chapter 1

"daddy no you can't do this i am not crazy please" i cried softly
"i am sorry Isabella but i cannot have you running around the streets at night with that boy doing god knows what we never brought you up this way we have to send you away to see what went wrong" my dad Charlie said sternly an this is all because i was caught at a speak easy by none other than the good police commissioner daddy swan yes maybe i shouldn't of been there in the first place but my best friend Jacob told me i would be fine only to ditch me when the raid happened.

daddy dearest was not happy to find is baby girl swinging to unholy music and drinking devil juice but hey it's just my luck now he and my mother have decided to send me to a mental institution to have me assess by doctors like i am some crazy person i swear on the good book as soon as i am out of that place i am leaving this town and i am going to go to the big apple or maybe the Windy City leave this holy is thou life behind.

"now come Isabella be the daughter we raised you to be and obey your father it is only for a couple of weeks darling then we will have our loving obedient daughter back an not this Harlet you have become" my mother renee well lets just say she is to fish short of a bucket if i am crazy we will all know were i get it from now don't get me wrong i love my mother but she is crazzzy everything she does is in the name of The Lord if she sneezes god wanted her to if she trips thats gods wrath upon her.

"no daddy i will not go there is nothing wrong with me get with the times"
"i do not care you are my daughter you shall do as you are told now get in that motor vehicle right this minute young lady what would his lord say seeing you right now".

so here i am of to the nut house this should be great fun pfffft.