
S'up, guys. Before you read this, I'd like you to know that: A.) The first chapter is ridiculously long but sets up the story. B.) It is a Choose-Your-Date, so it will be read a little differently. (See NOTE below.) C.) It is a READER FANFICTION. You're the main character! The personality I wrote in is kind, someone sarcastic, and not super pathetic because that's just annoying. Have fun!

Oh and also, this is on my DeviantART page, AttackonAmber, so it isn't ART THEFT if you see it and worry.

Your eyes grew weary every minute the teacher droned on. History was never a boring class before your senior year. Unfortunately, now you had Government and Economics, and your teacher had a voice similar to a robot's – slow, without any change in pitch. All you could think about was how awful the middle-part in his hair looked.

Looking around, the only person who appeared to be taking notes was the student body president, who resided in the back of the room, permeating dullness and a nice smelling cologne. You had never spoken, but he somehow terrified you, with that bored expression and cold stare.

You did have a few friends in this class, so you turned your attention to them, tucking some of your long, (h/c) hair behind your ear to free your peripheral vision. In the far right of the room sat Marco and Jean. Marco had on a guise of trying to pay attention, but Jean wasn't even trying. His head was nestled into the paid sleeves of his shirt, facing his desk in obvious slumber.

To the far left of the room sat Eren and his group, which consisted of largely Mikasa and Armin, who were paying close attention to the lecture, but they had cleared-off desks. Eren, on the other hand, appeared to be in a daydream of sorts.

The rest of your class was either drooling, or entirely spaced out. Let's face it – Farmer's Unions were not an interesting topic. Two kids were passing notes back and forth, blushing as they received each one.

Lovebirds, you thought, rolling your eyes and looking back at the clock above the whiteboard. Come on, only ten more minutes!

Your eyes were becoming droopy until suddenly, the teacher placed his hand on your desk. The whole class (except for the sleeping Jean) now stared at you, indicating that the teacher had asked a question. Your face flushed, and your mind desperately searched for something to say. Swallowing, you spat out:


A few students chuckled, and the teacher shook his head. "That was not the name of any political leader, ever, (name). It was, however, the name of a terrible band. Nonetheless, Korn did not exist during the eighteen hundreds."

Armin raised his hand to properly answer, but the teacher froze, staring at Thomas's desk. You looked at the boy, who sat next to you. He looked visibly ill.

"Thomas, do you need to see the nurse?" the teacher asked, showing little concern through his monotony. Thomas weakly nodded. The teacher then returned to you. "Since you're not paying attention regardless, please accompany him to the nurse."

Sighing – because lunch was oh-so-close and you'd be losing your shot at being in the lunch line – you agreed and walked Thomas to the door. Marco stood and opened the door for the two of you, smiling warmly at Thomas. As you entered the doorway, he whispered, "I hope you feel better, Tom."

Marco had always been a gentleman. His best friend was Jean, who he grew up with. In the third or fourth grade, Jean had forgotten his homework, and began to cry. Marco, being a sweetheart, allowed him to copy it. Unfortunately, that became a trend, and all the way through seventh grade, Jean copied him. Eventually, Marco sat down and told him he'd help him study and actually do his homework, but he would no longer allow him to copy. The two began going to each others' houses every day, until their friendship became unbreakable.

You looked back and saw Jean looking up, making eye contact with you from behind Marco. You mouthed 'see you at lunch', and put the blonde's arm around you.

"I can handle it," Thomas mumbled. But you knew dizziness when you saw it. You shook your head and resumed in your support. The door closed behind you. Thomas grinned. "I guess you could say I'm sick of Farmer's Unions."

"You clever bastard."

The two of you didn't make it far when he started coughing hysterically. Your face became very worried, and you sat your friend by the wall so that he could have a break.

"Christ, Thomas, when did you start feeling like this?" you asked, feeling the cold sweat on his forehead. He shrugged.

"I woke up sick. I had to come because my family can't afford another doctor visit-" he paused to cough, and this time, blood came out. You were horrified, and backed away. He resumed. "We have shit-tastic insurance."

"Help!" you yelled, trying to get a teacher. "Sorry, Thomas, but you need more than me to help you walk. I can't handle all of your weight."

He shrugged again. "I'm sleepy; can't I just stay here?"

His hand lazily reached for yours. You frowned.

"You might be contagious, so I can't hold your hand," you whispered. "I'll stay right here, though."

"I think I'm dying."

"Stop," you said sternly. "A teacher is approaching. I'll run to get the nurse while they're here."

When the teacher finally arrived, she looked terrified. You left the two together while you ran to the nurse, promising Thomas you'd be right back.

"Hey!" you shouted upon entering the Nurse's Office. "There's a boy coughing up blood in the hall. He has cold sweat on his forehead and is too dizzy to walk in here without support."

The nurse stared at you for a moment, grimacing, as if to say, 'Oh, great, another one.' Slowly, she stood up, and walked past you.

"Alright, bring me to him..."

The two of you made your way to the other hallway when the bell for lunch rang. The nurse grabbed your shoulders.

"Go to lunch."

"B-but what about Thomas?"

"Go, now."

She suddenly seemed to actually care about her job as she ran to him. His eyes looked up at you, and his lips formed the words "don't go". Feeling depressed, you returned to your class, grabbed your bag, and made your way to lunch.

"Hey, you look horrible."

Your eyes were glued to your tray. All you could think about was how mad Thomas would be that you left him.

"(Name), what happened?" asked Sasha, a close friend of yours for years now. She, too, could hardly veer sights from your tray, but for an entirely different reason. You slid it to her, having lost your appetite.

"Thomas passed out in the middle of the hall. He was coughing up blood and everything."

Connie, who often sat next to Sasha, grimaced. "Maybe he's dying. Oh, maybe, he's turning into a-"

"Don't say it," Sasha interrupted.


Sasha smacked the back of his head firmly. "Would you stop that, Connie?" You were now worried, having never seen her so serious. Her eyebrows were furrowed. Was she standing up for Thomas? "Everyone knows zombies are already dead first. Until one of them bites someone else, the only zombies are the ones who rose from the ground. You can't just suddenly become a zombie because you have tuberculosis or some crap."

"In what universe?! Patient Zero, aka the first zombie, is the result of chemical poisoning. Thomas probably had a burger with some bad chemicals in it!"

"Stow it, both of you."

The three of you looked up to see Ymir and Christa at the foot of your table. The two of them rarely sat inside, so it was strange to see them here. The tall, tanned brunette looked as pissed off as usual. You gulped.

"What's wrong?" Sasha asked.

"Both of you," Ymir replied. "Zombies...are the result of Haitian "Zombie Powder". That's the only way it could happen outside of some poorly written gore flick."

"That's not even the same kind of zombie!" Connie argued, somehow getting very heated over the topic. You looked around the cafeteria, making eye contact with Eren. He was approaching you. Noticing this, you turned to face him.

"Hey, (name.) Marco said to tell you that he Jean went back to class to write down the homework assignment. You okay?"

Your eyes looked down. "I'm alright; I kind of wish I didn't have to help Thomas."

You re-explained that Thomas was coughing up blood, and listed a few more symptoms. Eren looked sympathetic.

"I'm sorry... He looked pretty bad. Must have been, if it prevented you from being scolded by our teacher after your episode."

"Hey," you reputed. "If you were called on, you wouldn't have heard his question either. I saw you, you were off in some little dream world."

He smiled. "But I have good luck, so I wasn't called on."

"My luck is Hell..."

The two of you stared at each other in silence for a while. It had been a while since the two of you had spoken. When you were in middle school, you were inseparable. However, upon entering high school, Eren became very awkward. He spoke less, and always seemed to be somewhere else. He often claimed that high school was a waste of time, and was dying to grow up and be able to just make something of himself. His pessimism got obnoxious after a while, and you slowly parted ways until, by Sophomore year, you no longer even said hello in the halls.

"Well," he said, breaking the silence. You cleared your throat. "I hope you study. There is a test tomorrow."

With that, Eren left you alone. You sighed, feeling the awkwardness leave you in one long exhalation. That was a friendship you actually missed, even if you were too stubborn to admit it.

Finally, you saw Jean and Marco enter the cafeteria.

"Hey!" You smiled as Marco approached. Beside Jean, who had certainly grown into his looks (he was very unattractive when you first met), Marco was nearly equal in handsomeness. The two were opposites, physically. Marco typically wore nicer clothes, your favorite part being the cacky pants that rather flattered his shape, while Jean stuck to plaid shirts and dark pants.

"(Name)!" Marco shouted, running up and looking at you with deep concern. "Is Tom-"

At that moment, the bell rang above you. Looking at the clock, this bothered you, as lunch had only been going on for around fifteen minutes now. Why are they already...?

"Attention, all Maria students."

Your stomach curled up into a ball. Please, don't... please for the love of God, please don't say anything about him.

"This is a very serious announcement. And I regret to have to bring this news to you while you are eating. If you would, please return to your homeroom. Lunches will be brought to each class for those of you who have not eaten yet."


Your eyes widened. Marco looked at you and frowned. "(Name), your face is pale as a ghost..."

"Marco, I'm freaking out. His voice...it's like he's crying."

"I'm sure it's nothing. I'll go to homeroom with you."

He nodded at Jean, who had a different homeroom, and made his way to homeroom. The principal did not speak for a while. Your class all sat down, till each seat was filled and you sat between Marco and the Student Body President. Everyone had a worried expression on their face, except for him, who looked calm and unmoved.

How does he do that? You wondered.

Finally, the speakers came back on with the familiar chime.

"I sincerely regret to inform you that there has been an accident on campus..."

"Oh God, no..." you whispered. Marco looked at you and got out of his desk. He quickly kneeled beside yours and took your hand in his, holding it tight. Both of you had this feeling, this undying feeling that Thomas...

"One of your fellow students, Thomas Wagner-"

You closed your eyes. Don't you dare say it.

"Has passed away on campus."

You quickly slammed your fist on the table, feeling your entire body heave in a sob. Immediately, tears began to flow. Marco firmly held your hand.

"NO!" you screamed. Everyone looked at you. "HE- He was just... HE WAS JUST ALIVE! I WAS THERE, AND...AND I..."

"You left him," whispered Levi. You glared at him.

"The lunch bell rang, and you figured it was okay to leave. You couldn't have known," Marco reassured you, not releasing your hand. Letting go of your anger at the student body president, you slammed your face onto the desk and heavily sobbed. A few of the other students who knew Thomas began to also cry.

"There will be funeral information available shortly... also, school will be cut out in an hour. Thank you, and please be respectful today."

The announcement ended.

"God dammit," you cried. Marco put his hand on your back. Levi stood up.

"I am sorry," he said. "Thomas was good."

And with that, he made his way out to the hall.

The homeroom passed by slowly, and nothing else was said. Eventually, nearly everyone stopped crying, and waited solemnly for the bell to ring.

But it didn't.

"Why isn't the bell ringing yet?" asked the girl behind you. You turned around to see Hannah, the girl who passed notes in your earlier class. Beside her sat Armin, who was still crying but trying desperately to hide it. You could tell she really wanted to get back to her boyfriend. Honestly, it was kind of sad, knowing she didn't have someone to hold her.

"I'm not sure," you replied, sniffling. "Is Franz in a different class? You could probably go ask to see him."

"I- I don't know. That seems embarrassing."

"We'll go with you," offered Marco. "Armin, you can come too. You probably would like to be with Eren or Mikasa right now."

Armin nodded, and the four of you approached the teacher.

"Excuse me," you mumbled. "We...we're wondering if we can go to a different homeroom so that we can be with friends."

The teacher looked up at you, with pure sadness in her eyes. She pulled a tissue away from her face. "I don't mind. Go ahead."

Stepping out into the hall, you realized that nearly everyone had joined up already. Marco immediately began to search for Jean. You followed him for a while before finding Sasha standing near Eren, Mikasa, and Connie. Connie was sitting against the wall, miserable.

"I'm going to Hell," Connie cried.

"Why would you say that?" Sasha asked. Connie whimpered.

"Quote, 'Maybe he's dying'. (Name) is going to kill me."

You sat beside him, and he yelled in fear.

"What do you want me to kill you with?" you asked, trying to bring down the level of seriousness. Connie sighed.

"Not now, (name)...Not now..."

Your group huddled together. Eren looked at you, sadly, from where he stood. He then approached to speak with you.

"Maybe we should go see him...just for closure."

You nodded, and stood up. "I'll go on my own."

And so, you made your way towards the office.

However, on your way there, you noticed something peculiar...

The door is locked, you thought. Maybe they just don't want anyone in there right now...

Sighing discontentedly, you turned away, and looked up at the ceiling.

"Well, fuck me."

With that, you began to walk away, when suddenly...


You jumped. What the hell was that? Leaping around, you saw the door moving, as if someone from the other end were walking into it. Slowly, and curiously, you approached the door.

"Um...hello? Are you stuck in there?"

The door stopped vibrating, and the handle turned. You heard the lock click, and the door began to open. You took a few steps back, leaving about a meter between you and the door.

"Hey? You okay?" you asked, tilting your head to see who was exiting. The door opened, slowly, with a horrible creak.

And Thomas emerged from it, looking you in the eyes as if he was drunk. Gasping, you covered your mouth.

"T-Thomas...you're alive! Oh my God!"

If he weren't still contagious, you'd have hugged him. Still, he held his arms out towards you.

"Thomas, I can't hug you, you're too sick! We need to call the hospital! Let me go get the nurse's phone-"

Looking behind him, your eyes widened. His bed was knocked over, and on the floor, a pile of something horrendous laid sprawled out and reeked of death.

The nurse, and her blood, trailed the ground as if it had been...feasted upon.

Quickly looking back up at Thomas, you saw that he was too close now. You backed away, very quickly, and looked behind him just once more.

"Ma'am...what happened? Thomas, what happened?"

Suddenly, her arm twitched. Dropping your bag on the floor, you screamed, and sprinted for the end of the hall.


You made it to the cafeteria. Everyone was gathered around, talking. Some people appeared unshaped, and some appeared devastated. Where was Marco? Eren? Hell, even Levi would be a sight for sore eyes right now. You just needed someone to help you.

Turning around, you saw Thomas picking up his pace and heading towards you. You stood on a table.

"EVERYONE!" you yelled, trying to get attention. A few people looked at you, and some went about their own business. "I need someone to call 911. Thomas isn't dead! He's alive, and he's walking. But something horrible has gone on!"

Franz, who had now regrouped with Hannah, looked up at you.

"What the hell are you saying, (name)?! Of course he's dead!"

"Look for yourself, he's headed this way!"

A few students turned to look at him. "Wow, holy shit, she's not crazy."

They approached him. Freaking out, you yelled out your friends' names.

"Marco?! Sasha! Connie?"

Christa saw you and ran over, as well as she could. "What's wrong?"

"Thomas is alive!"

As soon as you said this, the two of you heard a blood-curdling scream behind you. Turning, you saw Thomas grab hold of a girl and bite deep into her neck. A boy ran up and punched him off of her. Immediately, she began to convulse and vomit. Within a minute, she was out cold.

"S-shit!" the boy yelled. "Someone help me carry her to the nurse!"

No one came forward, for fear of Thomas, who he had pushed away several times now. Growling, he picked her up, and ran for the nurse. Watching carefully, you saw him turn into the office, and yell, dropping the girl off of his shoulder.

"Holy shit!" he yelled again, backing away. The nurse, you saw, had begun to crawl towards him, entrails following behind her. He backed up into the girl, who slowly sat up and grabbed hold of him. The rest, except for his screams, was inaudible, or you had gone into shock upon seeing both women dig into his body and start devouring him like wild animals.

Christa was still covering her mouth. She turned to see Thomas approaching more people, who were frozen.

Clenching your fists, you shouted: "DON'T JUST STAND AROUND! EVERYONE MOVE, NOW!"

And upon your command, everyone began to push and shove each other out of the way. Christa was immediately knocked over and stepped on. Horrified, you leapt down to help her up, and got back onto the table.

"Christa, we need to find people we know. And we need to get out of here."

Out of your peripheral, you saw the boy knock the two women out of the way, and stand up. He ran for the crowds, and disappeared. After waiting on top of the table, you saw where he stood suddenly be emptied of people, except for himself, who laid on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. A circle of horrified people watched him reanimate.

"There's Connie and Sasha!" Christa yelled. "They're with Ymir! If we can get past the people, we can get to them!"

Using your best maneuvering skills, the two of you made your way over the three. Connie looked sick.

"I'm definitely going to Hell," he said.

"So are we, unless this is a joke," muttered Sasha, in reference to herself and Ymir.

"What is this?" you cried, watching more people become whatever Thomas had become, and they multiplied quickly on the other end. Hannah and Franz had made their way to this end, and you recognized no one else.

Connie gulped. "Zombies!"

"Shut UP, CONNIE!" Ymir growled.

"I'm not joking this time!"

"I swear Connie, I'm tired of your antics!"

"(Name)! Over here!"

Turning you saw Armin frantically waving at you. He couldn't get the front doors opened, it appeared. Suddenly, he backed away from them all together.

"(Name), come quick. There's something you need to see!"

Running over, you saw a fire in the distance. Sirens were growing distinctively louder. And approaching the school, where lots and lots of screams were being produced, was a single woman, wearing torn business attire and walking in a distinguished limping fashion. Her eyes were the same as Thomas's.

Behind her, more people began to appear, until you counted five.

"We'll be surrounded!" he yelled. "I have to find Eren!"

And with that, he ran into the crowd.

"Wait, Armin!" you shouted, chasing after him. Soon, you found yourself in a clearing, surrounded by crowds of people who were fighting, but being defeated, by a growing horde of them. "Help!" you yelled instinctively.

To your left, you saw Levi leaving a hallway and entering the commons. He held a rifle in his hand, and was moving quickly. At first, you wondered, where the hell did he...? But then you recalled that the ROTC classroom had a weaponry – none of the guns were loaded, but some did have attachable bayonets.

You began to run to him, when you saw Jean straight in front of you, running into one of the hallways. He was probably looking for Marco.

Unsure of who to go to, you saw that Armin had finally teamed up with Eren, who had smashed open a window and was preparing to exit out of it with Mikasa.

Eren looked over and met your eyes, and held out a hand, mouthing "come with me".

Jean turned as he was about to enter a room. "(Name!) I found Marco! Come quick!"

Levi, the student body president, turned towards you, ran up to you, and quickly impaled one of the creatures next to you with the bayonet, looking pained in doing so. "You'd better watch yourself, (name). You might get killed."

Grabbing your head, you closed your eyes.

Where do I go?


Damn, that took forever. Ten pages on OpenOffice, can you believe that?

Anyways, the way the chapters will work: each week, I will write them in sets of three: One for if you team up with Eren, one for if you team up with Levi, and one for if you team up with Jean and Marco.

Each Chapter will begin with the name of the character you picked, so if the next chapter's name was "A Desperate Attempt at Flash Photography", and you picked Eren, the title would be "Eren: A Desperate Attempt at Flash Photography".
Hope I can make you all hate me~
I'll have the next chapter batch up sometime this week.