After high school Danny & Sam break up due to going off to different colleges. They still love each other deeply, but soon tragedy strikes them. Sam is assumed to be dead when her plane crashes on the way back to Amity Park after 6 months to visit Danny. However, the day before the plane crash Danny finds Sam's ring in his apartment laying on his desk. He knows for a fact that she had the ring on the day before she left and he believes she is not dead and sets out to find her. However, 6 years later Danny still is desperately trying to find her and when he finally finds a woman that looks and acts just like her, she claims she has no idea who he is and that her name is Zoe Lou. Could Zoe Lou actually be Sam, or is Danny truly cashing after a dead person?

GENRE: Drama, Mystery, Suspense, and Romance

Hey guys it has been a long time since I've made a Danny Phantom fanfic, but now I'm back with an incredible story. I have to give credit though for this drama I watched called Missing you which it is in Korean, but the story was just so good that it made me come up with in idea for this story. There are some similarities between the story I'm about to write and the drama it self, but at the some time very different. If you ever saw the drama then you'll know what I'm talking about, but if not then that's good. So all credit goes to the creditor of Danny Phantom and also Missing you and that I do not own any of it. Like always guys please review, favorite, follow, and asks questions or comments you have as it really helps me out a lot and I really hope you'll enjoy the story and to hear from you guys soon. Like always guys . . . Enjoy!

Prologue Pt.1

Sam's POV

"Do you think things are going to be different now between us?" I asked Danny seriously.

I felt the cool calm wind blow on my face and through my hair as I waited for his answer. I felt his grasp on my hand tighten. I looked over to see his expression on his face and I could tell it was a mix of confusion, pain, and fear . . . Eventually though he answered me.

"I'd be lying if I said no to you Sam . . ." He replied with a hurt expression.

Here we sat under our special tree. It was here I sat four years ago under this tree with the world's famous hero and we became official boyfriend and girlfriend. It seemed so long ago . . . It seemed just like yesterday Danny and I ditching school together to go on a date, making out in the janitors closet, watching movies at home all cuddled up together, going to amusement parks or carnivals, and even just sitting here in this exact spot and just talking to each other without a care in the world. Those were some great moments in my life I'll never forget, but . . . all they'll ever be is just great memories now . . .

My eyes started to become misty, but I had to stay strong. For Danny I had to stay strong just like he's staying strong for me. I saw him now look over to me with a hurt and sad expression on his face. It pained me to see him like this. We've been through so much over the past years together, but in this moment right now I had never felt as much pain up until now.

"Does it really have to end?" He asked and I gave a small hollow laugh.

"It was your idea Danny remember? You said it wasn't fair to keep me tied down when we'd be miles away from each other. You said you wanted me to have the full college experience and not have a long distance relationship with someone you won't even see anymore. I agreed with you because I want you to have that experience too." I explained to him.

"Sam . . . You know I'd give everything up to be with you right? I don't want you to leave Amity Park and I really don't want to lose you." Danny spoke sadly and all I could do was give a small smile.

"I know you would, but Danny . . . I'd be taking you away from your dream in becoming an astronaut and I don't want that. Also Danny . . . no matter what you'll never lose me. I'll always be with you." I spoke and laid my free hand on his chest where his heart was.

"In here," I spoke and then I felt his other hand on my cheek now.

"You know you're it for me right? You're the only girl I'll ever love. There's no one else like you and there never will be . . . because I'll always love you and only you . . . now and forever." Danny vowed to me and I felt him leaning closer to me with our faces only an inch apart.

"I'll always love you too Danny. Who knows though what the future holds for us. Maybe one day will see each other again and maybe then we can start from where we left off. I'm not saying this is good-bye forever Danny, but there will be changes."

Suddenly he crashed his lips to mine and I slowly began to kiss him back. I felt his arms wrap around my waist bringing me closer to him as I wrapped my hands around his neck. I almost wanted to cry again, but I can't in front of him. Tomorrow I will be leaving for France where I'll be going to college there. My dream lies over there while Danny's dream lies here. Although it is sad that we had depart, Danny made it easier on both of us by decided that we should break up . . . He knew I was too scared and sad to say it, so he said it for the both of us to which I thank him for that.

Once we sat there making out for a long time, I felt him part from me suddenly to my surprise. I saw him now grab his cell phone from his pocket and began to call someone. I gave him a confused look, until he began to speak.

"Hey Tucker, it's Danny . . . Stay at the office tonight . . . Thanks buddy." Danny said and then hung up and then he looked at me with serious and still hurt eyes as he spoke to me.

"I know you leave tomorrow, so I only have one last request before you leave. Stay with me one more night and then when tomorrow comes we'll depart with smiles on our faces and no tears. So tonight stay with me and you can cry all you want as long as you are in my arms." Danny asked of me.

Without any more words to say I immediately nodded and then kissed him this time. I felt him in between our kiss transform into his ghost form. I felt him pick me up bridal style still not letting his lips part form mind as he took off full speed back to his apartment. Once we got there, he just phased right in and still not letting go of me as we made our way over to his room. I felt him lay me on the bed as he was now on top of me still kissing me. Soon though I felt him wrap his arms around me tightly on my bare back as my arms were around his neck.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he kissed me there. It was a different sensation then before and I liked it. Soon we were in each other's embrace by the end of all it. I was still wrapped up in his arms, still trying hard not to cry. I was strong and I needed to stay strong. I felt Danny kiss my hair and breathe into it as if he wanted to remember my scent. I could hear every now and then him whisper my name into his ear that sent chills down my spine. I turned toward him and I placed my hand on his face and I felt him grab it with his warm hand.

"It's going to hard letting you go tomorrow Sam . . ." Danny spoke.

"I know, but just think now you'll be a single man again and all the girls will be all over you." I joked.

"But you'll be the only girl I want." Danny replied making me more upset I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then spoke.

"Let's not think about anything else now. Tonight it's just you and me, so let's not think about anything else."

"Your right, because all I want to do now is hold you in my arms and love you for the rest of the night not thinking about tomorrow. I love you San Manson," Danny whispered.

"I love you Danny Fenton," I whispered back.

As he pulled me closer to him, I felt him burry his head on my shoulder as I did with his shoulder. Suddenly though something surprised me. I was frozen and my eyes widen in shock. I suddenly felt something warm and wet roll down my shoulder and I began to here muffle soft sounds. Danny was crying . . . That was all it took for me to start crying as welling in his arms . . .

Danny's POV

I held her hands tightly not letting them go as we waited patiently for her flight to be called to board the plane. Our eyes never left each other's gazes. Never in all my life has never hour, minute, and even second been so precious to me as it is right now at this moment.

"Oh I almost forgot!" I exclaimed and she looked at me confused.

I slowly took the key out of my pocket and then gave it to her. She looked at it kind of confused and I smiled to her. I showed her the DxS at the top of the key part. She looked at it in surprise.

"It's a custom key I had designed from one of your drawings to be made for my apartment. Your welcome any time to come by as you please my door will always be open for you." I explained and she looked to me and smiled and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Danny I'll treasure it always," She spoke.

"Now boarding flight from Amity Park to France." The announcer announced.

"Looks like that's me . . ." She spoke and I placed my hand on her cheek and she looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"One last chance to not go and stay here with me." I said.

"I'll miss you Danny, you're going to be hard to get over that's for sure. I mean with my Ex-boyfriend being the world's hero and all."

"I'll never forget you Sam. I have to warn you though that it's going to be pretty hard for you to get a new boyfriend." I said and she looked at me confused.

"Why is that?" She asked and I grinned as I lifted her chin to my face.

"Because no matter who you may be with you'll always be mine so long as you have that ring on your finger. Plus I'll fly all the way to France and scare every guy away from you." I spoke and we both laughed for a second, until we stood in silence and looked into each other's eyes.

"Final boarding call from Amity Park to France." The announcer said and we that was her cue to get going.

"I've got to go now," Sam spoke moving away from me, until I pulled her back.

I placed my lips to hers and wrapped my arms around her tightly not wanting to let go. She kissed me back, but eventually she pulled away from me much to my disappointment. She smiled to me and then spoke.

"Thank you . . . for always loving me Danny. I wish you the best of luck and I really hope your dream comes true." Sam said to me and I smiled and turned away from me walking to her flight, until I spoke up.

"Hey Sam!" I exclaimed and she turned back to me.

"Do you know what's the best part after accomplishing a dream!?" I shouted and she looked confused.

"What is it!?" She exclaimed back.

"You get to find a new dream!" I shouted and then pointed to her with a grin on my face.

"When I accomplish my dream in becoming an astronaut, you'll be my new dream!"

Suddenly I saw her expression change a little, but then she slowly began to smile at me and then spoke.

"Then I wish the best of luck to you and . . . I'll be waiting." She replied with a smile on her face.

She then slowly waved to me one last time and began to board her flight. I watched as she walked away, until the flight assistants closed the doors and I couldn't see her anymore. I stood there for a moment thinking to myself. Life without Sam was going to suck and be boring. I know I said I wanted her to college experience and not tie her down, but I was lying to myself when I said those words to her. What I really wanted was for her to stay with me by my side as selfish as that sounds. I never wanted her to leave; because I am afraid she might find someone else and fall in love with them. However, in the end though I also didn't want to hold her back from her dream. I wanted her to find happiness. So I had to let her go even if I didn't want to, because that's how much I love her. I just never realized how much I'll be regretting my decision in letting her go. This was just the calm before the storm.