Chapter 1. Love/Fear

Weiss Schnee the Heiress

"After the Faunus Wars ended, piracy remained a problem for Vale, specifically privateers hired by the former Faunus government to supplement their navy. The King of…. other allies...Vytal…" More and more Professor Oobleck's words became distant to Weiss, though her note taking never let up. Somehow she absorbed the information well enough to do that, but the Heiress was not in that class, she was elsewhere in thought thinking of her time spent at beacon, a little under a school year. So many events had occurred, yet the most relevant was the entrance of a little red rose into her life. It was the end of Summer when they had met, and Weiss had never met anyone that sickens her more. Foolish, uneducated, untamed, a fifteen year old up-jumped two years and given a leadership position on a fickle headmasters whim.

Now Ruby was one of the foremost things in her life, something she risked everything for. Fall had made them friends. Winter made them "best-friends" though Weiss had no one else close to her, but that was not enough for either of them. Weiss had felt things for Ruby, impossible things she denied and refused to accept. Feelings she had felt before sometimes for a few young girls in her life, but always something she forced down. Never bother with the impossible, but when Ruby came to her, feeling the same things Weiss had…She took the impossible risk, just waiting for the bomb to finally go off. About two months later, nothing. Ruby was there, still having Saturdays together, though more often in their room than out in town now lest they be caught. If only Weiss could take solace in the luck they had so far.

Somewhere in a thoughtful daze, a small ball of paper bounced off Weiss' shoulder. She would have shot up and given the prankster a taste of Schnee fury, but the red trip along the papers trim told her exactly who was responsible. Ruby had begun sitting in the seat right behind and above her, to better copy Weiss' notes. She shot her partner a look, but Ruby just sat there unconvincingly whistling while the professor spoke, whistling!

'Does anyone even do that anymore?!' Weiss thought, remembering the same guilty routine only in children's shows. With a shake of her head, she unfolded the crumpled ball of fine red trim notepad paper.

'Hey Weiss, are you okay? You stopped taking notes.' We're engraved in small print, Ruby wrote a bit in her free time, something that helped refine her print even if it was not nearly as graceful and Weiss' cursive. She noticed that Ruby was right. At some point in her daze she had frozen her writing, the last paragraph was still dealing with the Faunus Concordant and start of Piracy and Oobleck's lecture had already moved onto its end and the start of the new peace.

Taking a short collective sigh Weiss began to respond, unfolding the fine paper and signing below with her best cursive proper. 'I'm fine, thank you. Also stop copying my notes!' She wasn't too terribly upset about the note copying, but Ruby would be better served formulating her own notes than writing down a carbon copy. Maybe Weiss could take a day and teach her how, the girl wasn't exactly prepared for academy level courses being just a sophomore in Signal before this. It would be a nice way to spend some time together. Though that would be discussed, for now Weiss just casually tossed her note back.

It only took a moment or so before the paper bounced its way back to Weiss' desk, crumpled up even more from a second trip. Shooting back an annoyed look to her partner, a sign that she wanted Ruby to focus on the professor, Weiss still opened her little red trimmed note admittedly interested in what her girlfriend was up to. 'Sorry! Just worried, you seem sad. Anything I can do?' Weiss felt a mixed reaction, irritation at the note passing, displeased at knowing she let herself be an obvious distraction, and a warm sense of joy that Ruby cared enough to notice. The dolt could be a sweet sort of fool, and that made Weiss smile a tired grin.

'I'm fine, but please stop passing notes. Pay. Attention.' Weiss responded in kind hoping to seem stern, but not cruel. She had enough of note passing, last time had ended in trouble for her, as well as the circulation of Meow-eiss copycat pictures to find their way across school. A product of Yang's little fan art. Sliding the sheet back to Ruby, Weiss went back to work on her notes, believing the note passing was over.

Of course it wasn't.

'Okay, Guess what?' Ruby's next letter had below her line, the handwriting a little less steady, and a bit nervous. Weiss tried to calm down, but it was just so irritating when Ruby flat out ignored her.

'Stop passing notes!' Her response was put in bold; a large exclamation mark to put her position even clearer if there was any question. A quick over the shoulder pass and back to the note taking Weiss went. A few moments later, if that, a small paper ball found its way squarely on her fine stationery. Weiss almost leap up and killed her girlfriend, but instead took a short, but deep breath, deciding to read the letter before killing her.

'I love you.'

She did leap right onto her feet, face to face with a blushing red Ruby, whom looked nervous as all hell. "Ruby!" She had shouted, but almost in whisper. That kind of shout one does in a library that is loud enough to be ineffectual, but at least showed some sort of restraint. She wanted to shout more, but controlled herself. They had just started dating, to say something like that so early, so casually. Did Ruby have any idea what that would mean or entail for her? Still mad, but more aware that she was still in a classroom, Weiss turned as red as Ruby, who silently pointed forward as the rest of the class stared at them.

"Yes miss Schnee?" Behind her was an angry professor, same as before. Why did this always happen to Weiss. Everyone else was passing notes, yet the two times she indulged she was the one that got caught, but perhaps the shouting was more to blame.

"Nothing professor, just trying to help a classmate with her notes." Weiss quickly answered as she turned around to sit back down, red faced and more embarrassed than she ever hoped to be. Yang and Blake were laughing next to her, Jaune at least gave her a sympathetic look and Ruby seemed just as embarrassed.

"Again?" Oobleck asked, giving a look for more disappointment than anger. Somehow Weiss had made herself look bad to two of her professors all in the first year. Clearly a great accomplishment, she had never upset so many instructors so quickly. Upset and Ashamed, Weiss looked down at her short notes for the day, feeling more than a little livid with herself.

"No sir, I was… Sorry sir." She had very little to say, but Oobleck just shook his head as if to suggest there was nothing he could do then returned to his lecture as if this all had never happened. Weiss in shame made an oath never to pass notes again, as well as talking to Ruby as soon as class ends about this foolishness. Yes, Weiss would never upset her professor again; instead she would fill out her notes and ace every test he had to prove her merit.

Well until the next piece of red trimmed paper. Weiss just stared at it as the new little ball of stationary had the audacity to sit so silently on her desk. This would be it, Ruby would live or die based solely on what she had to say. A million drills, hours of homework, anything Weiss could stomach if inside this little shred of paper was not the most enlightened work she had ever laid eyes on.

'Be careful Weiss!' was all it said, and at that moment it was decided. Weiss' beloved girlfriend was dead woman walking as soon as class ended.

"Ruby, what was that?" Weiss asked a little accusatory in tone, her voice just above a whisper. As soon as class ended lunch began. Everyone began to empty out of class, sounding like a chattering stream of monkey's right about now. In that moment Weiss had pulled Ruby aside in a small alcove, away from the mass of future hunters and huntresses. Aside in whispers they could talk, and something this emotional Weiss needed to deal with as soon as possible

"What was what?" Ruby responded, seeming a little flush and nervous. She was doing the thing she does sometimes when the crimson huntress knew she was in trouble, nervous laugh and wandering eyes. She knew exactly what Weiss was talking about. The note passing was problem enough, but what was inside the one needed to be addressed.

"What you said. A, you've got to be more careful, and B, don't just say stuff like that, it's too early for you to mean that." Weiss didn't hate it. The idea was actually a little amazing to think about though she wouldn't admit it, but it was just not the right time. Also Weiss couldn't say the same, to her it was more than how she felt, but also what she could promise and guarantee Ruby. Truth was Weiss couldn't guarantee anything, but that she wanted to be there and together. Such a dangerous thing to say lightly.

"I did mean it though Weiss I rea-" Ruby shut herself up as soon as the shadows of a few people began to approach. It was Jaune and Pyrrha, both whom knew supposedly, though Weiss had spoken to neither about it, despite the acquaintanceship she shared with the young Mistralian. Behind them was Velvet and a member of her team whom Weiss was unfamiliar with. They most certainly did not know.

"Hey you two, we're wondering if you'd like to join us for lunch, figured our three teams should get to know each other better and all that. What do you say Ruby?"Jaune asked with an innocent smile. In truth this was mostly about Velvet. Her and most of her team did not share the same lunch, and with team Cardin and his boys stirring up trouble, Jaune had made more of an effort to include Velvet in their activities. Though Faunus still made Weiss uncomfortable, Velvet wasn't a bad girl, but being interrupted at this time by anyone made Weiss more than a little mad.

"Sure, we'd love to!" Ruby answered right as Weiss was about to say no. The young leader always wanted to become friends with Velvet, which honestly made the Heiress a little jealous, though her pride never let her show it. Ruby turned toward her with a sad sort of pleading look. Biting her tongue Weiss didn't ruin the chance for Ruby to get her new friend, instead accepted defeat and vowed not to let the previous subject go.

"Alright, where to eat then?"

The two and a half teams fit rather well across one set of tables, JNPR sat across from RWBY members with Velvet sat between Weiss and Blake, Yang of course sat next to Blake. Ruby unsurprisingly sat on the other side of Weiss to hold hands under the table. When that soft little hand intertwined with her, Weiss felt her aggravation diminish a little.

Lunch was cafeteria food, something Weiss usually ignored in favor of bringing something else in. However, in light of the company and not wishing to seem too...extravagant, she had a plate of the usual food. What proved to be trickier was eating with one hand, had her old mentors seen her eat so undignified father would have never let it go. The meal was pleasantly animate, over her time at Beacon Weiss had grown more comfortable with casual easy moments like this. Yang dominated conversation with her boisterous personality, yet shockingly Velvet spoke rather freely, though still a little anxious and unfamiliar.

What surprised Weiss most is that Velvet had mostly gravitated towards her. She was well learned, a studious researcher on dust's more mystical applications as well as wards and glyphs much like Weiss used. She was the first person to be generally interested in her family that didn't want to slander them. Instead she was more into their research and technological development.

"Were you exposed to Dust very young? I've heard that everyone in your family has a semblance related strongly to Dust manipulation?" Velvet asked along with a series of other questions about her glyphs and revolving dust usage. The curiosity was likely linked to the Faunus being a bit of a magician in combat, one of the more gifted students at Beacon.

"Yes, my father had me work with it very young, as for semblances, I suppose you're right as far as I'm aware. You know a lot about my family…" Weiss responded, not fully confident in speaking about family business with their traditional enemy, but again and again she reminded herself. 'White Fang are the enemy, not the Faunus.'

"Sorry, I just care a lot about the research the company does, sorry if my questions are a bother." Velvet seemed a little embarrassed, even nervous, but innocent in her request. She spoke clearly, but small voiced.

"No it's alright; I'm not use to talking about Schnee business in such considerate light. There are many people who forget what good we have done for Vale and the importance of our family. I'd be fine with any question." To be worried seem silly now to Weiss, she trusted Blake implicitly, as long as it was not a family secret it didn't much matter.

"Alright, but I don't want to monopolize your time, perhaps if you have some time we can discuss this in detail. I'd also like to study some of your glyphs outside of combat; perhaps we could use the range. I have plenty of magic I could teach in turn if you have the time." Velvet replied with a light smile. She was not nearly as antisocial as Weiss expected. She was one of the better graded student's perhaps roping her into some of the study sessions with Ruby might benefit her, especially since Ruby's weakness was lacking magical abilities.

"I see no problem with that, though I expect you keep up your end. I don't ease up on anyone I train with, so better keep up." Weiss said with a proud grin, though the false superiority complex had begun to bleed out of her from long term exposure to Ruby. The soft hand that rested with Weiss' under the table squeezed her pale hand tightly. Her partner seemed a little downcast and very embarrassed as she pulled on Weiss for attention.

"Yes Ruby?" Weiss asked just above a whisper, her brow raised in confusion. Ruby just chewed on her lip for a moment, a sign she was uncomfortable in the moment. The way her silver eyes, brightened by flush cheeks, would not look up at Weiss made her seem so adorable in a childlike fashion, though acting as her surrogate parent sometimes waned on Weiss.

"We got to go study and stuff, remember…" Ruby sounded so mousey, not her usual high energy social catastrophe without a filter. Not to say the red cloaked girl was not always a little awkward and nervous, but she was at least loud. She clearly wanted to talk about something and Weiss could use some studying.

"That's right... Excuse me everyone, we have actual work to do. Rub, no lollygagging. Velvet you come find me when you're ready to practice." Weiss called out to announce her departure. She picked up her possessions turning her back to the cafeteria table. She could hear Yang and Blake whisper laughing. Let them gossip. Ruby said her goodbyes to Jaune and the other before marched off after Weiss. It was silent for a moment, walking together. One turn out of the cafeteria, another to the back area near the dorms, a small park area they had discovered just recently was set apart from the rest of the facility, empty filled with nothing, but blooming spring blossom and the red trees native to Forever Falls.

"Alright, Ruby you pulled us out of there for a reason and I'm sure it's not studying." Weiss started as soon as they turned into the tiny park, out of earshot of any spying ears. Ruby turned a shade of pink grasping onto Weiss' arm mumbling something just outside of hearing. "Ruby out with it…"

"Velvet and you seem to get along…" Ruby barely sounded, but it was enough for Weiss to hear and want to groan. She never knew her partner for having a jealous side, though the Heiress never really had friends to be jealous of. Still, Velvet really?

"And you spend quite a bit of time with Jaune." Weiss retorted, though she was never really jealous of that. Jaune was an idiot and a want-to-be heartthrob, but harmless and more than busy with the romantic tension between him and Pyrrha to ever go after Ruby. Plus Weiss was so much more attractive...maybe there was a small amount of animosity in her now that she thought about it.

"That's not the same; Jaune's a boy…" Ruby mumbled with a pout while Weiss let out a small light chuckle. Jaune being a boy made it less suspicious huh? Well in one way it did, even if it went against the normal conventions. Still just the thought was funny. Somehow despite herself Weiss was growing a sense of humor, another bad influence Ruby had on her.

"And you are not the same as Velvet. We are just getting together for mutual benefit in our courses together, we are not exactly friends." And Ruby's benefit as well. It was not like she planned to leave her girlfriend out of it. Weiss was not even that comfortable with Faunus, plus wasn't Ruby the one interested in being friends with her in the first place.

"That's how we started…" Ruby replied muffled by her own embarrassment, a sweet little pout to her expression. 'So this was what it was all about.' Weiss thought, realizing just how much Ruby cared about their study partnership.

"No we started with me having to take care of you, Velvet can handle herself." Weiss half joked, but made sure to try and smile somewhat while saying it. Though Ruby was taller than her, Weiss still reached up and patted her head slightly, a small expression that things were fine. "It's alright Ruby, I seem to not mind it when it's you. There is nothing to fear. You Ruby Rose you are target of my affections, you dolt." Weiss meant it, despite all logic and sense.

"Now get out your notebook, it's time to study." Weiss shouted opening her own notebook, the empty page reminding her of today's little failure.

"I was just using that as cover we don't have to really study." Ruby pouted again more a fan of the two of them than the actual studying portion.

"Swallow what you chew Ruby, get out your book." Weiss snapped, sounding more like her father than she really wanted.

"But Weiss…." Ruby started, but never finished. Weiss tossed her a glare strong enough to make her choke on whatever she had planned to argue with. "Alright fine, what was class about again I was a little uhh preoccupied." Ruby added a small redness spreading across her cheeks.

"You need to stop passing notes in class!" Weiss shouted knowing exactly what was preoccupying her. They had practically missed half a class messing around. Although to be fair, Weiss wasn't exactly paying attention either… Well, she knew the subject, her partner didn't.

"It was important! You looked sad! What if you needed help, or were in trouble? How else am I going to rescue you?" Ruby said with a more casual smile, swaying as she sat, both sitting on a small bench below the pink spring blossoms and the standard red of forever falls. A nice little romantic spot they had begun to adopt as their own.

"I don't need rescuing." Weiss responded a little offended by the suggestion. Rationally though, she knew Ruby didn't really mean it that way. She just wanted to be Weiss' hero, silly little girl she was. "But thank you." Weiss added, making an effort to be more agreeable.

"But it's fun being the super cool hero sometimes." Ruby answered back, bumping shoulders with Weiss, still all smiles. She never did take things seriously; the idea that anyone was this innocent left in the world was almost off putting. The Heiress almost wished she could preserve it forever, but eventually everyone would grow up. Being involved with the Schnee to this extent meant growing up a lot faster. Something still needed to be addressed.

"Speaking of notes, what was with that little bombshell you tossed me earlier?" This sort of thing couldn't be swept under the rug. The cool spring wind still frosty from winter blew through the park and made Ruby shiver uncomfortably.

"Anyways back to studying!" Ruby declared with a nervous laugh, quickly unpacking her notepad and pen. She smiled at Weiss, but her eyes were unsure, clearly not thrilled by how Weiss had reacted to her use of "love" in the letter.

"Ruby." Weiss replied lowly, unwilling to let this go. She didn't want to be cruel or misunderstood. It wasn't that their relationship wasn't supposed to be about love, just that it was not a commitment either of them were capable of making honestly yet. Ruby shifted nervously, but turned to face Weiss, seeming night quiet afraid, just uncomfortable with her ability to express herself.

"I just said what I felt I guess...felt like a good moment." Ruby started with, struggling with her own words. Even with a pause Weiss did not move to interrupt despite her impatient personality. Ruby deserved a chance to explain it without her being cut off. "In hindsight totally not the best idea, but I felt like it."

"Ruby, you don't get it. I don't come without strings attached; my life is almost entirely decided. You don't know what you're getting yourself into saying things like that." Weiss' tone was softer than her words. More sympathetic to how Ruby felt than she would admit. In a simpler world without family politics and the White Fang threat, perhaps it could be that easy. "With everything, we can't rush it."

"Doesn't really matter though...I mean whatever happens, what I feel isn't really different." Ruby responded not quite content with Weiss' answer. "I'm not sure how else to say it...It's how I feel, if that seems like it's weird, it's what it is to me. I don't know. I know you mean so much to me, I guess tell me when you're comfortable hearing exactly how much." Weiss was frozen by that, though she wanted to scream it was naive and stupid. It was very naive and stupid way of looking at it, but such a Ruby way of looking at it. All the troubles the Schnee name brought and Ruby Rose seemed not threatened by a one.

"You're a very sweet idiot." Weiss said gently, a rare real smile on her lips she reached out and ran her fingers through Ruby's soft hair. Sudden touch still frightened Weiss, but little things like this were easy for her and as the red cloaked girl smiled at the touch the Heiress added a kiss to the forehead. A little thing that made them both blush. 'Just be careful I don't end up shattering you're whole life.' When they parted both of them sat awkwardly, but happily in the little sanctum of a park annexed, but separate from the rest of the school, red and pinks of spring and perpetual autumn their company.

"Alright let's start then, tell me the terms of the Faunus Concordant." Weiss said after a moment grinning at Ruby's immediate disappointment.

"Oh come on, after all that still?"

"I told you, swallow what you chew, and mean what you say." And Weiss in her heart of hearts truly hoped Ruby did. "You're not getting out of this."

***Hey everyone. Welcome to the direct sequel to my story Snowy Vale. While this is standalone if White Rose is your kind of thing I'd recommend starting with Snowy Vale and reading up to here for added context and character growth. No required though.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I want to thank A-rav who was the Beta on this. Having another eye looking for mistakes will certainly help Melting Vale be a better technical experience than Snowy Vale I think and allow some of the editing burden to be off my shoulders. So much thanks to A-rav for all his help.

For those of you more familiar with snowy Vale the next two or three chapters will be very much like the original, but afterword's you'll see a bit more story focused and serious stuff. (Never completely devoid of wonderful fluffy cuteness) Also running right now is Autumn Vale a standalone prequel to all of this. It's much more serious, action and filed with intrigue than this (though Melting Vale will have a tiny bit of that.) so if you're into that kind of thing check it out.

I'm glad to be a part of this and all the cool things I've done sense this started, so let's tell two new awesome stories, and I'll see you next week. Review and follow if you enjoy!



So I accidentally uploaded the wrong version of Melting Vale the first bad