still finding it hard to believe, considering that this man was dressed so flamboyantly and had a daughter…it scared him.

"Oh hello, daughter, Siesta it so good to see you, darling!" He said in a manly effeminate voice that creped him out further, he then noticed Saito standing there "Oh hello who is this man?" he said while doing a pose that made Saito flinch.

'oh god why?' he asked himself as he raised his hand in a hello gesture. "H-hello sir my name is" he was cut off as when the man pointed at him. "Non Non Non you must call me mademoiselle," he said as he made a seductive pose.

'I'd rather call you crazy if you want' Saito thought with a sweat drop as he stared at the gender-confused man.

"Ah sorry mademoiselle, my name is Saito Higara pleased to meet you," he said as he extended his hand out in a handshake. Unfortunately just like his daughter he hugged the poor boy to his chest. Never in his whole life had Saito ever felt so scared for his life and maybe his innocence.

"Oh you are so handsome," he said as he swung the boy left to right and crushing him in his muscles. When he finally let go Saito hugged Siesta's form desperately in an attempt to forget the event that had just transpired. Siesta could only chuckle nervously as Saito held her form nearly burying his face into her chest, something she did not mind in the least.

A while later the group sat around a table deciding what course of action they should take next, they needed a way for Saito to gain experience and training without causing too much of a commotion

"If you need to gain experience why not join the hunters guild?" Jessica suggested.

"Hunters guild...what's that?" he asked.

"A hunters Guild is where hunters gather and take on certain missions that the guards and nobles would not bother to take or are too dangerous to preform or you could capture escaped criminals on the bounty board" Scarron explained to the ex-Familiar.

"Its a good idea partner, but you should spent a month or two training before you sign up. You may have skill but nowhere near the same level, you were before. You would be crushed in a heartbeat if you went out now" Derflinger said as he poked out of the sheath on the side of the table. Siesta nodded her head vigorously in agreement as she did not want to see the boy she had a crush on die on her.

"He is right Saito, it would be best if you trained first. In the meantime you could work at the local blacksmith and here at the charming fairy before you join the guild" she said as she pointed out. Scarron nodded as he began to write something on a piece of paper as he placed it in an envelope before he sealed it shut with a wax seal and handed it to the boy.

"For now you can stay here in one of our spare rooms and you can go to a personal friend of mine. His name is Aaron he is this cities blacksmith, and I'm sure he will be happy to take you on as an apprentice. Just show him this and he will understand" Scarron said as he wrote down his address and gave it to Saito.

"Thank you very much Mist-Ah Mademoiselle Scarron," he said as he thought it was best to humor his weird gender confused friend.

"Now it is getting late my friends and you have been travelling for a while, you can start work in the morning" he pointed out which was their room up the stairs and to the right of the building.

"Saito can you go ahead and wait outside the door, Siesta and I need to talk for a minute ok," Jessica said as she pulled Siesta to the side. Saito nodded and took the packs up to the room when she was sure he was out of hearing range she turned to Siesta with a serious look.

"He doesn't know does he? Why you took the job at the Academy? To help pay that stupid corrupt noble and earn back our freedom?" she asked as Siesta shook her head.

"No…no he doesn't if he did he would feel guilty. He would try to send me back to the Academy, or worse charge at the Duke himself, and I don't want that to happen I just can't allow that to happen" Siesta said as some tears came to her eyes. Jessica stared for a second before she placed a hand on her cousins shoulder.

"You like him don't you?" she asked the teary eyed girl, Siesta nodded as she wiped away the tears

"Yes…I'll admit it started off as a crush when he defended me from Lord Guiche at the Academy. But when he heard I was being sent to Count Mott he charged in and saved me from his clutches, I knew that what I felt for him was more than a crush…" she then looked to her cousin as light tears stained her eyes and stroll down her cheek.

"I love him Jessica, and I want to help him in any way I can" she spoke with confidence brimming from her being. Jessica smiled softly at her cousin before pulling her into a hug.

"I know you will…but he will find out eventually, and I hope by then he doesn't do anything rash," she said as Siesta nodded. As they made their way to the room they saw Saito waiting outside.

"Everything ok?" he asked the girls as they approached, the girls only giggled at his confused face, "Yes everything is fine Saito-san," Siesta said as she hugged his arm causing the teen to blush.

"All right here is your room," Jessica said as she opened the door to reveal their new room it had a couch, coffee table, a dinning table, bathroom and only one bed.

'Wait…one bed' Saito thought as he checked again coffee table…dinning table…couch…one bed…

'What the hell, why is there only one bed?' he asked himself as he and Siesta both blushed at the thought of sharing a bed together, slightly smirking to herself Jessica decided to leave.

"Well enjoy your stay at the Charming Fairy and see you in the morning," she said as she quickly closed the door behind her. A few minutes of awkwardness the two decided it was best to turn in for the night, Saito went into the shower first followed by Siesta afterwards.

Saito was wearing a white shirt and black boxers began to put his stuff away he heard the bathroom door open and he was stunned to see Siesta there dressed in a white sleeping gown as her hair was still damp from the shower, it gave her an enhanced beauty.

"I-I'll sleep on the couch g-goodnight" he said as tried to make his way to the couch only for Siesta to grab his arm "W-wait Saito-san, y-you can sleep with me tonight, I would hate to think of you sleeping on the couch by yourself" she said as she used her puppy dog eyes to look deep into his soul.

'Must…resist…cuteness too…strong' he sighed "Ok Siesta, thank you," he said as she burst into happiness as she dragged him into bed, after a few minutes of gazing into each others eyes sleep overtook them as they drifted into slumber both with dreams of the other on their mind.

Academy Louise's room

Louise lay awake in her bed as she stared at the empty space that once belonged to her former familiar Saito Hiraga, even though he had only been her Familiar for a short time she grew close to him. But when her father came bursting into her room and effectively canceled her contract with him, she thought she would be happy that she would have a new Familiar one that was loyal and would obey her every command.

But she did miss Saito dearly and only hoped that he was all right where ever he was.

"Saito…" she whispered, as her eyelids felt heavy as she too drifted off into slumber thinking and dreaming of the Japanese swordsman.

Next morning

Saito strolled down the busy streets of the market place as he took in the sights and sounds of the Tristain people living out their lives. Today he was on his way to meet a friend of Scarron, the blacksmith Aaron, renown for his crafting abilities. He strolled down the street as he looked at the address written down by Scarron.

He had to suppress a gag as he noted that the man had doted it with little hearts and a mini picture of himself winking at Saito.

"I'm starting to wonder if he had some sort of episode in his life to turn out like that" Saito said as he walked down the cobble street road. He came up to a dark blue two-story building that opened up to forge. On the wall was an assortment of hammers, swords, bows and axes that looked like they were forged for a battle, unlike the blade that Kirche gave him that was all decoration and no strength.

Over by the forge was a tall man muscled man with jet black hair, the top of it tied into a ponytail to keep out of his face, a stubble of beard and a long scar that ran from his right eyebrow to his right cheek. His eye still functioned showing that whatever had cut his face had not damaged his eye. He was wearing a black shirt and dark brown pants with a brown leather apron over the top and two leather gloves on his hands.

"Hello, how can I help you" as he placed his finished work in a barrel of water to cool down the sword and walked over to the boy.

"Hello I was told that I could possibly find a job here as an apprentice, Um Scarron told me to give you this," he said as he handed the man the letter. The man looked at the letter and nodded, then cringed as he too saw the hearts and the winks on the note.

"Hmm so Scarron sent you," he said as he took the boys hands into his own to inspect them. "From the looks of it you don't have much experience in hard work, but the look in your eyes tells a different story…ok, I will take you on as an apprentice" he said as Saito smiled in happiness.

"Way to go, partner," Derflinger said as he popped out of his sheath, Aaron raised an eyebrow at the sword before leaning in to look at it.

"Interesting sword you have there" he said as he pulled Derflinger out to inspect the rusted but sharp metal.

"I'm sorry for the condition of my friend here, he was like that when he was given to me…I've been meaning to sharpen him for a while hehe," Saito said as he chuckled nervously as Aaron inspected the sword running his glove over the edge as it cut into the leather.

"The sword is fine…the reason it looks like this is because it lacks magic," he said as Saito raised his eyebrow in confusion, "Magic…what do you mean" he said as Aaron gave Derflinger back to Saito who placed the sword in his Sheath.

"What I mean is that this sword is enchanted and looks as if it has the ability to absorb and nullify magic. From what I can guess it has been dormant for a while now, probably from lack of use," he said as he handed Saito a leather apron to put on.

"He is right partner, my appearance changes after I absorb enough magic. We can find some magical creature to hunt at the guild after you train enough" the sword said as Saito placed him on the side of the table.

"Oh, you're joining the hunters guild? hmm…tell you what as an addition to being my apprentice as a blacksmith, I will also train you so you can join the hunters guild" Aaron said as he placed his hands on his hips. Saito smiled as he nodded his head at the idea of receiving proper teachings. And so our hero begins his new life in the kingdom of Tristain.

Completely unaware that the events to follow will forever change the course of history in Halkeginia forever, for he will become a champion of the people and a symbol to strive for and a hero for all.

And end, this is my first attempt at a Zero No Tsukaima Fan fiction, I was inspired by a fanfiction called 'discarded' by Gatsuberk, as for the pairing I'm thinking of Saito in a harem with Siesta, Henrietta, Jessica and Tiffania please leave a review in the comment box below and tell me if I'm doing this right, with respect Masseffecttxs