Okay.. so this is a knew kind of fandom i recently been obsessing with and i can't even comprehend the feels for north... he's so badass! .. makes me want to visit Russia someday.. anyway, since i've only written one crossover, witch hit off thank you very much, before on a other account. I'm not really a professional writer.. more like a hobby writer. And English ain't my first language so don't hate to much.

Parings: Jack & Bunnymund

Before you found me

Chapter 1 - Desolated Snowflakes

Jack Frost was currently sitting on a branch watching over the children playing in the freshly fallen snow, laughing and making snow angel, seeing how their noses and cheeks turns a soft pink colour after a few minutes of stepping outside and how their parents would call them in after a few hours of playing in the cold whether to drink hot chocolate by the fireplace.
'Parents..' Jack wonders... 'Seems nice..'

Jack didn't linger on the thought to long as he let the wind take him closer to the house of Jamie Bennett who's currently is trying to make his sister Sophie happy by reading a story.

''And then the young prince climb up the tower by using the fair princess hair as a rope and as he reached the window he climbed in and reached for the princess and kissed her..''

Jamie made a face which told Jack that the little boy didn't fancy the ending of the story to much and then he heard the little girl giggling.

''Oh big brother! it's romantic! wouldn't you kiss a princess if she came to rescue you from bad people?'' Sophie grinned as she saw her brother go from thoughtful to a disgusted look.

''Well of-course not! And i wouldn't have to be rescued, I'm almost 11 now, i can handle it myself!'' he puffed out his chest and then laugher was heard from behind the children. Both parents were laughing at the masculine show their son was putting on and then their laugher was fallowed by the 2 children and it made Jack's heart clench.

Jack looked at the happy family through the window thinking 'How nice to have a family'. He smiled a very sad and lonely smile and once again called on the winds to take him back to the lake, his lake.. Well it wasn't really his lake but it was the lake he had awoken by. Jack had lived around 300 years alone and yet nobody seemed to see him. The night he awoke by the lake being told his name by the Man In The Moon was the only encounter of attention he's been given since his ''birth''.

''Oh MIM, please.. i don't want to be alone anymore" Jack said as he looked at the bright orb placed on the dark blue night sky surrounded by stars. Jack sighed as he once again didn't get a response from the man placing him on earth. What did he do wrong? why did everybody walk past him without noticing his presence? He only wanted someone to hold a conversation with after so many years of solitude, if only for a minute someone would believe..in him. Jack let a lonely tear fall down his cheek as he slid down to the bottom of the tree closing his eyes for the darkness to claim him for a few hour, until he would wake up and go through his daily routine which meant giving his attention to the children and trying to make them smile, because truly, there were nothing better then to see a smiley face on a snowy day.

_North Pole _

North, better known as Santa Claus, was feeling uneasy since he had had a bad feeling in the gut for a few day straight now and decided to contact his fellow guardians to a drastic meeting since he hadn't felt this sort of gut clenching feeling since the christmas Rudolf, his precious little deer, had gotten lost a Christmas eve 1872 in a blizzard so powerful North had been told by Mother Nature herself to cancel the event itself because she deemed it to risky. North didn't heed the warning and took his sleigh in to the storm and all of his little deers got injured, presents ruined, a broken sleigh .. but most of all.. his little deer covered under the heavy layers of snow with only a dimmed red light from his little nose. North had acted fast and brought so many deers he could, including his little Rudolf, back to the work shop using his snow crystal, and after that event.. he never took a risk by not listening to his gut again.

Tooth was the first to arrive at the meeting with her little baby tooth by her side, she would never admit it but baby tooth was here favourite among her little fairies and everybody knew, though nobody minded since they were happy and no one got treated differently when it came to work, not even baby tooth, though she usually was the one accompanying Tooth to this sort of things.

Next to arrive was of course Sandman, a chubby little man, he sat himself in the chair next to Tooth and started chatting, using the symbols he made out of his dream sand over his head. And as the final arriving guest, who shot up out from a whole in the floor, was no other than the Easter Bunny, Known as Bunnymund who took a seat across the other guardians with a friendly smile on his face.

A loud sound came from the door that suddenly bursted open and a fear stricken North stood in the door-opening breathing heavily.

'' I knew something was up...'' Was the only thing he said before turning around sighing for the other guardians to quickly follow.

As they reached the guardians meeting room they all saw how the globe of the children's hope where shaking and the little golden lights shift from one colour to black and they all knew that this was the work of Pitch Black, the boogieman.

"As you all can see Pitch is once again giving the small once nightmares, but in greater number. We have to stop him!" Said North whiteout a second thought.

"But North! how is it possible for him to do this?! There are children from different countries! If Sandy can't be on so many places giving good dreams how is it possible for Pitch to do it?!"

"I'm afraid i don't know..but nonetheless, we are the guardians and we have to find away to stop him!" And thats when it happened. A bright light came down from the moon and gasps were heard.

"He's..he's choosing a knew guardian!" Screamed Tooth in excitement. Sandy was also smiling and North were just as excited as Tooth though he choose to put on a calm, satisfied smile plastered on his face. Bunnymund was the only one scared of who MIM might choose.

"please don't be groundhog, please don't be groundhog" He repeated as a mantra and then a hologram of a white haired boy was showed.

The boy had white hair and a more feminine face and body covered by a dark blue hoodie and some brown pants. But the most astounding was his eyes, big bright-blue orbs whit long black eyelashes around them and the cute little smile his hologram version was sporting was making Aster's heart beat a little to fast for his liking.

'' JACK FROST, OMG! HE'S GORGEOUS!'' Scream Tooth while flying in circles! Sandy was laughing at her excitement and North looked intrigued buy the little fellow who would soon get a visit by all of them!

Then it hit Aster, Jack Frost! the little ankle biter had put on a snow storm on easter '68! He couldn't believe this boy had ruined his Easter for him!

"Come on everybody! We have a new guardian to collect!" North said while laughing and activating a snow globe for them all to travel to. And soon Jack wouldn't be alone anymore.. would he?

~ So.. this was just my way of saying, that next chapter is already written and a lot longer then this one .. but before posting it i would like to see if i get any interest! last time i was a little to active i think. As you probably noticed English ain't my first language, it's actually Swedish.. And since i have a C in Enligsh and a A in Swedish it's kind of confusing changing language all of a sudden ^^.. but please review and let me know what you think! xoxo, yours truly TDLS.