
Ruby Rose

In the two months since the Castle White incident Ruby Rose had seen Weiss hundreds of times, but not since that night had it ever been in person. After the SDC rounded up the injured, collected those they had failed to save, signed a lot of paperwork, took back the airship their team had temporarily acquired as well as hearing Zawisza give a long speech about Ruby Rose's newfound knighthood or whatever, RWBY was sent home. All of them but Weiss. The pair said goodbye with a long hug, wet eyes derived from a mixture of sadness and relief, but it was, to Ruby, with the understanding that she was coming back soon. Soon turned into weeks, the rest of spring.

It wasn't as if they didn't talk, messages sent via scroll came and went every day, though hours apart. It wasn't the same and it wasn't enough, but Ruby simply couldn't stand to blame her. She had lost her father and more than that inherited all his responsibilities. Just like he warned Ruby that meant Weiss did a lot of things because they were right, not because they were safe. In two months, the heiress had radically changed the SDC.

When her father died, many politicians in both Atlas and in Vale predicted, and for the most part supported, a militant and vengeful SDC. Members of the One Vale party offered to let them essentially run wild, tracking down any White Fang that may have somehow escaped. Instead, the new SDC let the courts decide the fate of the White Fang, to which they were harsh, and focused more on fixing miles of dirty laundry. Weiss changed their labour practices, forwarded progressive new programs to get faunus employees momentum. Faunus miners took leadership roles and new pay raises turned jobs in SDC mines from dead end to some of the best uneducated faunus hoping for a better future for their kids could have. Ruby had a hard time understanding, still a novice at econ and political stuff, but Blake was always there to help her understand.

Of course these changes came at a cost. Though with the White Fang unable to operate, the SDC security was left to be rented out for grimm hunts, it was not enough to offset the cost. Dust prices rose, other less reputable companies undercut to try and win space, and the publically held portions of the SDC began to plummet in stock prices. Many called Weiss a bleeding heart liberal, called her a traitor on the news, and even members of the board in the SDC quit in protest. Watching it all unfold on the news, Ruby felt powerless.

Despite that, in fact in spite of that, Ruby Rose refused to sit around and wait. With help from the rest of their team and others from her network of troublemakers, they pushed, with what influence they had, a petition to Beacon that all the dust used, sold, and given to students come from the SDC or their subsidiaries. The school may have remembered the security for their tight leash on the academy, but the student body remembered it was Weiss and Ruby that staved them off. The petition contained near half of the students' signatures and soon enough Ozpin announced a deal for a temporary five year monopoly to "Foster further positive change within the corporate world". He wasn't the last. Blake and the rest of the faunus students pushed other rights organizations toward the cause, and with everyone from Beacon to even segments of Mistrals military buying in to support change, the SDC stabilized over the last month and the news began to grow bored with the issue. Ruby thought that might mean Weiss would come back, but a month passed and it kept being "Soon."

Things with the team were off. Yang and Blake spent a lot more time together, apparently they were kind of dating, but Ruby was spared most of the details. This left the leader idle most of the week. She tried to throw herself into practice, to study, but it wasn't the same. Couldn't be really. Weiss was more than a partner, she was Ruby's counter, the polar north pole to her south, a requirement to just make things work. Without her around RWBY was not RWBY and Beacon was not Beacon.

"Ruby! Here! Sit here!" Nora whispered louder than anyone in the class talked. She had gone the extra mile to be around Ruby after all that. Everyone had really, coming together to keep her smiling. Friends were awesome.

"Don'tcha worry Nora, after two months of this I got the jist," Ruby replied, plopping herself down in the seat next to the JNPR crowd. It was Port's class, one of the last for the day, and most exhausting. Ruby prepared her notes, ready to make silly competitive scribbles with Nora.

"Hey Rubes, you were almost late. Something up?" Yang asked from the seat in front of Ruby. She leaned back in her chair, legs crossed and hair wild. The tank of their team was always happy to be in a class with Blake. More so now than before.

"Nope! Just wasting time by the park," Ruby admitted. She still went there, though summer melted the blossoms away and Weiss was nowhere to be found.

"Shush, Port's here," Blake interrupted. She quietly sat to Yang's left on most days. From above Ruby could see they were holding hands, the older sister drawing symbols with her thumb.

"Huntsmen and huntresses! It's good to have you all in class this afternoon. Today we will be learning about the hunting patterns of the greater grimm, many of you have seen some of these, the large elephant like creatures. Well, let me tell you the time I split one's skull open with nothing but a blade and some wit!" Just like that Ruby couldn't care anymore, the obviously faked story wasn't even as good as the comic Nora and Ruby were drawing.

That continued only till Sun arrived. "Guys! Everyone!" The young faunus shouted at the classroom door. Ruby had noticed SSSN was missing from class, but they skipped every other day, so it wasn't too unusual. They didn't tend to be welcomed back.

"Sun Wukong, what could this interruption possibly be about? I'm educating the future of Vale here. Wait, you're supposed to be in this class!" Port cut him off in his usual long winded old man with a mustache fashion.

"I feel you professor," Sun pleaded, approaching as he spoke, Ruby noticed Sage come in as well and despite his size, did with a lot more subtlety. "Just got to say," Sun with a smile did a cartwheel right on the desk, papers and fake trophies tossed about with his twirl, the most notable prize, Port's axe blunderbuss, was nabbed firmly by his tail, "Jail break!"

"Mr. Wukong!" the elderly professor shouted in that weird mumbly yet loud voice only he could do. Too late, the monkey faunus was already out the door, the axe trailing him. It left behind scratches as he left behind laughs. Port stared at the class, stared at the door, the class, the door. "Everyone! True huntsmen and huntresses, assist me in reclaiming my axe!" He left right after that, expecting a mob to follow. Instead, everyone was just looking at each other, waiting for someone to either say they could leave or start the exodus.

Of course that left Sage standing alone, next to Ruby, just kind of smiling there. "Hey Sage," Ruby whispered, still using her classroom voice as if someone would be present to punish her for being too loud.

"Hey Ruby," Sage replied with his regular voice. He was a pretty cool dude, though not as close to RWBY as the rest of SSSN. Definitely not close enough to grab Ruby by the waist and literally toss her outside the room. He did it anyways.

"Sage!" the rest of RWBY called out while Ruby skid through the air, unsure of why or what the hell he was doing. Either way, it was a short flight, one Neptune acted as a pillow for as she flew into the hall. She was pretty sure he was suppose to catch her, but more accurately he was a springboard for her to land on.

"Hi Neptune," Ruby expressed with a smile as she sat on her pseudo-friend's chest, after all without Weiss around she didn't have to jealously not like him. He brushed the hair from his eyes, more surprised than their target. Sure, this was weird, but what wasn't weird in Beacon.

"Hi Ruby," he mumbled, gently pushing the young girl off. He shook his head to wake himself up, then shock returned to his eyes. "Hey you, you got to go to the airstrip like now!"

"Why?" Ruby asked, head tilted slightly in question. Her heart started pumping before he even said it.

"On our way to class, we saw her, she's back! Go!" The redhead kicked off before he even finished, the flare of her run bright, semblance kicking up, full blown. The wind dragged dust and trash behind her, the hall doors were flung open, and Ruby shocked herself with her speed. Her heart was a thundering drum, and she hadn't even sweat yet.

Then it went away. Losing her semblance in full blast was the strangest thing. At the front entrance Ruby felt her legs slow while her body kept all her momentum. Her whole form flung forward as she tripped on her own speed, faceplanting again.

"Miss Rose," a voice from the world of not a face full of pavement called out softly, Zawisza, "You must be careful running in the halls. I tend to trip you." He dropped to a knee and offered his hand. His metal arm was fixed from when Nora smashed it, his hair still singed off from that grenade, but he looked as weirdly cheery as that old bodyguard always did. He was their enemy, but now under Weiss' control. Ruby didn't hesitate to take his hand.

"Where is she?" Ruby caught herself being impolite as he helped her up, but she couldn't care. Her heart hurt, it was so heavy right then, heavier than any night before. The last weeks of frustration and loneliness weren't near as unbearable as one more second with her out of eyeshot.

"The young lady is right here talking to Ozpin," the old knight stepped out of the way politely, and just as he said, she was there. Beautiful and pristine as always, dressed as if it had happened been a handful of days since they said bye to each other. White bolero, slightly off angled ponytail, perfect stance, yet a silly wide blued eyed look on her face same as when Ruby did anything else stupid.

"Ruby!" she called out, and Ruby answered.

"Weiss!" Ruby didn't need to be superhuman to run fast into her arms. The younger tackled her with enough force to send them both into a twirl. Spinning with her, head pressed so firmly into her neck Ruby could feel the coolness of her skin against her face, the sharp breath right above her ear, the redhead couldn't care if they spun right into the ground. "Welcome home."

"I'm so happy to be home," Weiss whispered as the twirl finally slowed to a stand. Ruby didn't let go, her arms were latched.

"It's very good to see a team reunited," Ozpin cut in softly, not bothering to mention how Ruby was technically supposed to be in class, though she bet that would come later, "but I will need to borrow Weiss for a time. I'm sure there are special security concerns we will have to hash out. It's been awhile since someone as high profile as yourself has, well I suppose the better word would be rejoined, us here at Beacon."

"That won't be necessary Ozpin," Weiss replied without pushing Ruby off, keeping herself serious despite being practically connected to a fifteen year old. "They might not exactly be the smartest group of people to enter Beacon, but I'm confident they will be more than enough. Assuming they don't get me killed of course."

"And we will be building a new headquarters for the SDC here in Vale. The estate is nice but more for a summer home, with things so stressed, having the head quarters here is much cleaner, for now at least," Zawisza added, politely informing Ozpin that the SDC security forces would never be far away. That was a blessing and a curse to him, but considering Weiss was in command now, Ruby was feeling safe.

"Weiss!" Ruby recognized Blake's voice and pulled away from Weiss. After all, the rest of RWBY deserved a hug, and following the faunus Yang was running down the hall too with a smile. "You're back?" she asked, keeping a bit of distance. Ruby knew they hadn't gotten to really talk about that night.

"Yes, to stay," Weiss replied somewhat robotically. It was awkward, but not wrong. Blake reached out her hand to shake her's, but Weiss swiped it away.

"I don't do hugs," as if to prove herself wrong, Weiss embraced her faunus friend, "So savour it, Blake." The faunus looked confused, then relieved. She carried so much guilt, and Weiss knew how to cleanse it off.

"Group hug!" Yang shouted, colliding with the two of them, strong arms keeping Weiss from running away.

"Me too!" Ruby called out, tackling from behind, "She's mine after all!"

"Let me go all of you clods!" Weiss screamed from the center, trying so hard to weasel out.

"Let her go girls, please," Zawisza requested, knowing full well that head of security didn't believe in requests. The team pulled apart, Weiss still in the center, but free to breath. It was a hot summer day now, she looked uncomfortable. She looked majestic.

"I'm glad to be back," Weiss admitted, a year had melted her hard exterior so much, "Can I get a moment with Ruby?"

Blake Belladonna

"Where did Sun end up anyways?" Yang asked as they waited in one of the many courtyards around Beacon. Of course not Weiss and Ruby's special place. As much as Blake did consider it, this was not the time to spy on her. Next time though, next time was fair game. Still, Blake supposed she didn't need to watch anymore, she had her own girl to sit in courtyards with.

"No idea, he can outrun Port. He'll be fine," Blake answered without too much thought, her eyes on her scroll, a digital book open. Not as ideal as a physical book, but nice for a quick read on the go. Not to mention it was easy to change the page with one hand, while Yang preoccupied the other.

"He's in detention," Blake's ears shot up hearing the uncomfortable voice of one Zawisza of SDC fame, "We caught him nabbing a few things from our airship. No charges are being pressed. I thought the lady would rather we not arrest her acquaintances." He always did that, appeared from shadows with a smile on his face. Yang didn't bother getting up, cross legged below their tree, she was comfortable giving him a death glare. She was ready to go.

"Friend. Weiss' friend. He might be a bit of a kleptomaniac, but he helps her out plenty. Don't sideline us because we are faunus." Blake looked up from her book only once, a warning shot with her eyes.

"Actually, your faunus heritage is part of why I'm here." This is going to be great.

"Hey, Zawisza, you do know I hurt things for a living?" Yang growled like a good guard dog. Blake squeezed her hand to let her know it was okay. The blonde didn't need to start fights for her, though she did, often. Cardin got rocked the other day over a comment about 'crossbreeding.' Still. She could handle this, or anyone.

"I thought the SDC was turning over a new leaf," Blake asked, sarcastically of course. Weiss was doing her best, racism in her employees wasn't her fault.

"We are, and like I said, part of that is talking to you about an exciting proposition," Zawisza kept up his cheery demeanor, Blake didn't like it, "the courts have striped the Taurus family of their noble titles, seeing as no member of the family was not involved in the White Fang. Now, while those titles might seem like meaningless paper, the upper stock of Vale's elite fight over those empty honorary names. Of course, this title went to Weiss, as the one harmed by the Taurus."

"I know the one, they are the only faunus family with a noble title and a castle right?" Blake knew about it. The feudal system long since retired was still something of a symbol for a lot of people. The ownership of some small castle meant this faunus family was elite, important. It was in a way a symbol for her people, part of why the White Fang respected them.

"Weiss believes that while the title should go to a member of the Schnee order, it should go to a faunus." Blake smiled at that. It might have been a meaningless scrap of paper, but knowing how it could affect pride, how it could be seen, she decided on keeping it for Blake's people. She had to thank her later.

"Who's the lucky glorified body guard?" Blake asked, realizing what this was as she said it.

"We don't have a faunus member of our order. Weiss wanted you to have it. She believes no one is more trustworthy than you." Blake's first reaction was to blink a lot. Weiss had chosen her directly? In the time that they were apart, Weiss barely spoke to them, overloaded with work. This was never mentioned.

"Blake, you're going to be a fancy noble person?!" Yang asked, more excited than Blake was. She was blessed with a lot less cynicism.

"What is the catch?" Weiss wouldn't trick her, least not knowing it, but Weiss wasn't offering her the job, whatever this was. Zawisza was doing it before she even had a chance. That was uncomfortable along with unbelievable.

"Simple. You join the SDC security. You join our order. I'm an old man, older than her father even. Someone's got to run things around her, do the dirty work. Weiss can't trust anyone around her, but you," Zawisza spoke with unusual candor, the graying of his dark hair more evident and cemented his point.

"You want me to replace you?"

"Eventually," he answered honestly, which was unusual, "For now, just focus on Beacon, but keep it in mind. You've always wanted to change things for your people, there is a lot the head of SDC security can do." He turned around, leaving his question in the air, like it was a mere whimsy. It made her sick.

"I never want to be like him," Blake mumbled, to no one in particular. Without noticing at first, thick arms wrapped around her, the heavy body of a brawler pressed against Blake's back, and the faunus smiled.

"You'd never be like him," Yang argued in her usual unquestionable fashion, "You'd do more good than he was ever capable of. I know it. You'll do great." She was so sure, like the dawn that always came, her opinions were just as absolute.

"I don't know if I'll do it." Blake knew it would be a golden opportunity. Being a huntress was honorable, and probably useful in this line of work, but holding a position of power like that. Weiss at her side, which meant Ruby too, it seemed unstoppable what they could all do. Question was, Yang. She had always talked about their future, on the road. Going town to town, destroying grimm and the unjust, being adventurers, heroines. Ineffective, but fun. A Yang's way of life. "We've always talked about being vagabonds, the two of us. I don't know what will happen to us, but I don't want to choose a future now, knowing you won't be in it." If Yang was the sun, Blake was the moon, changing constantly, waning and waxing. Still it was better to be the sun's pair than its shadow.

"Who said I couldn't be a part of it?" Yang mumbled, hinting on irritation, "We'll have adventure either way, but I won't give up that easy. I said I wouldn't hurt you, right?" She was so warm, did she know that?

"Yeah, you say a lot of things though."

"Right now," Yang countered with a warm laugh, rich with the heat of a summer's day. "I say even vagabonds like me, need a place to go home to."

Weiss Schnee

"So my mother, Weizna, she calls the board. Everyone's saying she's leading the vote to have me removed. I come in worried, knowing they are after my blood, thinking now my mother wants me out. What do you know, a vote is called, by my mother of course! I think, I'm ruined, I know I am, but the vote goes five to three, and do you know who the swing votes are? My mother and Zawisza. Now my Uncle, who just publically voted to have me removed, is sitting there completely shocked as my mother calls on another vote to remove him! What do you know, it passes five to three. The other two have stopped complaining now, and my mother removed one of her family members from the board. I never knew she was such a cut throat till now." Weiss keep letting every bit of the last month out to Ruby. The redhead was trying too hard to follow, and doing surprisingly well, but business wasn't her forte, and Weiss knew this sounded like nonsense. Still, she let her talk, let her empty out a spring's worth of torment. Weiss had missed that about her, the way Ruby would let her just rant sometimes. She missed so much of her.

"So your mother is CEO right now?" Ruby asked, trying to follow the story. The two of them sat on the bench of their favorite spot. It had changed over the season. The blossoms were replaced by leafy foliage and summer flowers. Their cool, formerly spring, light was harder and sharper now. Still, Weiss didn't want to leave, despite the heat.

"She's vice president, but acting in my stead. I can still make the final calls on things, and the current agenda I set, but actually doing the work falls on her. I want to finish things here. I want to become a huntress, have the honor of the charge instilled in me. I can be both," Weiss clarified and pleaded. Really she needed confirmation she wasn't completely off her rocker, that she was in the right. Ruby nodded with a smile, simple answer and agreement, but it meant a lot.

"I'm just glad you're back. I missed you a ton. The team isn't the same without you Weiss," Ruby blushed a little, still embarrassed after half a year, it was cute to see her flustered and kicking dirt. "I would never be the same without you. Thanks for coming back."

"I'm glad to be back," Weiss admitted, "I need to after all, you're a member of the Schnee order now, and I need to take care of you. Without me I bet your training has completely gone to the wayside!" It was half a joke, but she looked forward to whipping her girlfriend back into shape. Be like they were long ago.

"Alright, captain!" Ruby replied with a smile, a glutton for Weiss brand of punishment. This girl was so stupidly perfect for her. A moment passed, and she knew, sitting together on their bench as the light swept by them, skipping a school day together, while charming, wasn't how the day was meant to go.

"Alright, Ruby, we've got to go back to class," Ruby immediately pouted, Weiss knew it would be a losing battle getting her in class, but before that, there was something else to this, "but first, I have a few things to talk to you about."

"What's up, Weiss?" Ruby looked concerned. Why wouldn't she be? Life was crazy lately. This wasn't bad though, frightening, but not bad.

"First," and easiest, "I made you something, not for you to wear all the time mind you, or replace the one you have," Weiss felt the urge to do a Ruby ramble, but she took a deep breath, keeping steady as she unveiled her gift. The large red cloak she had made for her. Much the same as the original with merely one difference, a snowflake on the back surrounded by roses of red and white patterns, a sigil for her new status. "I thought maybe, as an official member, it might be a nice thing to wear," Weiss felt simultaneously nervous and guilty, knowing the cloak Ruby wore was of some emotional significance. "It's not a replacement, you don't even have to wear it." Ruby took it out of its simple bag, spreading it out on her lap. It was cleaner, fresher, and softer than her original cloak, and the way her eyes lit up relieved Weiss.

"I love it, thank you!" Ruby tossed her arms around Weiss' neck, and with the most uncomfortably timed words ever, showed her appreciation. This was the easy part, the next was twice as terrifying.

"Ruby, I need to say something," Weiss pulled them apart, still close sharing that tiny bench, but facing each other they shared a healthy distance, enough to make sure Ruby knew what she was saying, and did so with eye contact. Gods, this is terrifying. "Ruby, I've talked about how much I hate unknowns, and I especially hate making promises I can't keep. Well, right now, I may not be perfect, but frankly I am the most powerful woman on the planet. At least, if I'm not I can buy her," Ruby laughed at her joke and that eased it a little, though she was kind of serious. Still it was time, time for the heavy one. The promise.

"Ruby, the thing is," lips dry, Weiss needed a drink, several, alcoholic prefered, "I love you." The words somehow passed and her stomach dropped. She said it, she meant it. For the first time there was no one stopping her. They might have been young, they surely were stupid, but no one could stop her. "I can say it, and mean it."

Ruby froze, along with Weiss' breathing. Pressure built in her chest as Ruby made eight different expressions in a moment, finally settling on a teary grin so big and bright, Weiss might have mistaken it for a gross sobbing moon. "I love you, too!" Ruby collided with the older girl, the two of them laying down on the bench, cluttered together in a mix of arms and legs. Ruby paused to wipe her eyes with her sleeve before kissing Weiss, which she appreciated, noting the girl was still a touch snotty. It stayed like that, kisses fast, but fairly innocent, too emotional to be heated. That could, or was, going to be saved for that night. For now it was a mixture of gentle affections and her crying. Yet, Weiss noticed, she did not feel trapped by it, she didn't mind the touch as Ruby rested her soft lips against her neck and stayed there.

"I love you, Weiss," she whispered against the skin.

"I love you, too," Weiss repeated, "We still have to go to class."

**** Well there it is, coming to a close once and for all. The Vale series has been a hard one to write, I know a lot of you have expressed disappointment with it, to those I can only say I'm sorry, to the rest, thank you. Thank you for sticking by and reading my little fic, now au, of some girls falling in love and saving lives. It's been a distinguished pleasure and I'm glad to see it come to a close as RTX begins.

This of course couldn't be accomplished without help along the way. Early edits from A-rav to the later edits of Lazykatze, they made this possible, especially Lazykatze, my partner in crime. Thank you so much for your help. Without you there would not be a MV choice or anything anymore.

On a last note, I have off and on considered making a future au of my own, focused on both RWBY in adulthood and their children in Beacon. It would kind of be part of the vale verse I suppose, but realistically it would have next to nothing to do with MV aside who ended up with who. let me know if this interests you or not in reviews please. And to those mad that a skipped Choice to get these out, know I am working on that right now! (docs up in the next tab!)

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed your time mostly. Goodbye and goodnight!