Sorry for not updating sooner! Seriously, please still love me. LOVE ME, SENPAI! Heres a warning, NEXT CHAPTER.. There will be smut. Love me, senpai.

You sighed, running a hand through your (h/c) hair, that was hanging loosly and tickling your neck. You stood outside the Captain's office, rethinking your entire existance. Why did it have to be you?! Surely Eren could have taken up the job, after all, if all failed he could go titan mode.

But no. It was you that had to perform the task that would most probably be your one way ticket to death. You'd have thought after all the time you spent soaring through blood stained skies and slaughtering titans, that anything else wouldn't scare you. That was a lie.

Your hands were clammy, and you didn't even know why. It wouldn't be that bad, right? Even if the plan was a pile of crap. The basics were go in, act sexy, get Levi to strip and return to the lunch hall to give the results. There was no plan B, as much as you wished there was.

But there was one plus side of this task. The fact that you wouldn't see that horse faced bastard. That was the only reason you were even considering doing the task, was because Armin had promised that if you did it, he would take Jean out everyday for a week. One less week of torture.

You sharply inhaled, before knocking mildly on the Captain's door. After an agonising few moments of silence, the door opened, revealing a slightly messy Levi. You took a few seconds to examine him, and you realized that you had obviously woken him up.


"What's wrong, brat?" Levi's voice was deep and sulty, sending shivers down your spine. You mentally slapped yourself. This was not the time for you to be having fantasies about morning Levi.

"I... Urm... I..." You stuttered, the words pouring from your mouth as you thought of what to say. Out of all the things the plan should have entailed, a script should have been one of them!

"Well?" Levi asked groggily, with his eyebrow raised. You racked your thoughts, and decided one thing:

To hell with it.

"Okay, let me cut to the chase. Hanji being the curious little sod she is asked me to do something, but it will probably put me on my death bed..." You explained truthfully, holding your breath, awaiting the inevitable question that would end your life.

"And what was that, brat?" Levi yawned, stretching so you could see a flash if skin as his T-shirt rose up ever so slightly. You couldnt see anything, so you let out a heavy sigh.

"Find out whether you have a six pack..." You spoke quickly, hoping and pleading that this was all just a dream and that you didn't really just ask Senpai this god forbidden question. Your thoughts were interupted as you heard a low chuckle. Your head snapped up, and you saw Levi smirking slightly.

"Get in here, brat." He moved out of the way of the door, allowing easy access. You gulped, before scurrying inside. You heard the door slam shut, and took a deep inhale. Was this really happening? Had he just given you a free pass to a beautiful view?

"Fucking Hanji and her shitty questions." You heard Levi mutter and you broke a smile. Did this man really have no filter?

"Hey brat, was this what you wanted?" You snapped back into reality, looking up you let out a mental gasp. Flawless skin of a pale porcelain colour, seeming to shine in the heavy light of the sun, that was streaming through the ajar curtain. A deeply toned chest greeted you, defined perfectly. You couldn't help but fall under its spell, staring at his chest in wonder.

"Like what you see?" Levi asked, scarcastically. When you looked up to meet his gaze, you were shocked when his body was against yours, him looking down on you seductivly. It wasnt your fault, it was the female hormones that made you reach out towards him.

Their fault that your hand trailed up his abs, lustfully.

Their fault that you leant forward.

But what you couldn't deny, was the fact that you pressed your lips onto his soft ones, and enjoyed it.

Then reality hit you and you pulled away in an instant, disgusted with yourself. You lost control... And you had kissed Levi. As you turned to run out the door, a hand slithered around your waist and pulled you against something strong.

"Its not that easy, _." A deep voice whispered into your ear, causing you to hold in a moan. What was he playing at?! Was this all some sick plot developed by Eren to get you back for that trick you played on him all those years ago? Or by Armin for cutting a lock of his golden hair while he slept. Or by Hanji for insulting her obsession with dissection and experiments?

Or maybe it was just Levi?

"What are you doing, Heichou?" You managed to stutter as his hot breath pressed against your skin. You tried to break free if his grasp, but he only clutched you tighter to him.

"I have a question for you, _." He said nonchalantly, completely ignoring your question. You gulped as your wild imagination ran through the different questions he could ask you. Some were mild, and some were just plain sick. But thats how your mind worked and for some reason, it was the dirtiest ones that you wanted the most.

"How old are you?" He asked, whispering into your ear. Your eyes widened. What did he mean by that? You shrugged it off. He probably meant it in an innocent way, after all, anything else would scare and worry you.

"Eighteen..." You mumbled, twirling a lone strand if your hair between the tips of your fingers.

"So your legal?" The question itself made you choke on the air. What kind of question is that?! What the hell?!

"Excuse me?" You spluttered, unbelieving of what the man before you had just stated. His grip on you loosened and you wormed your way free, and ran out the door. Why would he even... but wait. Why did you leave? You loved the feeling of his body against yours and the friction that brought you together, the aroma of lavender that lingered on his breath.

Though what you didn't hear, was Levi cursing and punching his wall, leaving an ugly dent in it. He couldn't control himself, you had given him the perfect opportunity. But he didn't regret it.

And neither did you.