After Smaug has been defeated and Erebor is restored back into it's former glory, another task lays on the shoulders of Thorin.
Now things in his kingdom have settled down a bit, he has to find someone he can continue the line of Durin with.
With Bilbo by his side as his advisor, he travels trough middel earth in search for a suitable spouse.
But what will happen when he realizes his one has been under his nose the entire time?

Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me. All credit goes to Tolkien.
Contains future Baggenshield.

The sun was slowly disappearing behind the lonely mountain, shining it's last rays of light on the city of Dale.

Bilbo Baggins was lazily curled up in a chair next to the hearth, reading one of his beloved books.

It had been a while since he had the chance to read, the last time he actually touched a book was when he was still in the Shire, which was at least a year and a half ago.

There was a simple explanation for that, Bilbo just hadn't found the time to read between slaying a dragon, defending Erebor in battle and rebuilding the kingdom with it's city.

Bilbo was content all the hard work was behind him and he had found the pleasures of reading once again.

Luckily for him, Erebor had a big library.

The hobbit looked up when he heard a few soft knocks on the door, closing his book before his visitor came in.

' Reading again, I assume?' The blue eyed dwarf asked when he entered the room.

Bilbo nodded. ' I need to get my daily dose of adventure somewhere.'

A soft smile did spread on the dwarf's face as he sat down across Bilbo.

' Can I have a little of your precious reading time, master Baggins?' He asked. ' I want to discuss some things with you.'

' It's Bilbo, can you please just call me Bilbo?' The hobbit replied. ' But go ahead, what did you want to discuss?'

The freshly renewed dwarven king suddenly didn't seem very comfortable being in the same room as Bilbo was, but he did his very best to hide it.

' Well, now Erebor and Dale are restored in their former glory and everything has settled down a bit...' Thorin started, his eyes carefully observing the hobbit's face. ' I should find somebody with whom I can continue the line of Durin.'

The hobbit's hazel eyes grew wide by this announcement and a little chuckle came out of his mouth.

' So, are you thinking about someone?' Bilbo asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

' No, I haven't found my one yet.' The dwarf replied softly. ' And I could use a little help finding her.'

Bilbo was pretty surprised the dwarven king was discussing his love life with him, nevertheless he had to hold back another chuckle.

' Why don't you ask Dwalin?' Bilbo proposed. ' He knows you well enough, he could help you.'

' Dwalin is a fool when it comes to love, Bilbo. You know that just as well as I do.' Thorin replied. ' He's about as useful an orc would be if you need advice about stuff like that.'

' What about Ori? He's a romantic.'

' For the love of Mahal, Bilbo, he would try to pair me up with every girl in this kingdom.' Thorin said as he started to walk trough the room. ' No, I need someone who I can trust with this, someone who would take this task seriously, someone like... you.'

' I beg you pardon.'

' I'd like you to accompany me on this quest to find a worthy spouse.' The dwarf repeated. ' If you'd like, of course.'

To Thorin's surprise the hobbit started laughing, he laughed so hard he fell out of his chair, rolled over the floor with his hand on his stomach and tears streamed down his face.

' What in Durin's name is so funny?' Thorin asked, watching the hobbit as he rolled over the ground laughing.

It was quite a sight actually, but at the moment Thorin didn't appreciate the laughing fit Bilbo didn't seem to come out of.

' You want me to... to help you... find a girl?' Bilbo laughed. ' One that's... that's suitable to continue the line... the line of Durin with?'

' Yes, what's so funny about that?'

' It's a ridiculous thought!' The hobbit cried out in laughter. ' Me finding you a suitable spouse!? Come on Thorin, is this a joke?'

' No, it isn't.' The dwarf said. ' But you obviously don't think there's someone out there for me.'

' No, no! It's not that I think there isn't a one for you.' Bilbo said, finally coming out of his laughing fit. ' Although I wonder underneath which stone she's been hiding all this time.'

' Thank you very much.' Thorin replied, visibly hurt by Bilbo's comment.

He walked over to the window and started to stare down on his kingdom.

Bilbo immediately was sorry for making the comment and walked over to the dwarf.

' There will be someone out there for you, Thorin.' Bilbo said as he laid his hand on the dwarf's shoulder. ' There has to be.'

' But you won't help me...' Thorin concluded, turning his head to face the hobbit.

' If you want me to help you, I will.' Bilbo sighed, capturing the dwarf's blue eyes with his hazel ones. ' But I'm warning you, I'm not much of a counselor.'

' You will do great.' Thorin said, sparks dancing in his eyes. ' Think about it as an upgrade, from burglar to adviser.'

' Does that upgrade include a raise in salary or another contract?' Bilbo asked smiling.

' If you want some gold in return, you can have it. As for the contract, there is none.' Thorin replied while he rubbed through the hobbits brown hair. 'This will be out of your own free will, Bilbo Baggins. I won't push you into this.'

Bilbo shook his head. ' I don't want anything expect for a course Thorin one on one.'

The dwarf looked at the hobbit with wonder. ' What do you need that for?'

' Well if I want to succeed in this hopeless task, I need to know some things about you, master dwarf.' Bilbo answered before he started laughing again.

Thorin started smiling by the hobbits laughter and with a ' What am I getting myself into.' he left the room.

Thanks for reading.
So, I wanted this to be a bit funny and I will try to put funny stuff in the next chapters too.
Although there will be a bit of romance later on.
Don't forget to leave a review ;)
