Disclaimer: I am not Cassandra Clare, nor do I own anyone of these characters

A/N- Hey guys. I just wanted to say hi and ask if you were enjoying this story. This is my first attempt at something like this, and any reviews you could write would help me so very much. Please write any reviews so I know if I should continue writing this story! Thanks and enjoy

Chapter 2

The shadowhunters of the London Institute arrived back after fighting the mutated Benedict Lightwood. Will had helped Tessa bring a weakened Jem into the infirmary. They now sat alone in the library, having a conversation Will found uncomfortable for both of them.

"...You fear for Jem," Will said.

"Yes," she said. "And I fear for you, too."

Before Will could respond, Cyril burst into the library, looking sweaty and panicked. Tessa and Will both jumped up at this sudden surge of noise.

"Master Will… there are people at the gates… just appeared out of nowhere," Cyril gasped as he panted from running a great distance.

Tessa looked at Will in confusion, then to Cyril. "Mundanes?" she asked.

Cyril shook his head. "I did not see any marks, but they had a vampire with them. When the sunlight touched his skin, it did not burn."

"A daylighter? Do you think it's one of Mortmain's automatons?" Tessa asked Will.

Will, instead of answering her question, ran from the room and towards the front gates of the Institute.

Alec landed hard on his feet, his shadowhunter training kicking in as he stumbled on the brick path. His head shot up, expecting to be greeted by a party of shadowhunters. Aline Penhallow promised she'd meet Alec at the site. Instead, he found himself outside an old cathedral, probably another Institute.

A shadow fell over him and Isabelle fell out of the portal. She crashed into Alec, and they both toppled to the ground.

"Alec get off me!" Isabelle yelled, shoving him hard in the back. Alec stumbled to his feet and hauled Isabelle to hers. "I thought you had to go talk to the-"

"Izzie, we aren't in Idris."

"What-" Isabelle looked around, their surroundings sinking in. She watched horse-drawn carriages crowding the streets roll by and ladies with large, victorian style dresses walk in and out of small buildings. "What sort of re-enactment crap is this? Where are we?"

Before Alec could respond, Clary fell out of the portal. Since she'd just started training with Jace at the Institute not too long ago, she didn't land on her feet. Simon was the next one out.

"Thanks Fray," Simon muttered as he helped Clary up out from under him.

Clary rubbed her back. "For someone who weighs barely 120 pounds, you sure are ," she teased. heavy

"Hey, it's all muscle and power." Simon guided them away as Jace came through the portal. As usual, his landing was light and graceful. He smiled at Clary before spotting his siblings huddled together. He joined Alec and Isabelle, who were whispering in hushed voices.

"How did this happen?" Isabelle angrily hissed.

"I didn't even think it was possible. Magnus said it was something he could never do."

They stopped when they saw Jace striding towards them. "What are you whispering about? Obviously this isn't Idris, so where did your stupid ex-boyfriend send us?"

"Jace, look around. There aren't cars or skyscrapers or stupid mundies on phones. There are horses and carriages," Isabelle hissed.

Jace looked around a moment, shock now registering on his face. "Oh God," he whispered. "Don't tell me Magnus got us lost. Again! How is this even possible? I thought time travel was illegal, not to mention nonexistent!"

"Time travel?" Jace spun around to see Maryse standing there looking confused. "Jace what on earth-" she stopped short when she looked around her, the thought finally clicking together. "By the Angel."

"Jace, is this a section of Idris I've never been to?" Clary asked as she and Simon jogged over to join their gathering. He shook his golden head and Clary furrowed her brow.

"Well, Magnus has got some 'splaining to do," Simon said, chuckling a bit at the end. Four pairs of eyes glared in his direction, and he closed his mouth.

"The Clave has never found a rune for Time travel, and the portals are only a three dimensional transport, hopping from place to place. It's almost impossible to travel through time," Maryse said. She pinched the bridge of her nose for comfort, since this was a situation that was out of her control.

Alec looked back at the church, a feeling of dread settling at the bottom of his stomach. "We need to get out of here first, find some clothes and where we are. We can talk about this later."

Everyone seemed in agreement, all except Jace, who suddenly spoke up. "Where would we go? I am not stepping into a mundane facility and asking for rooms. Why don't we go and find Magnus," he said. He paused, and in that time everyone, including a pale-faced Alec, looked at him. "The Magnus of this time, of course."

"Magnus is here?" Clary asked. "How could you possibly know?"

"Yeah, do you have some sort of sixth sense? Instead of seeing dead people, you sense the very sparkly warlock nearby," Simon joked.

Jace shot down Simon's remark. "I don't understand your words, Daylighter. When I was forced to stay with Magnus by the Inquisitor, he showed me some pictures. One of them was on a bridge near the Thames. He lived in London for a while, so I bet he's still here now."

Maryse nervously looked to Alec. She knew he had broken up with the warlock, and she didn't know how comfortable he would be seeing him hundreds of years younger. But, he was their only ally, so Alec would have to suck it up.

"Alright Jace. We'll go find Magnus."

"Excuse me for a moment," Simon said abruptly, "but where do we find him? They don't have phone books here, so are we going to happen upon him?"

Jace grinned. "Don't be silly," he said. "We'll ask the downworlders."

The shadowy figure watched as they made their way down the streets. The dark haired boy lead the way with the older woman, followed by the rest. The girls seemed to be wearing very revealing clothes. He felt his eyes drift up their pale legs. His mind flashed to a brown haired face staring at him with horrified eyes as he ranted on about how she meant nothing to him. Will Herondale shook his head to clear his thoughts.

As he trailed behind the group of strangers, Tessa's words echoed around in his mind.

"Will! Where on Earth are you going? We should be letting Charlotte handle this."

"Henry will not allow her to be chasing after strangers in her... condition. The Light woods are in mourning, Jessamine will not help, Jem is ill, leaving me to investigate."

Her eyes shone with worry, and it hit him hard how beautiful she looked. "Be careful William." He marched to the front door and threw it open in a rush. He forced himself not to look back at her before racing out into the cold.

As he crept into alleys and behind buildings, Will studied the group, not quite making sense of it. Obviously, the older woman was a mother of possibly two kids. The vampire clinged to one girl, as if seeking comfort. He furrowed his brow in disgust. He couldn't help picturing Benedict Lightwood surrounded by demons during the ball he and Tessa snuck into. Surrounding yourself with otherworldly creatures was not a good idea.

The dark haired boy seemed to distance himself from the others, as if he was the outcast. He was clearly upset, Will noted, by the way he dragged his feet with every step. Will wondered what was causing his uneasy feelings. The other two in the group were obviously in a passionate relationship. The blonde boy held tightly onto the red haired girl's hand. Will thought this gesture of love was not appropriate to be displayed in public.

They made their way towards the part of the city Will frequented to buy Jem's yin fen. The opium dens were stocked high with downworlders and demons alike, all passed out or drunk. Will didn't think this group of people were looking for one of the dens, but he kept his eyes on the vampire. His encounters with the night children had not been productive or much fun. He winced as he remembered the vile taste of holy water Sophie nearly splashed in his face. Still, he thought, worth it to bite a vampire.

He watched as the group huddled outside a downworld market, their heads bent together as if they all shared a secret. Will could see their tense bodies and wondered if they were having a heated discussion. Then, they moved apart and only three figures went into the market, while the others stayed behind. The vampire was talking with the two girls, but Will was more interested in what the older woman, the dark boy, and the golden boy wanted in a downworld market. Will pulled on the hood of his cloak as he swiftly followed them through the entrance.

Maryse had suggested they split up- Jace taking the west side, Alec the east, leaving her to deal with the south- and meet up with Isabelle, Simon, and Clary in one hour. Clary and Isabelle had protested, saying they could help, but Jace forbade it. Simon wasn't too keen on going in the first place, so he held Isabelle and Clary back as they went into the market.

Jace strolled by booth after booth of warlocks and fairies, stopping occasionally to seem as if he were interested in their items. One cart had spoils from fights with the Nephilim of this time. Jace had only seen spoils in the older Institutes. Spoils were banned in his time, but maybe they were still allowed now. He also saw a fairy selling portions of fairy wings and little jars of dust. He backed away and continued looking for a warlock.

He didn't want to ask everyone if they knew Magnus Bane, so he picked downworlders who looked civilized enough. From what he could tell, Magnus was a powerful warlock already, but most didn't have a clue as to where he lived. Jace politely thanked them before storming off, muttering under his breath.

He finally came across a werewolf who looked smug when Jace brought up Magnus.

"That warlock is getting clingy to his shadowhunter pets," he said.

"Who said I was-"

"A shadowhunter? It's written all over your face. Thinking your superior because of a little angel blood." Jace's hand went for his seraph blade under his jacket, but the werewolf just smiled and said, "Just like the Herondale boy, calm down. Magnus lives…"

Jace listened to the werewolf, but his mind wandered to what he just said. Herondale boy? Jace had never searched his family tree because, even though Stephan was his biological father, he still thought of himself as a Lightwood. He had guessed his family used to live in England, judging by the accents he heard, but he never thought there'd be an ancestor living close by.

"... and when you see him, tell him Woosley sent you," the werewolf finished. Jace nodded absently and thanked him before heading to the rendezvous point.

Will watched the group meet up and start walking down one of the side streets. He had followed the blonde boy for a while before he saw Woosley talking to him. Will had hid behind one of the booths, watching, but too far back to listen. He saw the boy go pale in the face before leaving Woosley and heading back the way he came. Will turned to make sure Woosley wasn't watching, but the werewolf had already left.

Will realized, as they almost neared the house, they were going to find Magnus. He hadn't seen the warlock since he found out his curse had been fake. They reached the front door and the older woman knocked. Will waited for Magnus to appear, and in a matter of seconds, the door swung open to reveal the warlock. He knew he couldn't follow them any further, so he turned around and headed back to the Institute, hoping Charlotte would deal with this.